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In an instant, the Athena sitting on the round altar not only changed the color of the Huarong, but also looked at Shen Qiang with horror. The many China sea monsters around him not only chilled their backs in an instant, but also felt in an instant. His hair is blown up.

“Domineering! Lord Huang Huang is crazy!”

“Although I don’t understand what happened, but it can make Goddess war complexion big change instantly, in this world, probably only Dragon Lord!”

“Let’s talk, does the Dragon Emperor want to express, only that destiny is destined to everything?”

Many China sea monsters have strange eyes.

But at this time, Athena’s eyes turned from horror to loss, and then she looked at the left arm that did not listen to her call: “What the hell did you do?”

Shen Qiang smiled, calmly said: “I thought you would care more about my Daoguo.”

“If you want to say, of course I don’t mind knowing, but is your ability not immortal? Isn’t it also guarantee that other people in a range are not dead? This is a rare ability, but not enough to scare Pour me.”

Listening to Athena, Shen Qiang’s smile grew brighter.

“I called him the operating room.”

Shen Qiang said with a smile that raised her eyebrows slightly: “Because I am a doctor, I am best at surgery, so I need an operating room that can ensure that patients will not die under any circumstances. This is what I used for 6 years. The youth and hard work are exchanged, this is the rule of heaven rewards the diligent.”

Athena said calmly, “Your ability can control my memory?”

Shen Qiang smiled and shook his head, saying: “No, but don’t forget, I am a doctor, I know everything about the human body, just like memory, as early as 50 years of the last century, it has been discovered by medical scientists, they are stored in If you remove the hippocampus in the human brain, you will lose your memory.”

The moment God heard this, Goddess Athena looked at Shen Qiang in horror and said, “What are you going to do?”

“Confirm your memory range and preserve your brain to the greatest extent.” Shen Qiang looked at her with a smile, calmly said: “Because I am a person who does not believe in chance, and is also a person who never puts hope on prayer. , So I’m not going to take the risk that Qing Xuan’s memory will be stronger than the memory you already have.”

“I don’t want to imagine that you have Qing Xuan memory, you will become Qing Xuan, so the best way is to remove the brain tissue that carries all your memories.”

War Goddess Athena horrified: “Impossible, after the head is opened, you die, you will get nothing.”

“You have been dead for too long and can’t keep up with the times.” Shen Qiang smiled.

Goddess of War looked at Shen Qiang in horror and said, “I have secret techniques in my memory, treasures, secrets…”

“Not important.” Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Because all I want is Qing Xuan, and I will never believe that an inspirational, to kill all the descendants of Divine Race, Goddess vicious and merciless, will be independent I am favored alone, after all, in your opinion, all the Divine Immortal monsters are the source of chaos, as long as we are not dead and clean, we can never have world peace.”

Goddess of War looked at Shen Qiang and suddenly sneered: “Well, even if you make sense, but have you ever thought about it, if you can really cut off the part of my brain about memory, you are also a The loser, because in that case, even if your Qing Xuan comes alive, there is no way to remember anything, but it is a waste!”

Hearing this, the surrounding big sea monster instantly recognized with eyes.

“Yeah, people who don’t have a memory area can’t remember anything, isn’t that waste?”

“Damn, in that case, don’t you have to worry about it all the time, that the resurrected Qing Xuan will always forget Lord Dragon, 10000. If anyone tells her that Lord Dragon is her enemy, she must not even count the dragon. Lord Huang?”

“Sir Dragon Emperor must be crazy. If that’s the case, what is a waste woman going to do? It takes so much effort!”

And just as the big sea monsters changed their minds and were disappointed.

Shen Qiang smiled: “Goddess, you have been dying for too long. You really can’t keep up with the times. The storage of human memory is fundamentally summarized. It should be regarded as stored in neurons. Scientists have done experiments. They tested the structure of 13 neurons in the brain of the little white mouse, using 1TB of data, which is equivalent to 1000GB of data in a computer phone.”

“And there are 100,000,000,000 neurons in the brain of an adult!”

“Do you find it difficult to understand? But it does not matter, I can tell you very clearly that these 1000100000000 neurons are not used for storage in the human brain. That is to say, suppose that even these neurons are used. 10% of 10,000,000,000 neurons to store information, then the data they can store is equivalent to 7.6100000000 TB!”

“Even if you use up to 8TB hard drives to store these data, you need 950010000 hard drives. If you stack these hard drives, it is about 3895000 meters high, equivalent to the height of 4703 world’s highest Burj Khalifa.”

Wisdom Goddess Athena was confused, looking at Shen Qiang blankly, completely unable to understand what Shen Qiang was talking about.

But many big sea monsters on the side suddenly exploded.

“My God, I said, why are those human beings so cunning, it turns out that their brains are supercomputers!”

“Too terrifying, my phone has a capacity of 128g, and I can already store a lot of small videos. If it is text, it will be enough for me to watch 500 years.”

“True terrifying, human beings are simply unimaginable! They are as powerful as plug-ins!”

In their shocked astonishment.


With a loud sound, the blood-reeking qi full steel fork in the hands of the big sea monster Wang Yujiang hit the sea emperor’s chest and knocked him back directly to 100 meters, hitting the mountain rocks loose and the smoke was obvious.


The sea emperor rose again into the sky and said furiously: “You will all die here today!”

And almost at the same time.

Many large sea monsters have also appeared around the entire temple. Among them, in front of many sea monsters in all directions, there is an absolutely powerful large sea monster that burst into the air.

“If you are willing to let me take control of everything, I can guarantee that your escape will help you, and your people will not die.” War Goddess Athena said solemnly: “If you cut off my memory, all you get is A body can’t help you at all, and you will all die here.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang stood up with a smile, while arranging the cuffs, and said confidently: “The information received by the human senses before being stored in the brain, most of the information has been filtered.”

“The rest will be temporarily stored in the hippocampus, and the time spent there will vary from a few seconds to a few weeks. This is short-term memory, and the part that is considered to be extremely important can be passed to the long-term memory through the hippocampus. Area.”

“And the reason I said so much to you, I just want to further determine whether you, as Goddess, will have a memory area different from the ordinary person class, but unfortunately, the human brain is obviously perfect, you don’t jump at all. So sorry, now your memory, you can get a message!”

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