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At the moment when she heard Shen Qiang’s words, many big sea monsters were present boiling instantly, not only their eyes were shining, but they were also screaming with excitement. After all, in their view, the same sea monster, the sea monster of the Sea King of Atlantic City The cattle have long made them unbearable. ,

“Dragon Emperor Shengming, mighty world!”

“I’ve been fed up with the arrogance of the sea emperor clan, the dragon emperor fiercely taught them!”

“Beating them, hitting them injured badly with many teeth knocked out, see if they dare to mess up!”

Among the big sea monsters yelling and screaming, Shen Qiang’s face showed a smile, because Shen Qiang could clearly feel that among these big sea monsters, although there are some complicated minded guys, but overwhelming majority The big sea monster, the ideas are relatively simple and straightforward.

For them, if the Dragon Emperor could teach them the Sea Emperor’s family, it would make them happy.

They are elated.

30 elite big sea monsters are also fighting intent burning.

But when their cheers fell, one of the big sea monsters around him suddenly said.

“Admiral Dragon Emperor, the Neptune family in Atlantic City, has extraordinary strength, especially the Emperor Neptune. It is even more powerful like a god. There is a lot of crisis here. I think it is time for you to open the treasure house. Please come out. Of 3 Divine Item.”

This made Shen Qiang stunned, but the many big sea monsters around him instantly boiled.

“Yeah, if you ask for 3 Divine Item, the odds are even higher, especially the legendary dragon emperor Divine Item’s spear of slaughter. According to legend, it is the sharpest iron-blooded soldier in the world, no stronghold one cannot overcome, invincible!”

“Yes, even if it’s the sea emperor, it’s ten deaths without life!”

“Well, if the Dragon Emperor took out the spear of slaughter, he might be able to kill the Sea Emperor directly, then we can go to dominate Atlantic City!”

Many big sea monsters are boiling.

Shen Qiang looked ancient well without ripples, but was instantly embarrassed.

Dragon King 3 Divine Item?

What the hell?

It sounds very good, but the point is that Shen Qiang is not True Dragon. In a strict sense, the current Shen Qiang is at best a cottage dragon emperor.

It was already difficult to board Dragon Throne before.

Moreover, it was because of those dark mists that they later retreated, and the general plan was to abandon Dragon Throne and protect the treasure house.

Otherwise, I am afraid that whether Shen Qiang can hold the Dragon Throne is a problem.

In the current situation, it is imminent to go to Atlantic City. At this time, if there is really a Dividable Item with a formidable power, Shen Qiang certainly wants to bring it, but the treasure trove of Shen Qiang can’t be opened at all. nothing.

“I can’t say,” Shen Qiang’s heart is 10000 points clear. Now the sea monsters are cheering excitedly in front of them. Those medicines are insignificant. The real key is that Shen Qiang inherited the prestige of the Dragon Emperor. Once Shen Qiang was discovered by them, It’s a fake that can only sit on Dragon Throne, but can’t open the treasure trove at all, then this matter hangs.

So Shen Qiang instinctively wanted to say that while 3 Divine Item is not needed at the same time, his eyes are weirdly found that the big sea monster dressed in a Chinese costume looks harmless to humans and animals, and the eyes are flashing through the strange rays Of light, this made Shen Qiang not only swallow the words that came to his mouth, but also realized in an instant that this might be a pit, a trap.

Almost at the same time, Shen Qiang’s ear has been heard, the uncle’s sound transmission.

“Dragon King 3 Divine Item, is the spear of slaughter, fist of victory, and armor of the gods. This is the weapon of the dragon emperor’s fame. Among them, the spear of slaughter was 7000 years ago. Invincible and lonely, sealed by the Dragon Emperor in the treasure house of the Arctic Ocean Dragon Palace.”

“The fist of victory was put into the treasure house of the Dragon Palace in the Indian Ocean by the Dragon Emperor because of invincibility and loneliness before 5000 300 years ago.”

“Before 4713, because no one could cause damage to the Dragon Emperor, the armor of the gods was stored in the treasure house here.”

After listening to Uncle Gui’s words with a smile, Shen Qiang smiled. Sure enough, the monsters were not all simple.

This is a pit. ,

If you don’t understand the situation, you rashly talk nonsense, if you fail, you will lose the title of Dragon Emperor in a few words.

“The spear of slaughter is too far, and it is not a frontal battle, so the armor of the gods is of little significance. No preparation is needed in this regard. The thing we want to do this time is very simple. It is to attack the temple of Atlantic City and steal it. Athena’s divine corpse, the point is this, you can go as soon as you can, without expanding the battle, so as not to cause meaningless disaster to others.”

Shen Qiang has a calm expression and calm tone.

The eyes of the large sea monsters present were instantly respectful.

“Sir Dragon Emperor, are you worried that fighting head-on will put us guys in danger?”

“It’s so kind, this is Lord Longhuang. Replaced with other leaders, who controls our life and death? Which one is not just thinking about yourself!”

“His Majesty the Dragon Emperor! The reason for not wanting to fight head-on is to want us to live happily?”

The respectful eyes of many big sea monsters.

The big sea monster who used Shen Huangg’s 3 Divine Item to test Shen Qiang, after hesitation, forced a smile and said: “Lord Huang’s Lord makes sense, but if it is a surprise attack, there is really no need to use 3 Divine Item.”

His voice fell.

Just when Shen Qiang thought that this level had passed, the big sea monster suddenly turned his head and looked at the 30 big sea monsters carefully selected in the field. The words changed and he said with full energy: “You Listen, Lord Dragon Emperor’s safety is above all else, and it is your duty to fight the enemy bravely. According to the usual practice, if you can return safely in this battle, Lord Dragon Emperor will definitely open the treasure house and reward you.”

The 30 selected large sea monsters immediately responded “yes” in unison.

Old steward Gui Shu’s sound transmission said: “Boss, this is not difficult. When the Dragon Emperor is there, it is indeed a reward for merit. He often opens the treasure trove and lets the warriors go in and choose something they like as a reward.”

“Do you know what’s in the Dragon Vault?” Shen Qiang wondered.

Uncle Gui’s sound transmission: “The Dragon Emperor’s includes at least three layers, the outermost layer is weapons, armor, and other magic weapons. Sea monsters who have survived from that era and have established merits are known. As for the next two layers, No one understood what is stored.”

Shen Qiang snorted, but then the mood was a bit depressed.

Because this is really afraid of what comes!

Shen Qiang is here now, it can be said that it is extremely smooth. As long as no one mentions the treasure, Shen Qiang, the Dragon Emperor, will do 4 levels and 8 stability. After all, the Dragon Palace can’t be turned on, and Dragon Throne can’t, the strange stones Also recognized.

But the Longhuang Treasury can’t open this matter. Even if it can be fooled at the moment, it will be a big problem sooner or later. Once they are understood by those sea monsters as a cottage goods, they immediately think that they must do it.

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