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Hearing this, the beautiful 1000 froze and said, “How are you going here? Where do you go? A few seconds, or a few minutes, or a few hours, I didn’t understand.” Shen Qiang smiled. Dao: “Just listen to me, don’t ask too much why, everything, I will explain to you after I come back.”

The beautiful 1000 Ning oh said, “You can rest assured, I will stay here until you come back.”

Shen Qiang is satisfied with nodded: “Don’t tell anyone, including your Royal Father, and your uncle.”

1000 An unexplained red face of Ning Qiao Nian, snorted: “Understood, mysterious and secretive, I don’t know what you are going to do.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang had no mood to explain these problems with him.

Because now, there is really too little time left for Shen Qiang.

Especially when I think of it, Young Master Yi has been attacking Heshenghe at night for almost 20 hours.

In Shen Qiang’s heart, there is no reason for anxiety.

After all, if the Young Master is determined, has a clear identity, and is in trouble to find the bounty hunter platform, then Song Weiyin’s reward will be done in at least two hours.

Even if Young Master Yi did not do that.

Within seventy two hours, the bounty hunter that should be shot should definitely be shot. Those who don’t want to make shots will not make shots again. Some smart guys, after realizing that the risk of Song Weiyin’s bounty is too high, will also give up the task .

This means that from the beginning of Young Master Yi’s night attack to Heshenghe, within the next seven hours, it was Shen Qiang’s safe time forcibly squeezing out the plan.

After seventy two hours, everything is not necessary.

If Young Master Yi does not make other related deployments within these two hours, then the security period can be extended to 5 days.

Once Young Master Yi has deployed within seven hours, it will really only have two hours to make Shen Qiang defying heaven changing fate.

Now, almost 20 hours have passed.

There is not much time left for Shen Qiang.

But this matter is now in a hurry.

As a result, it will take time to bring someone to Abalone 3 and investigate the situation in the Atlantic City Temple.

On the other hand, an elite team must be selected here.

Because deep-sea fish, under the sea, to distinguish the surrounding conditions, not by eyes, but by the current to judge.

As long as an object is moving, it will definitely be noticed.

After diving into a certain level, you can only rely on playing.

So even if they are already anxious, they can only wait for them to choose the right man and set off tomorrow, because even if they leave now, they have to wait for the abalone 3 to investigate the situation. In that case, it is more likely to cause problems.

not only.

The most critical question now is the question of Shen Qiang on the cultivation base.

Daoguo period.

This is a realm that must be entered.

Shen Qiang’s cultivation base has reached the later stage of Primordial Chaos Realm. If there is no accident, serious cultivation, probably within 3 years, Shen Qiang can easily enter the Dao Guo.

For quite a few cultivators, this is already a great talent.

But as far as Shen Qiang is concerned, even after 3 days, entering the Daogu period is a disaster.

Although Bian Yi was a bastard, when at first, Shen Qiang tried to kill him countless times, but now, he is the most reliable and trustworthy friend around Shen Qiang, so Shen Qiang will never allow him to be killed.

Other than him, others are more important.

The beautiful demon fox Chu Qing, and when Shen Qiang was still very weak, she chose to call her everything to Shen Qiang.

Beautiful girl genius Kang Luoying.

Qin Yurou.

beautiful teacher Ju Yang.

Miao Xiao Xia.

When there is no danger, Shen Qiang simply does not worry about them, and rarely misses them very much, because she knows it is okay, but once something happens, each of them is heavily loaded in Shen Qiang’s heart.

The space array is carefully portrayed on the ground.

A thousand on the side filled with curiosity.

Through the space array, enter the Independent Space that has lived with Ali for a long time. Use that space and the time difference between this space to complete the cultivation and enter the Daogu period. It is the most secure and reliable method now.

Because within 3 days, even Shen Qiang could not enter the Daogu period without any certainty.

After all, under normal circumstances, Primordial Chaos Realm is divided into early stage, Middle-Stage, late stage, Peak stage, these four stages, each stage, the ability has increased, and will therefore have all the differences, directly over the Peak stage, enter The Daogu period, 4 days, is obviously not enough.

For this mysterious space, Shen Qiang’s mood has always been very contradictory.

Obviously, it is a cheater that can help Shen Qiang to complete a long cultivation in a very short time when necessary.

But on the other hand, it is hell.

The loneliness that no one else exists is enough to drive people crazy.

No internet, no TV, no comics, no food, everything is back to original.

Boring and endless cultivation.

These can be tolerated, but the only thing that makes Shen Qiang unbearable.

Using this space cultivation can indeed make enough time difference to help Shen Qiang become stronger, but in that world, life will also pass like life. ,

This is the last thing Shen Qiang wants to face.

That is to consume limited life in boring cultivation!

But now, Shen Qiang has no choice.

Because of all accidents, I want to do it. In the shortest possible time, I will retire, take away the divine corpse, and resurrect Qing Xuan. This is already the best way.

After all, if there is only one more cultivator in the Daogu period, there is still no way to counter the Young Master’s perseverance.

The reason why Shen Qiang itself is very resistant to entering the Independent Space to cultivate is this. The lonely space, outside the boring cultivation, but all people will often think about many things and will mature a lot inadvertently, so that Shen Qiang is worried that if he is truly cultivated in that space and has been cultivated until the Daogu period, the joint period, or after the Great Ascension Stage, he may have seen through the red dust and become desperate.

Maybe by that time, I would not be interested in beautiful women.

“Dedicating youth to boring cultivation is a stupid idea.” Shen Qiang who painted the spatial array said.

The stunning 1000 Ningmei was amazed and said, “What are you talking about?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “It’s nothing.”

Then, Shen Qiang said craftyly, “Go and wash yourself and wait for me to come back.”

1000 Ning [Qiao Nianteng turned red at once, and then Shen Qiang glared blankly, smiling silently.

“Fragrant first.” Shen Qiang put his face together.

Seeing that there was no one around, 1000 condensed his face, lightly kissed Shen Qiang’s cheek, and said, “Okay, you don’t want to be unsatisfied.”

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