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Looking at the beauty of the moon, Shen Qiang smiled for a while, Shen Qiang froze, and then said: “What are you talking about?” Glancing at the strange mermaid Princess 1000 that stood aside, Taiyin Youying said with a smile: “Relax, your beloved Princess can’t hear me.”

Shen Qiang hearing this for a moment, looked at the admiration of the eyes and looked at his 1000 Ning with curiosity, sound transmission said: “You are doing right, 1000 Ning has already determined that I am the Dragon Emperor, but I am curious, you are The evaluation of Da Luo Tianhua’s Heart Sutra, in fact, the beautiful demon fox Chu Qing after cultivated the heart sutra, now has 5 tails, if my guess is correct, when she is cultivated to higher order, she can definitely become Nine- tailed Sky Fox.”

Hearing this, Taiyin Youying smiled and said, “So you think you can become a dragon at the end of your cultivation?”

“I think it’s okay.” Shen Qiang calmly said.

Youying smiled her eyes and said, “The reason for Chu Qingxing is that she is a fox. After the Golden Cicada cultivation, the more complete and more beautiful the person is because she is a person, don’t you understand? You are a person, even Owning the dragon’s Qihai, the dragon’s Sea of ​​Consciousness, but you are still human in nature, so even if you have evolved to the highest stage, you are just a dragon demon with some characteristics of people and dragons, or called dragons, but Still not a dragon.”

“Because the direction of biological evolution is always from our own, fish will never evolve into grasshoppers, and humans will never evolve into dragons. This is a rule that has long been doomed.

Shen Qiang was surprised and said, “You already knew?”

“Of course.” Taiyin Youying smiled: “If, after practicing a broken heart sutra, you can become a dragon, then others can, of course, but have you ever seen someone cultivate cultivation, and then suddenly became a beast?”

Looking at Shen Qiang’s awkward face, Taiyin Youying asked himself: “Obviously not, at most it has become a powerful cultivation cultivator. The higher order is to become immortals and gods, but in essence, it is still the same. It’s a person, it’s just something that an ordinary person can’t.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang was silent.

Somehow giggled in my heart.

Because at first, Shen Qiang’s inner subconsciousness has always felt that as long as he cultivates according to Da Luo Tianhua’s method of robbing the Heart Sutra, sooner or later he will become True Dragon one day.

Shen Qiang has always believed in this.

But now, hearing Qian Ying’s words, Shen Qiang suddenly understood.

If the dragon is an airplane, then Shen Qiang is a car. No matter how fast it runs, there is no way to take off like a dragon.

“Tell me your way.” Shen Qiang frowned, sound transmission said: “I want to hear.”

Hearing this glorious, Crafty smiled softly, and then said softly: “Because I know where the spirit spirit bone you used for Foundation Establishment.”

Shen Qiang was stunned for a moment, anxiously said: “Spirit bone? What do you mean?”

Youying charming one said with a smile: “Can’t you understand? It’s dead, the spirit is in your hands, you use it for Foundation Establishment, so you have a dragon cultivator, so you have what you shouldn’t have. Power, it helped you become the 10000 demon king, helped you sit on the Dragon Throne and became the Dragon Emperor.”

“But the fake ones will never be true. If you can’t get the spirit bone, you will never be able to open the treasure trove of the Dragon Emperor, and you will never be able to become True Dragon. So now, you should leave this place, don’t make extra branches, and don’t look bad. “

Looking at the charming Yingying, Shen Qiang frowned and said, “I hate people talking half-way, since you know where the spirit bone is, then tell me, will I just get it?”

Youying smiled and said, “Okay, very direct thought, then you can help me get my corolla first, when the time comes I will tell you.”

Seeing Shen Qiang’s cold face, it seemed unhappy, You Ying said with a smile: “Don’t forget, Qing Xuan is looking forward to the divine corpse, it’s been a long time, your little beauty, what’s your name, also Waiting for you to go back, so don’t be distracted to think about these things, as long as you do, I will tell you.”

Shen Qiang frowned and said, “Don’t you think that if I have a spirit bone, maybe I would be more sure to get the divine corpse?”

Youying charmingly said with a smile: “If you can’t even get the divine corpse, how can it be possible to get the spirit bone, if it is so simple, I will tell you long ago.”

A glance at the beautiful eyes, Ju Shuo’s Gold Gate, You Ying said: “Dragon Emperor is a greedy and mean man, he is absolutely not allowed, any other creature, move his treasure, so believe me, if you Trying to forcibly open his treasure, the means he left behind is enough to kill you and everyone.”

Shen Qiang is silent.

Looking at the dark fog, the murderous aura full of Dragon Race inscription.

Sigh: “I am understood.”

The giggling Youying disappeared instantly.

When she disappeared, the mermaid Princess 1000 on the side condensed, and then hesitantly said: “Well… who is she, she is so beautiful.”

Shen Qiang snorted and said, “It’s my sword spirit.”

After hearing this, 1000 froze and said, “She is so proud that she disdains me.”

Shen Qiang froze for a while, and then said with a smile: “You think too much, there is nothing, she just has something urgent to tell me, don’t guess.”

“I’m not mistaken.” 1000 Ning said: “She looked like you when I was talking to you next to the ordinary person, so I can’t disdain to pretend.”

Shen Qiang laughed is also helpless, after all, it is too dark and quiet, but the ancient super god of the same level as the candle, a mermaid goblin, in her eyes, probably there is really nothing to say.

“Let’s go, let’s go back.” Shen Qiang diverted the topic with a smile.

1000 Ning hesitantly looked at Jushuo’s Gold Gate and said: “Then this treasure trove…”

“Oh, I’m almost out of the cultivation base now, and I won’t be able to open it in a short time. When I get enough cultivation base in the future, when the time comes, I will definitely bring you here to open this treasure house. By then, you like it. Take whatever you want, okay?”

“Okay!” 1000 Ning’s eyes brightened and excitedly said: “Just let me see what the Dragon Emperor has hidden. Legend has it that the Dragon Emperor has 5 treasure chests, one in each of the 4 Sea Dragon Palaces, and the apart From this, there is a treasure trove that doesn’t know where.”

The 1000 Ning excited by Meimu, holding Shen Qiang’s arm, said softly: “You found them and opened them all to let me see, OK? I’ve been curious about these 5 treasure troves since I remember things, then Rich, so powerful Dragon Emperor, what is hiding in it? It’s incredible to think about it. What kind of powerhouse is worth collecting and keeping secret?”

Listen to 1000 curiosity.

Shen Qiang, who stepped on the steps of the beautiful jade platform, could not help but sigh, secretly said in one’s heart: “Yeah, fine jade paved the ground, gold and silver treasures are not in the warehouse, every place is very luxurious, then his treasure house In the end, what did you put?”

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