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When I heard the words of Shen Qiang, the beautiful mermaid Princess instantly opened her eyes and looked at Shen Qiang proudly, not only the heart-shocking, the white slender jade hand, but also the powder fist. .

Inexplicably, her childhood scene emerged in her mind.

“Father, you are the demon king, why don’t you sit in the highest chair?”

Wang Yujiang, the big sea monster at the time, squatted down and smiled at 1000, saying, “1000 Ning, you listen well, then there is the dragon emperor’s chair. Father can’t sit, neither can you.”

“Why?” The young 1000 condenses.

The big sea monster king smiled: “If you sit, you will die, because neither father nor you are a dragon!”

The 1000 at that time seemed to understand.

But now, when she heard the words of Shen Qiang, this Dragon Throne I sat down today, looking at the back of Shen Qiang’s press forward, she not only accelerated her heartbeat peng peng, but also became suffocated and suffocated.

“Shen Qiang has a dragon’s breath on him. He is a dragon, right? So he can sit in that chair, and he will be fine!”

1000 Condensation.

But at the same time, after a short silence, many of the big sea monsters present had a big laughter.

“Overestimate one’s capabilities! That Dragon Throne is the Dragon Emperor. It used to be, it is now, and it will be in the future. Anyone who covets this Dragon Throne will not have a good ending, even if it is as strong as the white shark king in the past. Just killed, you Shen Qiang, this is courting death!”

“Laughing dead, first of all, I’m pretty sure that this Shen Qiang is a human being. In fact, although I don’t understand why there is a dragon’s breath on his body, even if he is a dragon, he is still dying, in his 20s, For the sea monster, that’s a freshly hatched fish egg!”

“Hahaha, it’s ridiculous, it’s so bold, even if this Shen Qiang is a dragon, it’s useless. With his current cultivation base, in front of the Dragon Emperor, it’s probably an earthworm. With such strength, he dares to fight the Dragon Emperor. The idea of ​​the seat is simply ridiculous!”

Among the ridicule of many sea monsters.

Shen Qiang remain unmoved.

Because compared to their sea monsters, Shen Qiang of the Foundation Establishment of Fetal Dragon Essence was used, and the powerful breath of Dragon Throne wrapped by the black mist had a more intuitive perception.

Very powerful and dangerous.

Obvious hostility, a rattlesnake that is about to launch a deadly attack if it shakes its tail in the face!

If you are not careful, you will crush your bones.

This feels very strong.

Very clear.

Sea of ​​Consciousness is like the child’s fear of barbaric parents.

But now Shen Qiang has no choice.

Because when she heard Uncle Gui’s words, Shen Qiang already knew that now she had no way back.

Sitting on the cold bench, even if the good words are spoken and replaced, it is nothing more than the mocking of these big sea monsters, let them go to work desperately for a cold bench, it is impossible.

not only.

Now Uncle Gui, sitting next to the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, who has been called Shen Qiang Boss, has changed his name to Shen Qiang.

This means that if Shen Qiang can’t sit on Dragon Throne, he will definitely not be back to Shenghe again.

To put it more bluntly, Shen Qiang is almost certain that when Uncle Gui went to Hesheng to do steward, the goal is definitely not like he said, just want to have a home, but for today!

He wanted to find someone who could sit on Dragon Throne!

And if Shen Qiang retreats now, not only will divine corpse never get a chance, the bigger loss is the loss of the help of the uncle, and the face is no longer saved in the sea monster. Even if you make great achievements in the future, The same will become a laughing stock.

So Shen Qiang now, the only thing to do is to go up and sit on Dragon Throne!

Shen Qiang’s pace is firm.

There is no hesitation. ,

Wang Yujiang, the big sea monster, looked at Shen Qiang, and his eyes burst into light.

“Big fish eat small fish. The leader of any creature’s group will use the strongest means without the slightest hesitation in the face of the provocation of the young people of the same race, often more fierce than dealing with External Race people. This Shen Qiang It’s not that the dragon demon is not fake, but he is still too young. From the perspective of Dragon Race, at most it is just a little brat that has just broken the shell. It is too early to challenge the dignity of the dragon emperor.”

Almost with the thinking of the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, of course, the moment when Shen Qiang stepped on the steps.

The black mist above Dragon Throne has exploded!

The terrifying breath and manic power not only instantly shocked the large sea monsters present, but also gave a contemptuous smile in the corner of his mouth.

“This Shen Qiang is more than one of overestimate one’s capabilities, it is so stupid as to act recklessly! It’s so ridiculous that he dares to provoke the position of the Dragon Emperor. What a ridiculous thing, even if he is a dragon demon, after all, he is not a dragon, dare Go forward, you must die!”

“The Dragon Throne is only a chair, but the 10000 Prestige of Sovereign is still there. If you can really sit on any cat or dog, Yu Jiang would have been up for a long time. Such obvious things cannot be seen by Shen Qiang. Wear it, and go silly to die, this 10000 demon king is also just this.”

“This is called, if God made you die, you must first make you crazy. This Shen Qiang, so arrogant, ran here, and did not know convergence, trifling Dragon Demon, and dare to provoke Long Wei, who will die if he does not die? “

Black Mist, like a hedgehog, exploded the blade of the whole body, and it was majestic and majestic.

Seeing Shen Qiang moving forward, has been unable to move a single step, the sea monster that was taught by Shen Qiang before, laughed loudly.

“On your own, and dare to provoke the majesty of the Dragon Emperor, it is really die without regret!”

These words made the large sea monster present at the scene deeply apprehensive.

But at the moment of his tone barely fell.


The same terrifying breath came.

Not only did all the big sea monsters present just feel their shoulders sink, but they were shocked to see it. At this time, Shen Qiang not only had a faint golden glow wrapped around him, but he turned his head slightly, looking back at everyone. Turned into a mysterious pale-gold, brazenly arrogant and contemptuous!

That look was like an eagle watching ants.

Arrogant, contemptuous, cold, and impatient.

But what is surprising is that at this time, looking at Shen Qiang’s gaze, the large sea monster absolute silence present on the scene, not to mention provocative, even inexplicably dare not breathe.

“No one can stop what I want!”

Shen Qiang’s tone was bland, but the straightforward words made all the big sea monsters present unable to figure trembled.

“It’s so crazy!”


“How confident is this person that he can speak so calmly?”

In their shocking eyes, they turned around and looked at Shen Qiang of Dragon Throne and smiled.

He stepped forward.

The wind swayed instantly.

The place where the footsteps fell was a dark step, and the sea-blue light instantly appeared, making the step immediately become like a glass cabinet. Not only the seaweed floating in it is clearly visible, but also the blue light of the sea. Like ripples, it spread out instantly.

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