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In the excitement and cheering of many sea monsters, the five young sea monsters present not only arrogantly displayed the fierce True Yuan in a moment, but also became more powerful in an instant, and the turbulent winds not only made the scene flying sand running stone.

Even Shen Qiang’s shirt and short forehead fluttered in that horrible wind.


With the trembling of the ground, a long spear wrapped around the horrible purple rays of light suddenly appeared in the hands of the man among the five, and True Yuan, who was violently running away, was extremely powerful.

Not only did the surrounding shouts become more deafening, the other four young sea monsters also instantly showed weapons.

Without exception, it is either a gun or a fork. Although the shape is different, 10000 is inseparable.

This is normal.

After all, in water, water has resistance. Only the long spear lance weapon is the weapon with the least resistance and the largest destructive power. As for those who want to play a big knife in the water, they are either stupid or making a show.

“A small knife smaller than a toothpick, I want to show off one’s military strength here, that is overestimate one’s capabilities!”

“Broken copper and iron only, under my long spear, unable to withstand a single blow!”

“Break this thing, for me with no difficulty, Shen Qiang, you can kneel down!”

In their laughter, they have walked past them. At this time, Shen Qiang smiled with their backs to them. Although Shen Qiang and True Yuan had little left at this time, fortunately, the sword array ended before that. Not only that, but True Yuan has had some difficulty even launching it.

But don’t forget, for ordinary cultivator, the most labor-saving, accurate, and easiest way to activate the handprint!


One-handed sword trick!

Seeing Shen Qiang’s shirt fluttering with a smile, suddenly the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, who was pinching the sword tactics, shivered inexplicably.

At almost the same time, a flower-like sword array composed of 10000 scalpels above the sky, not only has silver light emerged, but even the huge bubble sky where everyone is located has also shuddered.

at the same time.

The old steward who was standing next to Wang Yujiang, the big sea monster, also shined.

Because at this time, he clearly saw that Shen Qiang’s hand had released the enchanting Koi 1000 Ning.

This made him instantly attentive.

“Shen Qiang used the word array before, and all of them are printed in the heart. Now True Yuan consumes too much, and the heart seal is not enough to drive. Do you have to print it by hand?”

“Very good!” Uncle Gui’s eyes are extremely bright: “In the past 10000 years, I have seen countless talents in the cultivation field. As long as Shen Qiang seals it, I can know what his sword array is.”

This speaking of which is late, but the actual moment is a moment of change. ,

And almost at the moment when Uncle Gui’s idea was born.

The smiling Shen Qiang really finished as he expected.

But just for an instant, Uncle Gui was stunned.

Because almost in the blink of an eye, Shen Qiang’s hands, with one kind, almost finished breaking the speed of vision to complete the seal.

“Shuanghe, 6 rounds, don’t know, Dow, 3 clear fingers, never seen, 5 thunder, never seen, turned the sky, never seen, never seen, never seen, Big Dipper, never seen, not I’ve seen it, I’ve never seen it, I’m angry, I’ve never seen it, I’ve never seen it, I’ve never seen it… finished!”

The total time was less than a second, but the unturned uncle, not only suddenly felt tired, but even had a little pain in his eyes.

And just while he sighed, he was not trying to see Shen Qiang’s handprint clearly.

Ye Guyun, who was next to Shen Qiang, his eyes widened, and after a loud cry, he screamed in surprise, saying, “Naruto! The boss bursts with handsomeness! It’s quick, the action is so handsome. Ninjutsu!”

Almost immediately while Ye Guyun exclaimed.

Hong long!

The ground behind has collapsed.

Countless seas of water poured in from the cracked ground.

Not only did the huge bubble-like sky appear cracks, the horrible word array, but also instantly swallowed up the five incomparable young sea monsters.

In an instant, all sea monsters were ashen-faced, and their eyes were horrified.

Absolute silence in the field.

Everyone watched with horror as the smoke and dust gradually dispersed, the ground that had been destroyed instantly, and the five big sea monsters that had collapsed on the ground and covered with blood.

At this time, they were so horrified that they couldn’t even utter a loud voice.


At this moment, Shen Qiang slaps gently in the back of Ye Guyun’s head.

Then, looking at Ye Guyun, who had been circled by Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang frowns saying: “ignorant and incompetent! I knew that Naruto, the Taoist Nine Characters Incantation, came from the “Introduction to Bao Pu Zi” by Ge Hong in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. “”, the original text is the imperial combatant, All, Frequently, Formation, Future and Travel.”.

“When it was introduced to Japan, it was mistakenly copied as Lin, Bing, Dou, Zhe, Jie, Zhen, Li, Ji, and Qian, and it became a mantra attached to the mountain of Japan’s Taoist practice, and at the same time, they were stolen. Cultivation sector small Sect, Five Elements Sect Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth Five Elements escape method, as the root of cultivation, other techniques gradually developed.”

“So when it comes to the seal, the technique, China is their ancestor!”

Ye Guyun, who was full of embarrassment, gave a loud cry.

Looking at her confused eyes, Shen Qiang said helplessly: “They called Chakra, but that was just True Yuan. In fact, those things are nothing more than the cultivator above Foundation Establishment Stage in the cultivation world. That’s it, so don’t let me make a fuss about nothing in the future.

“Oh! I’m understood!” Ye Guyun pouted, seeming to be unhappy because he was said in public.

Shen Qiang helpless.

At this time, looking at the situation, the eyes of the big sea monster Wang Yujiang and Uncle Gui who stood in front of the Cave Mansion were bright.

“Save people!”

The big sea monster king said aloud.

In an instant, dozens of big monsters jumped behind Shen Qiang like stars to rescue the five young sea monsters.

“Relax, I have a sense of balance, and none of them can die.” Shen Qiang smiled and walked in front of the big sea monster Wang Yujiang with 1000 Ning.

Big sea monster Wang Yujiang smiled.

At this time, the 1000 Ning around Shen Qiang bowed up and said, “1000 Ning has seen the Royal Father.”

“Get up.”

1000 Ning stood up, and then bowed to Uncle Gui, saying, “1000 Ning has seen Uncle Wang.”

“Hurry up, you’re welcome.” Uncle Gui smiled.

At the same time, there was a cry of excitement behind Shen Qiang.

“All alive, all five warriors are alive!”

In an instant, those big sea monsters were inexplicably excited again, and in a language that Shen Qiang couldn’t understand at all, they were shouting happily.

“They are celebrating the safe return of the warriors.” 1000 Ning sound transmission.

Shen Qiang smiled, and found it quite interesting. I feel that these tribes are open to victory or defeat.

At the same time, the big sea monster Wang Yujiang faintly smiled and said: “Shen Yao Wang you did good, the sea clan respects the true warriors, and only those with the strongest power are eligible to be with my daughter.”

“The color ceremony is prepared for you, do you have to watch it now?” Shen Qiang smiled. From the smile of the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, Shen Qiang could already conclude that he wanted to find the arrangement of 1000 Ning. This is what Yu Jiang wants to see.

“That’s not urgent.” Wang Yujiang, a big sea monster, said calmly: “Please come in, but I must remind you that these young sea monsters outside are just appetizers. The really tough guys are all inside and want to grab a divine corpse, If they don’t help, they will die!”

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