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Just when Shen Qiang and Mermaid Princess Koi 1000 condensed in the cabin to enjoy the romantic couple’s world, the beautiful Song Weiyin and Young Master Yi returned to the studio, with white skin, but a beautiful tattoo, and their appearance was not lost to them. While communicating with mysterious Old Lady, a group of elite dragon cultivators are facing the sea monsters 2 100 nautical miles south of Shen Qiang’s yacht.

“Cultivation is not illegal, and Monster Race is the same. God always likes to punish those who do not follow the rules, and you are obviously no exception.”

A dragon team officer headed by the dragon looked calmly at the sea monster that was gathering more and more on the sea.

“So, believe me, 10000 demon kings, you can’t bother now.”

Hearing the officer of the first dragon group, many sea monsters exploded in an instant.

“Fart! Who knows what 10000 demon king, we go to see our Princess, what is the relationship with your dragon group? Give up, otherwise don’t blame our men for not being merciless.”

A sea monster roared.

The headed dragon officer, said solemnly: “Be careful when you talk to me. The deep sea is also illegal. It annoys me, you will never have the opportunity to get any medicine, as long as you can afford it. With this responsibility, you can continue to be arrogant, otherwise, I advise you to shut up.”

Many sea monster hearing this, messed up with a bang.

“Damn, this product threatens us again, it’s a terrible crime.”

“Be patient, otherwise you won’t get medicine.”

“Oh, he’s pretending, and you also believe that he is a little dragon officer, is he capable?”

When many sea monsters whisper.

A young sea monster sitting in the middle of many sea monsters sneered and said sharply: “I heard 1000 singing songs of courtship, in your opinion, it is a love song, which means that she may be with a bastard .”

Hearing these words, the sea monsters who were originally whispering, their emotions exploded instantly.

“Duel! Our 1000 condensed Princess, no one can deserve it, the son of the sea emperor will not work, and the cultivator will not work!”

“10000 Demon King, must be that guy, I know, he will never go to fight the son of the sea emperor out of thin air, he must have been optimistic about our 1000 Ning Princess early!”

“This man is a terrible sin! Our noble Princess, so pure, he must have cheated 1000 Ning!”

Seeing the sea chaos of many sea monsters, the surrounding situation may be out of control at any time, and the cold-faced Dragon Race officer screamed.

“Your news is not a block. You also know that there are 10000 demon kings. Let me tell you the truth. His identity is not trivial. Otherwise, he will not be recognized by the big sea monster king, and will not get 1000. Congratulations on Princess, more There will be no ability to beat the son of the sea emperor and flee.”‘

“So retreat, wait for tomorrow, after his ship enters the sphere of influence of the big sea monster, how to resolve disputes between you, that is your business, but not now, in the 10000 monster king, did not leave the jurisdiction of the sea frontier Before, any attempt to approach him and disturb him would be regarded as provocation by the Dragon group.”

A young sea monster sitting among many sea monsters, coldly said: “What about provocation, just a few of you, thinking you can stop us?”

Upon hearing this, many sea monsters immediately became arrogant.

“Yeah, there are just a few people who want to stop us from dreaming!”

“It’s really mantis trying to stop a chariot, overestimate one’s capabilities. On land, we really can’t beat you, but this is in this sea, we are invincible.”

“Haha, laughed to death, just a few people, we slobber one by one…”

“That’s it?” The dragon officer in the air suddenly took a step forward. Not only was the breath awesome, but all the sea monsters were shocked by the behind him in the sky, which had already been densely packed and appeared in at least 2 dragon cultivators.

This made the smiles of many sea monsters present on the face stiff.

“Go back, otherwise, come and taste the Flying Sword in my hand.”

An officer of the young dragon group wandered around.

“Shen Qiang, but our pride, you guys, also want to disturb his flower-full moon, it’s simply that he is dying.”

Seeing that in the sky, it was obvious that they were all elite dragons.

The big sea monster sitting among many sea monsters was snorted, and then said: “Yes, you are great, let’s go, but don’t think that’s the matter, remember me, as long as that really dares to touch us Princess, then he who left you under shelter will be dead!”

“Move him a little hair, we will use all means to wipe you out.” The young dragon officer did not show weakness.

“Hmph! Just look around.”

The young sea monster turned around and left, and the rest of the sea monsters also left after seeing this.

But the officer headed by the Dragon Team not only did not relax in the slightest, but his eyes were unprecedentedly tense.

Seeing his dignified expression, the young officer surprisedly said: “Head, what are you worrying about? Rest assured, these sea monsters are scattered, really fighting, sure we will win.”

The headed dragon officer said solemnnly: “Things are not as simple as you think. The rhinoceros in estrus will crash the boat passing between them, because that is their nature, and this is the Koi 1000. The most beautiful of Sea Territory is also the life-long dream of countless sea monsters. Advisor Shen is with her, and the problems to be faced are more serious than that of Young Master Yi, because Young Master Yi has at least reason, at least ethical bottom line.”

“But these sea monsters don’t. They simply don’t understand what is right and wrong. All they consider is how to survive well. They will ignore everything for 1000.”

The young officer pouted and said, “Consultant Shen is not so strong. As for these stinky fish and prawns, dare to compete with Advisor Shen. That is courting death.”

“If you are on land, you are right, but it is not necessarily in the sea.” The head of the dragon group said: “China’s sea monster is very strong, and there are many extraordinary natural talents. The reason why the sea emperor family dominates is that it is Because they are scattered in the sand, they are separate.”

“But once it comes to their own interests, they will gather together again. Obviously 1000 Ning is the fuse, because in the monster world, they still follow this biological instinct, that is, only the strongest leader controls all.”

The young officer hesitated and said: “It’s okay, this time Shen Qiang was invited by the big sea monster king. Those sea monsters dare not come chaotically.”

The headed dragon officer sighed and said, “I hope so, but don’t forget that even the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, among the sea clan, often faces challenges from other sea monsters, so if it’s not strong enough, Shen The consultant goes here, I am afraid it is hard to avoid calamity!”

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