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Seeing, looking sideways at Shen Qiang’s mouth with a wry smile, he immediately condensed at the beautiful Mermaid Princess koi 1000, Song Weiyin after the first encounter in 1000, and his appearance are not inferior to them. Accompanied by the three Peak beauties, Wenzi, went to the background. ,

Young Master Yi, who had been surrounded by many media people, suddenly had a chilling cold glow in his eyes.

“Shen Qiang, do you think I don’t have a backup plan? I originally wanted to see you lose one’s head out of fear, but I couldn’t do it now. I want you to die. Hesheng has something wrong. You have no reason. Don’t go back, I originally planned to wait for someone on the road to intercept and humiliate you, kill the incarnation killer, you and the 2 women around you are dead! You are already destined not to return to Heshenghe in this life!”

At the same time, Young Master was determined to be ruthless.

The old man who followed him has also quietly issued instructions using his mobile phone: “Change humiliation to interception without leaving a live mouth. Young Master wants to see Shen Qiang’s head.”

At this time, outside the capital, in the air leading to the direction of Heshenghe, three cultivation bases were extremely terrifying, and those standing on the ground in the air looked at the phone and looked cold.

“Young Master’s plan should have failed, otherwise, there is no need for us to rob Shen Qiang.”

One person laughed: “Oh, it’s really interesting. The Young Master hasn’t failed in all these years, but in this Shen Qiang’s hands, he hasn’t won it once. Hasn’t he always said that he wants to win Shen Qiang? Now? We still need to stand up.”

The other person said solemnly: “Shen Qiang not simple, medicine pill, there are many people in the cultivation field, but those who can become drug kings, they can be counted on one’s fingers, but no matter how smart he is, he must not guess. By then, the Young Master had long expected that once something went wrong in Heshenghe, Shen Qiang would go back immediately, and the method adopted must be the poor monster flying him. In that case, he must choose a straight line because of the distance. Recently, it took the shortest time, so Shen Qiang is destined to appear here in a few minutes.”

As the man frowned, said solemnly: “Since it is a robbery, you must do your best. Come, 10000000, don’t take it lightly.”

“You worry too much, if War God is coming, I will do well. I can’t hit it. I am far away from 1000 miles, but if it is just Shen Qiang, there is no need, even if he breaks out the small universe, even the fruit He who is not there is also alive, so as long as he is in a round, he will be dead.”

Another person laughed: “A major event occurs in anyone’s home, immediately will choose to rush back, no one will be the exception, Shen Qiang is also the same, so there is nothing to discuss about this matter, as long as he comes over, he will kill him, Then the world will be clean.”

Hearing this for the first time, after a moment of silence, said: “Don’t be too optimistic, Shen Qiang is not a simple enemy. If he is simple in mind, he would have died long ago, and we don’t need to intercept him here, so be prepared, Remember, the lion fights rabbits to do their utmost to intercept Shen Qiang, there must not be a slight miss, because the Young Master can no longer afford to fail.”

“Understood!” 2 people answered.

Just three Peak powerhouses in the joint period, between Beijing and Hesheng, waiting for the interception of Shen Qiang.

Backstage, in the dressing room.

The beautiful 1000 Ning, Song Weiyin, and Shen Qiang all changed their outfits in the blink of an eye.

Because this is too simple for their level of cultivator.

But Yu Wenzi, who has been trying to hide her identity, is just like an ordinary person.

“1000 Ning, you help Yu Wenzi remove makeup. By the way, ask her if she is willing to join your music studio. I read her material. She is good at all the instruments that are played. The skills on the mouth are quite powerful. It will be helpful for your future career.”

Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, 1000 Ning oh said yes.

And just as she was about to enter the dressing room, Shen Qiang sound transmission said: “Stay with Yu Wenzi, and after ten minutes, go to the side entrance, where I will wait for you.”

“it is good.”

Complied’s 1000 Ning, without asking why, turned directly into the dressing room.

And when she left, Shen Qiang said with a smile to Song Weiyin: “I will send you out.”

Song Weiyin smiled beautifully and said well, then, with Shen Qiang, walked out from the staff passage.

2 The pace of the individual is not fast.

But in the footsteps, there was no joy and briskness of just winning the championship, but inexplicably heavy.

“Now…you really don’t want to tell me, why must Young Master Yi escort me back to the set?” Looking sideways at Shen Qiang, Song Weiyin Liu Mei frowned slightly.

Shen Qiang laughed, and then said solemnly: “Because I spent money on the bounty hunter platform to reward your head.”

The beautiful Song Weiyin froze: “You want to kill me? Why?”

Shen Qiang took a deep breath, and then said solemnly: “Young Master Yi will go all out to protect your safety and consider his heroism. In this way, he will use his time, energy, and resources to protect you in this aspect. He would have no way to deploy enough manpower to launch a fatal blow to Heshenghe.”

Song Weiyin stopped and looked at Shen Qiang and said: “Are you afraid of him? Are you using me and him? Don’t you think it’s shameless?”

Shen Qiang laughed, followed by calmly said: “Talking about it, I prefer Young Master Yi to people like hypocrites who are full of benevolence and morality because he knows what he wants.”

Looking at Song Weiyin’s beautiful face, Shen Qiang smiled and said: “I don’t have a thick skin to the extent that I want you to be unselfishly devoted, my deep in one’s heart, not at all for myself, and you as a plot Against the bliss of the Young Master’s perseverance, on the contrary, I myself disgusted with these methods.”

“But Young Master is a man. We all know that many of his men died in my Heshenghe, and he is impossible. If I can’t hold him back, many people in Heshenghe will die.”

“Vile.” Song Weiyin was not happy.

Shen Qiang said after a moment of silence: “It’s dangerous, but Young Master Yi will do his utmost to protect you, you won’t be okay, and I will, therefore, repay the Young Master Yi who has doubled the reward, when I come back, No matter what happens in the future, I will spare him a life and never kill him, just because, when he needs it, he protects you.”

Hearing this, Song Weiyin was silent, beautiful face, as cold as ice and frost.

Shen Qiang accompanied her silently.

During the whole process, she didn’t say anything.

Standing in the side door of the staff aisle, looking at the house Little Zi that had driven the car, Shen Qiang hesitated and said, “I’m sorry, but you should go.”

Song Weiyin lovable body trembled, looked up at Shen Qiang.

Seeing her not speaking, Shen Qiang turned and wanted to leave.

But at this time, Song Weiyin peng sound, after the beautiful film, hugged Shen Qiang from behind.

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