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Hearing the words of the old man, Young Master Yi not only did not calm down, but was furious: “Don鈥檛 tell me something unspeakable, Song Weiyin, I have fallen in love with her since she was a teenager. For so many years, I looked at her Growing up a little bit, a little bit mature, she is dignified, beautiful, holy, untainted by even a speck of dust, is the most perfect woman in the world.”

“Now, she is holding Shen Qiang’s base and shameless bastard arm and appears in front of the camera. Now, you still tell me to calm down? I calm down again, she was slept by Shen Qiang! You know!”

Young Master Yi shouted furiously.

But old man remain unmoved, said: “They have the ability to avoid all entertainment reporters, but not, there is fraud.”

Young Master Yi said angrily: “I don’t care if he has cheated or not, I don’t want to see it tomorrow, Shen Qiang’s smug face, kill me, immediately, immediately!”

“Sorry Young Master, you are not calm enough now, so I will not execute your order.” The old man looked calm.

Young Master jumped up with a loud voice, and said angrily: “You say one more sentence, believe or not I will kill you now?”

“Even if the Young Master killed me, I wouldn’t pass on this command, because now if I do it, it means that the Young Master loses.” The old man was calm.


Young Master Yi鈥檚 lance, appear out of thin air, is already on the old man鈥檚 throat.

“You say it again!” Young Master was stunned and killing intent was terrifying.

old man calmly said: “I can avoid those reporters, but I don鈥檛 need to show up, but I don鈥檛 need to show up, but show love together. That鈥檚 because, Shen Qiang knows that Young Master is the person who loves Song Weiyin in this world the most, his approach , Will make you out of control, and… he won.”

“Shut up! You believe or not I will kill you now!” Young Master growled,

old man calmly said: “Young Master is the superior. It should be known that anger can make mistakes. If it is truly loving, there is no need to show it. Moreover, Young Master knows in my heart that I am right, otherwise, I should be dead by now.”

Hear the words of old man.

The young Master Yi, who was fragile and resentful, gritted his teeth at the old man, strangely silent.

The old man said calmly and said, “Young Master, you must understand that a woman who has changed her heart will not be touched by your efforts. Song Weiyin now likes Shen Qiang. You can鈥檛 change this at all. At this time, Shen Qiang suddenly encountered a blow. In order to comfort Shen Qiang, Song Weiyin, who may not have been planning to sleep with Shen Qiang, might have an impulse and go to Shen Qiang’s bed.”

“Enough!” Young Master Yi shouted.

old man calmly said: “Young Master Yi has lost too many times and has lost confidence. Song Weiyin really likes Shen Qiang and is indeed with Shen Qiang, but from her posture, it can be easily determined that she is still a Virginity, that is to say, she may already have some commitment with Shen Qiang, but as long as the Young Master can win, she is still yours.

Staring at Young Master Yi鈥檚 eyes flushed with blood and rage, the old man said: “Shen Qiang is not an anime novel. The kind of fool who only knows, rushed and punched, grass-rooted, is very realistic. He will never do anything that is not good.”

“If you agree with this, you should understand that when Shen Qiang does this, he must have a deep meaning, because if he is that kind, he just wants to show off, who is the wandering dude around him, I believe, he has no ability, in such a short In time, he will do so much together.”

“I don’t have the qualifications to be the opponent of Young Master.”

old man has a calm tone.

But organized.

This made Young Master Yi, who suddenly took a deep breath, suddenly put away the gun in his hand.

Turned back to his seat.

a long time.

He said, “Sorry, I let you down.”

old man laughed: “When people are out of control, the one who knows you best is always your enemy, because he knows where your pain is.”

Young Master Yi took a deep breath, leaned her body against the chair, and breathed out, saying, “I feel very hurt in my heart, I don’t know how, as soon as I saw the picture of Song Weiyin holding Shen Qiang’s arm in his hand When they went to bed, they were out of control.”

old man slightly smiled, did not speak.

“At the sight of the short sleeves, I immediately thought of the white arms, I immediately thought of the whole naked body, I immediately thought of the raw reproductive organs, I immediately thought of the sexual intercourse, I immediately thought of the intercourse, I immediately thought of the illegitimate child. The Chinese imagination only It鈥檚 possible to leap forward at this level.”

The sighing Young Master said with determination: “This is what Lu Xun said. I thought I was not in it, but unfortunately, I was told by him.”

Old man laughed, said: “Understanding reflection is growth. Young Master and Shen Qiang are smart people. He doesn’t do useless work. His purpose is undoubtedly to irritate you.”

“I know.” Young Master said sole solemnly with a low expression: “He just wanted to humiliate me, because nobody in the cultivation world does not know, she Song Weiyin is my little apple. I waited for so many years, it finally matured, delicious It was delicious, but it was picked by Shen Qiang, a man who had lost his conscience.”

The old man said silently, “There are many things that are unsatisfactory in the world. Some things can’t be too persistent.”

“Shen Qiang bullied me.” Young Master Yi’s eyes were very, very cold: “He stole my favorite woman.”

The old man sighed: “Male and female love, this kind of thing needs 2 feelings of joy, and the twisted melon is not sweet. Song Weiyinken appeared in front of the public in such a gesture, which means that she has determined her heart and Shen Qiang is together, so the old slaves have a word that they don鈥檛 know.

“Don’t say it, I know what you want to say.” Young Master Yi said solemnly: “What is the special code, love her and give her freedom, and love her should make her happy.”

“Young Master is reasonable.” the old man said cautiously.

Young Master Yi smiled, very cold, and said: “I should be sensible, I should know dedication, I should send them sincere happiness when she chooses to go to bed with Shen Qiang, so that my talent will appear noble .”

“I am wronged and happy everyone.” The young Master who raised his eyebrows looked at the bustling metropolis outside the window and suddenly smiled: “Unfortunately, I am not the kind of Holy Mother who has a tendency to be abused. If someone is doomed to be wronged, that People must be others, not me.”

The old man frowned and said, “Young Master, you…”

“Shen Qiang is aware of our plan there.” Young Master Yi’s mouth suddenly showed a sneer: “Otherwise he will not choose this, which can make 1000 Ning’s name resound in the world, using Song Weiyin to anger I.”

The old man was shocked and startled: “Then our plan!”

Young Master Yi smiled, coldly said: “It鈥檚 okay, if he really knows the details, just sit still and wait for our people to die, he impatient wants to anger me, just want me to act, so that weak spot Give him, so, instruct the following people to draw up a contract of 1000 Ning, tomorrow, I will show it to Shen Qiang.”

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