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Amidst the ignorance of many musicians, Shen Qiang stood up smilingly and staged without stage fright. The tall figure and sunny smile not only made the cultivator present dare to speak, but also made other musicians look at each other in blank dismay.

“Who is this young man? The handsome guy can eat by his face. Is it a newcomer from which company?”

“I don’t know, but this shape is very perfect, and the temperament is very out of the ordinary. It has a handsome beauty that does not lose to small fresh meat, and a masculine domineering taste that is not so good. It is very handsome.”

“It’s a weird feeling that Junmei isn’t the ultimate but is sunny enough, dressed casually, but has a rare domineering attitude, especially the grinning smile, which is obviously a kind of temperament unique to the superior. He writes songs like this… …”

Under the strange eyes of everyone, Shen Qiang came to power calmly.

Because Shen Qiang knows that since Young Master Yi has played this kind of trick, even if Shen Qiang is not on stage, the host around him will never let himself go.

All kinds of difficult words will not be missing.

So refusing to take the stage, feeling helpless and looking ugly, is really a joke.

“Mr. Shen, listening to 1000 Ning Young Lady said that you volunteered to write a song for her, saying that your song will definitely help her win. Is this the case?”

The host is full of smiles.

Shen Qiang glanced at him sideways, knowing his heart, with a tempered temperament of 1000, he would definitely say that to him.

“Yes, I said this.” Shen Qiang smiled.

In an instant, both inside and outside the court, those big-name musicians all shook their heads.

“This youngster, I just don’t know the immensity of heaven and earth. Ai Ruolin’s song was created by 7 Peak musicians. It can be said to be an explosion track, not to mention China, even if it is placed in the world. Within the scope, you can go to the list.”

“Newborn calves do not fear tigers, I really dare to say anything, but as far as Ai Ruo-ling’s tune is, it’s almost perfect. The style of the genre closely follows the trend of the times. It’s the kind that Peak singers rarely encounter. Good song.”

“I heard that Shen Qiang was so arrogant, I beat him 20% off, unless he can prove that he really did, otherwise this person should be black.”

The expression of everyone showed a smile on the corner of Young Master Yi’s mouth, and then he gave the host a look of approval in earnest.

The host of the Mindfulness Club smiled and continued to ask: “Thank you Mr. Shen for his candidness, but I heard that you are an entertainer. I had previously planned to work with Song Weiyin, who was the most beautiful film, to shoot the new Chu Liuxiang Legendary. Your bad behavior makes the movie impossible to shoot.”

This is an exit.

In an instant, the people present were messy. Although all eyes were shocked, there was basically no one talking. After all, Shen Qiang was here, there was no deep hatred, and a few fools would talk at this time.

But online is different.

In the barrage that was swiped by a large group of apparently sisters before, countless men of devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence stood out instantly.

“Damn, such people dare to take the stage and should be killed!”

“Looking at other people’s magic dogs, I knew it wouldn’t be a good thing!”

“A good-looking person, no one is a good person!”

While they were shocked and curious, Shen Qiang suddenly smiled: “Hello, your question is very sharp. After a while, please accept my lawyer’s letter.”

In an instant, everyone was ignorant.

“The so-called bad behavior in your mouth is because the male gentleman sitting on my left hand under the stage is jealous that I am very popular with girls. I secretly took pictures of me with girls in 4 places and used the reason for canceling the investment film. Threatening the producers, the producers have to change their minds and expel me from the crew.”

At this time, listening to Shen Qiang, it is not clear that the lighting engineer at what the hell is happening has hit the spotlight on Young Master Yi.

Seeing the audience’s attention at this time, Young Master Yi smiled at the microphone handed over by the staff and said, “Mysterious talk, Mr. Shen, this unprovoked accusation is untenable.”

Shen Qiang on the stage smiled: “Yes, I know that it is untenable, but you force yourself to play in Chu Liuxiang, which leads Song Wei Yining to break the contract and not shoot Chu Liuxiang. You can’t always say that this does not exist, right?”

In an instant, everyone present was stunned, looking at the short and fat Young Master Yi up and down, Pu Chi smiled at once.

“I get it, it’s me and I won’t act.”

“Hehe, I laughed. The young man on the stage wanted to play Chu Liuxiang. The temperament and appearance are reliable. Should he be handsome and handsome?”

“Hahaha, what else?”

In the snickers of everyone, Young Master Yi’s face instantly became pig liver, angrily said: “Mr. Shen, please pay attention, this is a natural sound singer!”

Saying that’s all, he directly plugged the microphone to the staff on the side.

Not only did the fire catch on, but also shouted furiously in my heart.

“Shameless scum! Despicable, indecent! I have never seen such a shameless person in my life, but I have mentioned the old things here again!”

At this time, Shen Qiang on the stage smiled and bent her eyes.

“I thought nothing would happen after plotting against me by shameless means? The mountains and rivers met, and I put my face together. If I didn’t draw you in badly with many teeth knocked out, it wouldn’t be too sorry for you.”

At this time, I saw Young Master Yi’s complexion turned red, and I was about to explode. The host hurried to save the scene.

“Mr. Shen, since you are so confident in your talents, why didn’t you study music-related majors and chose to be a doctor?”

Hearing this, all the people present focused their attention on Shen Qiang again.

Seeing everyone staring at me intently, Shen Qiang laughed and immediately froze his face, calmly said: “a real man is not a good man, he is a good doctor, this is my 14 years old birthday, my father said to me of.”

Looking at the surprised people, Shen Qiang calmly said: “Because he said that this is what a man should do, save the world and save the people, selfless dedication, I think it is right, people should always do something meaningful when they are alive, so I choose To be a doctor.”

“Then does this mean that you are not professional enough in lyric composition?” The host did not want to give Shen Qiang a chance to perform, and rushed to talk.

Shen Qiang laughed, still saying indifferently: “But after entering the society, I realized that the values ​​of this society have become distorted, no one cares, whether I have done anything for others, the dream of a lifetime is just a little bit of a head in front of me. Small profits.”

“Mr. Shen.” The host interrupted.

Shen Qiang glanced at him contemptuously and said, “I am richer than you, I am better than you, my father is better than your father, I am stronger than you, climbing is more popular, no one is proud, I only know that Pan Yanfu Potential, so, I wrote a song for 1000, and told you to live beautifully, as for the unprofessional, you listen to it yourself!”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang didn’t even look at the host, and left.

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