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Hearing the words of Shen Qiang, the beautiful Mermaid Princess 1000 condensed, looking at Shen Qiang with surprise, “surprisedly said:” Are you serious? Do you really think that your accomplishments in music are better than mine? I have not won ,you……”

Looking at the frowning mermaid Princess 1000 Ning, Shen Qiang laughed, said: “Song, in fact, for more ordinary people, it is a spiritual consumer product, speaking from a certain perspective, no different from food.”

“Some people are very hungry, you give him a piece of food, he can eat sweet, while some are not hungry at all, and eat a lot of mountain and seafood, you give him a piece of ordinary food, he feels that this is your humiliation to him .”

The Mermaid Princess 1000 condenses and stunned: “I don’t understand.”

“Your song, with the power to penetrate the soul, is the highest treasure, placed in front of those who are used to the taste of mountains and seas, they will treat it as a treasure, but placed in front of those who are very hungry, it will not be more Larger, more delicious pastries.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows with a smile: “If I say this, is the meaning clear enough?”

Koi 1000 Condensed Road: “I understand a little, you mean, in front of people who are hungry, there is no difference between delicious and ordinary food.”

“Yes, people are starving to death, and no one cares about the taste, as long as you can eat, you are happy.” Shen Qiang said with a slight smile: “So sometimes to win, not necessarily the best, As long as it’s appropriate.”

“Appropriate?” The Koi 1000 was surprised.

“Among the ten or six singers today, there are only two of them who are beautiful. One is you, and the other is Ai Ruolin.”

Shen Qiang said with a slight smile.

“So there is no doubt that you two is the most eye-catching audience. But you are very conservative, you don’t have super long eyelashes, red lips covered with lipstick, you don’t show big long legs, and you don’t show off on stage Amorous feelings, then it is obvious that those who hold the eyes of the beautiful women will naturally focus their attention on Ai Ruolin.”

Looking at 1000 Ning, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “You are 100 times prettier than her, but you have never given anyone, any lens, a wink, the whole process, and no communication with any audience, so even if you sing No matter how good they are, they won’t give you the ticket.”

“Instead, Ai Ruolin, who will vote for her, show off her flirtatious flirt, because they hope to see her again next time.”

“I wouldn’t dress like that.” Mermaid Princess said seriously, “I’m singing.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang laughed and said, “Do you really like singing? Or is it just for profit, for money?”

“What do you mean?” The stunning 1000 was amazed.

“If you participate in the draft for money, you can actually give up now.” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows with a smile, said: “Because I refining the profit of a medicine pill, it is enough for the top stars to do at least 5 year.”

1000 Ning was silent for a moment, and said seriously: “I am at first, I want to take this opportunity, have a little fame, and make the bar business better, but now, I really just want to sing, because my dad likes me, As long as I go home, things like money, he has never been stingy with me.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang laughed and said: “Then the problem is simple. If you want to win, you can make a big cake with beautiful colors and fragrances. In this way, not only ordinary audiences will like it, they will get used to it. People from Shanzhen Seafood will also come to taste it.”

1000 Ning surprisedly said: “I will not dress like her.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “I don’t mean to let you dress like her. Ai Ruoling walks the kidney. Let’s walk the heart. Believe me. The song I wrote for you will definitely win.”

1000 Ning looked at Shen Qiang with questioning eyes and said, “Most love songs are of that kind, with tossing thoughts and grievances, can you really win?”

As soon as Shen Qiang heard it, pu chi smiled at once: “Silly 1000 Ning, in love, not only is there a murmur of tossing and turning, but also an emotion called anger.”

1000 Ning instantly froze.

At the same time, Shanghai, Zhang Family.

Zhang Shuheng, paralyzed on the sofa and playing games frantically, left his mobile phone helplessly.

“Ma De, I took 23 heads, and I still lost. The rank is still order silver. This is unreasonable. I should have been a king.”

Hearing Zhang Shuheng’s words, Zhang Family Patriarch frowned and said, “Hate iron for not becoming steel:” Zhang Shuheng, you’re enough! Why is it so heartless, I ask you, Shen Qiang Shen Yaowang and Young Master Yi, why? , A hovered between life and death on a small talent show on the local station?”

“Where do I know.” Zhang Shuheng frowns saying: “Many money, stupid, idle chant.”

Zhang Family Patriarch frowned, coldly snorted and said, “Shuheng, can you have a dim sum? That Young Master Yi is who? The young Master in the abyss, that is the top dude in the cultivation world. Suddenly, he ran on the platform. The talent show went, and then, Shen Qiang went away with a swish, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know.” Zhang Shuheng raised his eyebrows.

Zhang Family Patriarch frowned, said with a sneer: “You know to play your broken game, you are willing to play with me regardless, but today this matter, you have to figure it out to me first, otherwise, the phone smashed you to believe or not? You don’t know, how do you think about it and help Shen Qiang call people.”

Zhang Shuheng said helplessly: “I really don’t know! Shen Qiang, wrote a message in the circle of friends, saying that it is something to find the leader of the local station, others are in the studio on the 19th, I will hand in the message We are in our family, and then someone jumps out and makes a phone call, and then you will know the rest.”

Zhang Family Patriarch frowned and sneered: “Shuheng, I know, your cultivation base is the super powerhouse, I am Zhang Family Patriarch, which makes you feel wronged, depressed, and can’t live with your broken phone all day, But now, you have to give me a solid answer.”

“Because you have to understand that Shen Yaowang and Young Master Yi are the true Divine Immortal in the cultivation field. They are arrogant or free. Once the fire really comes up, in the end, two Divine Immortal fights Regardless of the outcome, shake hands and make peace, hehe, you little one who meddles in the middle, can’t someone let you fry it?”

Helpless, Zhang Shuheng continued the game and said, “Patriarch, I understand what you mean. Are you afraid that this matter will be blamed by the Young Master?”

“My Great Young Master, do you still have a heart to play?” Zhang Family Patriarch remembers to jump on his feet: “Then Young Master Yi who? Everyone will, just send one over, Zhang Family, we are extinguish sect, you know?”

Zhang Shuheng hearing this, dashing eyebrows upside down: “Get out of it, want to climb high branches, and fear the wolf before the tiger, all day long chat with me, must have a good relationship with Shen Qiang, the result twisted his face, afraid of the young Master Yi Yi, also Don’t think about it, people fight with Divine Immortal, can people stab you with a knife?”

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