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On the stage, the beautiful Mermaid Princess Koi 1000 Ning has stepped down. The three judges on the judging panel were obviously amazed by the fact that 3 Ning only got 1000 2 100 tickets, but it was useless, and the game continued.

“Shen Qiang, did you know that I have always regarded you as my strong opponent, but it seems that I completely overestimate you, an ordinary singer, body, appearance, voice, not as good as the Koi 1000 Ning, but Under my arrangement, I can already win the championship without suspense.”

Looking at Shen Qiang’s Young Master Yi Yi sideways: “But 10000 10000 didn’t think of it, so the perfect 1000 coagulation, with your help, has now fallen to the 8th place, which is already a desperate situation, one of the next 6 singers , All fast songs that are indulgent and cheerful, if you don’t want me to humiliate you for a while, get out now.”

Hearing this, looking at the stage, but in the cheerful sound of the music, the inexplicable singer seemed to be in a trance, Shen Qiang suddenly moved, and then turned his attention to other people, and then immediately found that they His expression also seems not at all to be driven by this cheerful music.

“Not necessarily, 1000 Ning still has a chance!” Shen Qiang said.

Young Master Yi smiled: “It’s really a delusion. The singers behind can win her as long as they sing casually. If so, she can’t kick her out of the top 8. Those singers are too wasteful. Do you really think that you Shen Qiang Will there be such good luck?”

At the moment when he heard this, Shen Qiang smiled, and the strange smile on his lips made the Young Master stunned.

It’s just that he didn’t wait to understand that Shen Qiang was laughing and so on at the same time.

The singer on stage has already spoken.

Just a bright voice, and in an instant, everyone was ignorant.

Obviously a cheerful music, but inexplicably with the feeling of homesickness.

Not only that, the second sentence is out of tune.

Young Master Yi’s smile instantly froze.

Not only that, the original good song actually slowed down, then…

Full of nostalgia.

However, it is worse than 1000 by the distance.

“Hush! Go down!”

The audience at the scene has started to coax.

The judges on the jury are very impatient.

Young Master Yi was shocked, and then said with a look of emotion: “what the hell is happening? This singer abandons martial arts? Shen Qiang, you bastard, bought them to release water?”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang already smiled and bent her eyes: “Young Master Yi, don’t make me think as shameless as you, know what is the endless rhyme, 3 days around the beam?”

Looking at the young Master Yi who was shocked, Shen Qiang smiled: “Singer, the understanding of various singing methods is much better than that of ordinary person. Obviously, he is still immersed in 1000 condensed songs, so if their tracks are and Nostalgia-related, then there is no doubt that it will sing beyond the standard, and if it is not, then I am sorry, anyone who wants to imitate 1000 Ning will be servant.”

In an instant, Young Master Yi complexion ashen.

not only.

The next game, as expected, as Qian Qiang guessed.

The subsequent singers, although not at all, ran away, but obviously, when singing, the mood was wrong, even if the sound was sung correctly, there was no emotion in it, so the score went down all the way to the last singer.

Three reviewers directly gave an ultra-low score of three points.

On-site voting, there are only 5 votes.

The whole program, like a rocket rising into the sky before 1000 Ning waits for the stage, and when the song of 1000 Ning is finished.

The rocket fell.

“Will the 8th place still lose?” At the end of the show, Young Master Yi raised his eyebrows and sneered: “The person I hold is the first!”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Don’t talk too much, enter the top 8 and think that you can participate in the top 8 competition, Young Master Yi, we will see tomorrow’s program, hope that by that time, you can still laugh.”

Hearing this, Young Master Yi smiled: “You will lose an adult, Shen Qiang, I promise!”

Shen Qiang didn’t care at all.

Straight with the Koi 1000 Ning, Ye Guyun and the sleeping Fire Lotus monster Ke Bizhu left.

At this time, with the end of the live broadcast.

The three judges in the studio were in a hurry, and they held the program leader in succession.

“Director, if this show does this, we won’t do it anymore. The 1000-condensed song is truly natural and flawless. We considered that we couldn’t fill up the scores and gave them 9.9. You only see the score on the spot. How many?”

“Absolutely no cheating!” frowns saying: “I promise! That is the choice made by the audience.”

And just as they argued.

According to the usual practice, the songs of each singer are individually edited and posted on the website, and the members of the data department for the audience to watch are full of surprises.

“Minister, come and see, this 1000-singing singer’s song is so weird. According to the reality in the background, the number of plays is constantly increasing, and… shows that the number of viewers who are circulating a single has exceeded 70000 people and is rapidly growth of.”

At the same time, on the social platform, there are several big v, but weirdly reposted 1000 Ning songs.

“High scores of natural sound nostalgia, listen to me, I have already booked a ticket!”

“A song that made me feel homesick for a while.”

“Insipid is true. I don’t think this song is so beautiful, but it does make me feel homesick.”

And while all parties are paying attention.

The editor-in-chief of the Music Ocean International Channel just stopped working. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyebrows. He said: “I have a headache. Now the popular music in the domestic music scene is getting worse and worse. I don’t know what to do.”

The assistant on the side said, “There is no proper way. After all, we are an international music channel. Many songs are indeed not suitable for broadcasting on our channel.”

“It’s useless to say that.” The editor leaning on the chair said: “I only want a few really good songs.”

The assistant sighed and said, “It’s difficult. Now the singers are blooming everywhere. There is no shortage of all kinds of music, but it really shines. There are almost no natural sounds.”

Just then.

The office door creaked open.

The editor frowned.

“Editor, come and listen to this, I promise, this is what you want!” Little fatty rushed in, his eyes shiningly played on his mobile phone, 1000 condensed the song.

a long time.

After looping several times.

The editor-in-chief of Music Ocean International was terrifying.

“Perfect, this singer is too perfect, and the song is perfect, although niche, but enough for our show.”

Hearing this, the little fatty’s eyes lit up: “She is an original singer, this song is a local station draft show, No. 8 in the semifinals, and tomorrow will be the top eight. If you want to see it, you can go directly on site.”

“What?” The editor-in-chief was shocked: “This kind of international performance is called a hall-level concert? Only the 8th?”

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