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In an instant, the color of the beautiful 1000 Ninghua changed, and she lost her voice in horror: “Shen Qiang!”

At the same time, many of the big sea monsters on the scene showed a pair, are you still pretending? This is the look of death.

“Since the battle of the gods is over, the trace of the dragon has been hard to find. Shen Qiang, the dragon demon, has appeared so intriguing. It is a pity that he is too crazy. Compared with the 1000 years of demon cultivation, he It’s just an egg that has just hatched, so dare to provoke authority when it’s so small, it’s not strange to die!

“Hehe, 1000 Ning Princess is the most beautiful Princess of the sea clan, and has the ability to drive the sea monsters in the whole area. He also wants to get his fingers dirty. It is courting death!”

“Among the Sea Territory, there is already the world of the sea emperor, dare to fight against the prince Butters, is there any reason to die?”

Not only do they think so.

At this time, Buttes, the son of the sea emperor who stood above the huge waves, also laughed jié jié.

“Yo, I thought that the so-called big sea monster ally, the unparalleled king on the land, 10000 Shen Qiang, how powerful, but I didn’t expect it to be just a deadly cannon assassin, it was a laugh. Dead, 1000 Ning, didn’t expect, you have fallen into such a man!”

His laughter, accompanied by a gust of wind, resounded in everyone’s ears.

But at the same time he was tone barely fell.


Compared with before, the terrifying dragon breathed wildly many times, soaring into the sky.

“impossible !”

The laughing Sea King Bouts was shocked and horrified to see that Shen Qiang, who was clearly shot in the chest, was still standing proudly, and the corners of his mouth not only showed a cold and stern smile.

Along with the sea breeze’s light skirt and forehead short hair, along with the terrifying and terrifying aura, there appeared a pair of golden double pupils like a jujube erected.

In the dark night, not only is the arrogance of the world arrogantly spread, but it seems that the natural king is generally condescending, but also the many sea monsters present, not only the heart instantly mentioned the throat, but also felt a kind of bone marrow Shiver in the depths.


The beautiful mermaid koi 1000 was condensed, her eyes were horrified, and she stared at Shen Qiang in shock. At this moment, her thoughts returned almost instantly to the dragon palace that grew up from a small one to a large one. She was held by the big sea monster and looked up, The chair full of clouds.

“1000 Ning, you remember, this chair can only be seated by dragons, feel it, this is its breath!”

And almost at the same time as the 1000 eyes were shocked, the dozens of sea monsters on the coast were even more unbearable.

The cultivation base is strong, the legs are shaking, and the cultivation base is a little low, and even kneels directly.

“He exhaled the breath of the Dragon Palace.”

“This impossible, how could there be such a trembling breath on his body, even in the face of the big sea monster king, I have never been so panic!”

“He will die, he will die, he will die when he looks at me!”

And just as many sea monsters and koi 1000s are shaking at the same time.

The scene where all the sea monsters present were so horrified that soul flew beyond the heaven happened.

Ka-cha !

With a clear sound.

It seemed that the snake-shaped front spear of the Pluto curse, one of the 7 Divine Weapons that had stabbed Shen Qiang’s chest, suddenly shattered.

“impossible !”

For a moment, I just felt that Buttes, the son of the Sea Emperor, who was all covered with sweat, suddenly waved his hand, and the broken snake spear flew back into his hand.

not only.

To his horror, he just started.

The Pluto’s curse, which has always exhaled a cruel and fierce breath, exudes a trembling buzzing sound, and the breath is full of shiver coldly fear, which makes all sea monsters stunned.

“The Phantom Curse is scared? How is this possible? It is an innumerable murder weapon!”

“How is this possible! Will it be afraid?”

“It doesn’t make sense, is this Shen Qiang an Indestructible Diamond?”

And just as they looked at Shen Qiang in horror.

A little Fairy with a slender figure and a cicada wings has already fluttered its wings.

In all the terrifying eyes of the sea monster, she fell on Shen Qiang’s shoulder with a white and small hands, holding a broken blade of the Pluto curse, and then chewed like sugarcane with pleasure. With that broken blade.

The curse of Pluto in the hands of Sea King’s son Butters sent out a tragic wu wu wail.

Like crying again.

In the sea breeze, Shen Qiang with short hair on the forehead fluttering with the wind, and the sneer of the lips at the moment, and the cold golden pupil, made all the sea monsters present had no trembling.

“Monster! She is eating!”

“So scary monster, so beautiful!”

“What is she?”

Almost at the same time as many sea monsters were horrified, they were horrified to the extreme Sea King’s son Butters, True Yuan above and below his body had climbed to the extreme, not only the world changed color, but the dark clouds above the Sea surface were all following his breath Circling.

“Impressive Demon!” As a sea monster, he glared at Shen Qiang’s shoulder, small in size, holding a golden broken blade that was gigantic compared to her body, and was cuddling Golden Cicada, angrily roared : “Where are you from the monster!”

Hearing this, Golden Cicada was surprised, but then, she pouted and didn’t bother to deal with him at all, but she said to Shen Qiang coquettishly, “Master, do you want Golden Cicada to help you kill him.”


All sea monsters present were petrified.

“Incredible! Is such a powerful Demon called Master Shen Qiang?”

“My God, with her ability to use the curse of Pluto as food, it is enough to shock the side, but she is just a servant of Shen Qiang! Then how strong is this Shen Qiang!”

Faced with the shock of many sea monsters, Golden Cicada sat neatly on the shoulder of Shen Qiang, but did not have that many thoughts.

Because for her who has been hiding in the Shen Qiang Sea of ​​Consciousness for a long time, in this world, it is the god who teaches her the cultivation of Tai Yin Youying and the divine seed germinating Shen Qiang, which is the fairy, which is Qing Xuan. Sea horse, monster, obviously can’t get into her eyes.

Especially as Golden Cicada, a corpse, she was not afraid of water and fire sword soldiers. After the evolution of the source of the plague, the evolution of the Da Luo Tianhua robbery, and the teaching of Taiyin Youying, now she has not yet reached Lingyou. Ying is satisfied, but at least according to You Ying’s evaluation, she is already a spirit, even though she can’t become a god, it is also a rare spiritual object in the world. If you can cultivate it to the extreme, even the gods have a power!

At this time, seeing Golden Cicada ignored him at all.

Buttes, the son of the sea emperor above the huge waves, turned his attention to Shen Qiang’s body. That grim look was more than resentment!

However, almost at the moment of seeing Shen Qiang’s eye-stricken eyes, his heart was panicked for no reason. The original rhetoric suddenly became: “Okay, okay, okay, Shen Qiang, today’s account, I will remember it for you. Sooner or later, I will let you repay it twice.”

At the moment when he heard this, Shen Qiang suddenly raised his eyebrows, not only his short forehead, fluttering in the wind, but the sky behind him was also torn. The scalpel of 10000 steel essence, like a sky of stars, contains The amazing cold glow shines without spit.

“After working on me, you still want to go? It depends on whether you have that ability!”

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