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Hearing the words of Shen Qiang ruthless, the officers of the dragon group present, including Jiaomei Wenren Meiqiao, were all stunned and watching with absolute silence.

“Is this Shen Qiang? When he is usually by my side, he is always frivolous, making me always feel that he has a good temper, and it doesn’t matter what he says around him, but I did not expect that in the iron hand Immortal King Chengde In front of the sea, he was so cold and arrogant to such a degree!” Wen Renmeiqiao was shocked.

Even more shocked was her female assistant.

“Oh my god, I always feel that Advisor Shen is very good at contacting. He still cooks fried meat for us. He has never felt any pressure to contact him. But now, facing the iron hand Immortal King, do I feel swollen? Is Shen Qiang stronger?”

Not only are they shocked.

The officers on the side of the dragon were dumbfounded.

“Longevity, consultant Shen is on fire, so terrifying, so ruthless, I’m not afraid of big things!”

“My God! Iron hand Immortal King That’s the legend, in the dragon group, second only to the powerful existence of War God!

“This is a heifer to climb a tree, it’s just like a cow! Even if War God is here, I’m afraid I might not dare to say that?”

In their shock.

Immortal King Cheng Dehai, an iron hand, was instantly angry with a Buddha, and 2 Buddhas ascended to heaven!

“Shen Qiang! Even your Master…”

“Call me Shen Yaowang.” Shen Qiang interrupted indifferently: “You must understand that disrespecting me means disrespecting all Medicine Refining Masters, so don’t let me remind you that it will not be good for your family.”

In an instant, the iron hand Immortal King Cheng Dehai, his lungs exploded.

“Okay, okay, okay, okay, you Shen Qiang, no wonder my family is being bullied by you. In front of me, you are still the same. What else do you dare not do in front of others?”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang gestured indifferently to the female assistant Tian Wen of Meiren Qiao.

Then he smiled calmly and said indifferently: “I called you Senior before, looking at the face of the dragon group. After all, the dragon group is a person who contributes to the safety of China. It deserves my respect. You can understand it if you don’t understand it. Now.”

“In other respects, you don’t have to blow your beard and stare in front of me. You are nicknamed Immortal King, and my Shen Qiang is the right medicine king. The best thing is to treat all kinds of rely on age to show of age .”

After taking over the teacup, Shen Qiang blew, and then calmly said: “So you have 2 choices now, or you can just talk to me straight, straight to the point and ask me what I am doing, otherwise, you will leave. You and I don’t want to have a friendship or talk about business.”

Looking at the iron hand Immortal King, Shen Qiang slightly smiled, his face was irony, he raised his eyebrows and asked: “Is my meaning clear enough?”

Hearing this, everyone in the room, expressions all looked at the iron hand Immortal King Cheng Dehai.

At this time his complexion had become extremely ugly.

“Youngster’s impulse is a good thing, but it’s too crazy, but it will only cause trouble. I will only ask you now, is your Shen Qiang must rob my family’s girlfriend?”

Shen Qiang hearing this pu chi laughed at once, and said, “You are really made of iron. Song Weiyin likes me. She wants to be with me. It’s not that I’m robbing, but the little fatty in your family. I don’t know whether to advance or retreat.”

Iron hand Immortal King Cheng Dehai looked ugly and said sharply: “Okay, very good, I have also been young, I know the things between men and women, I want 2 to be happy, I can not blame you on this matter, but, my family Zi Yi is drinking tea at home. How dare you Shen Qiang come to your door?”

“Not only threatened him, stuffed the napkin into the teapot, poisoned him, but also put the paper towel soaked in high-concentrated chili extract in the bathroom, so that he was swollen like a basketball, you must always Give me an explanation?”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once, then calmly said: “Young Master Yi that fatty, 41 this year, you still take him as your sweetheart Xiaobao chanting? Do you know what his courage is Degree?”

“Using the dragon group, taking holiday news, tricked me into going to him, and then hiding his 4 shrimp pastes in a lead box, preparing to give me a feast at hongmen.”

“I didn’t kill him, I already gave you a lot of face.” Shen Qiang said with a slight smile: “But he doesn’t seem to give you a face. From the look of your face, I think these things, you don’t know. @!”

“Impossible! Even if my family remixes, it’s impossible to use the dragon team!” Iron hand Immortal King said angrily.

Shen Qiang smiled calmly and tilted 2 Lang legs indifferently, saying: “You were cheated by him, I can tell you clearly, when medicine pill returned to the conference, he robbed me halfway, my Master was there, I didn’t move him, Let him go.”

“Later, he instigated a group of monsters, and wanted to create a rebellion against He Shenghe. I haven’t moved him yet.”

“And then, he dug a pit and asked me to jump, arranging the news, disturbing the audio-visual, and replacing it with you is me, will you endure?”

Immortal King complexion ashen, said: “Neither should you…”

“Keep him a life?” Shen Qiang interrupted.

Iron hand Immortal King furiously said, “Shen Qiang, don’t think you have your Master to protect you, you can just come!”

Shen Qiang slightly smiled, said: “When talking to this medicine king, you’d better pay attention to your emotions. Shen Qiang started from scratch. Today, I don’t rely on anyone to help me.”

Hearing this, the iron hand Immortal King was so angry that the temple’s blue tendons swelled up.

“Okay, okay, okay, you Shen Qiang cow, you Shen Qiang are powerful, you Shen Qiang are mad, are you Shen Qiang hostile to me?”

Shen Qiang pu chi smiled: “Your words are a little funny. Before you came here, we didn’t know anymore. I can talk to you calmly here. Don’t you think I’m already a gentleman? If I have a bad temper In a little bit, I will tell you directly, get me out of here mellowly.”

In an instant, the iron hand Immortal King Cheng Dehai only felt that his head was faintly dizzy.

“Shen Qiang, you really bully intolerably!”

He got angry, angrily said.

The people who had been watching around all the time quickly urged persuasion.

“Immortal King, don’t be mad at 10000000. This Shen Qiang is just a straightforward character. I love telling the truth!”

“That’s right, Immortal King, calm, Shen Qiang’s words are rough.”

“Immortal King, Shen Qiang is young, otherwise, would you like to talk to War God?”

Anyway, Shen Qiang is also a safety consultant of Dragon Group, War God’s recipe, and Medicine Pill Shop of Dragon Group Mall. The price is also cheap and affordable. I have already felt that this iron hand Immortal King took Shen Qiang’s ruthless dragon group officers, that Naturally, you’re welcome. Who doesn’t know how to talk about belly-sword, rigid irony and scorching satire?

Seeing this, the violent iron hand Immortal King suddenly raised his eyebrows and said: “Well, since you Shen Qiang is in front of me, taking the medicine king’s shelf, then don’t blame me for being impolite, in the cultivation world, make sense It depends on who is stronger!”


The terrifying breath is instantly like mountains bursting and ground splitting, and the terrifying killing intent makes the room instantly like an ice cellar.

And even more terrifying is.

At this moment, feeling the monstrous killing intent that could not be resisted at all, Shen Qiang realized in a moment that his heartbeat seemed to have stopped. Not only was he unable to move at all, he could not even breathe.

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