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Seeing Wenren Meiqiao looking at herself in surprise, the handsome Shen Qiang also turned her head to look at her. The beautiful mermaid Koi 1000’s pretty face turned red as soon as she threw her eyes away. Don’t look at Wenren Meiqiao and Shen Qiang.

Her a clumsy denial resulting in self-exposure’s expression can’t be concealed from the 10000-year-old 2 of the dragon group’s Renowned. , Fancy it?”

Instantly nervous, the Koi 1000 Ning Zhiwu gave a cry, and then blushed, but pretended to be arrogant, saying: “Shen Qiang saved me in the bar, I came to help him, it was even.”

Hearing this, Jiaomei Wenren Meiqiao showed a ghostly expression before he believed you, and then sneered and said: “Yo, this sounds really indistinguishable, but it has a set of mouths and a set of hearts. There are a lot of people, so it’s true that you are in the right.”

In an instant, Koi 1000 turned his head and said nothing.

Shen Qiang watched the Koi 1000 Ning embarrassed and hurriedly pulled Wenren Meiqiao to signal her not to say anything.

The charming Wenren Meiqiao and Shenmu fiercely glared at Shen Qiang and said, “Hah, you will feel distressed when you arrive.”

Shen Qiang was speechless for a moment.

This is usually not the case with Wenren Meiqiao.

Before, she appeared in this almost unreasonable emotion, or when she was fighting with 1000 Mountain Snow. Since then, her emotions have been very stable, but now, she has seen the beautiful face and long-legged Koi 1000. After condensing, she fell ill and was on the verge of extreme ghosts and animals about to run away.

“Report general! With this as the center point, no trace of other Blood Race was found within 3 kilometers.”

At this time, the officers of the 2nd Dragon Team came.

One of them reported.

“Close the team.” Wenren Meiqiao coldly said.


Many members of the dragon group were leaving, but at this time, Wen Renmei Qiao’s female assistant, who moved her mouth to Wen Ren Meiqiao, apparently said something about sound transmission.

Wen Renmei Qiao froze, then glanced at Shen Qiang helplessly, and said: “This Blood Race matter, some problems need to be concluded. As a party, you are inconvenient to contact, so you go first.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang slightly smiled, nodded.

Afterwards, he set his eyes on the body of the mermaid Koi 1000 Ning.

At this time, she blushed and didn’t speak, she didn’t look at Shen Qiang, she just stood by.

Slender and straight long legs, although not as tall as Shen Qiang, there is somehow an illusion that her legs are 2 meters long.

Not only that, when I think of Wang Yujiang, the big sea monster, at the medicine pill conference, Shen Qiang couldn’t help saying immediately with a slight smile: “1000 Ning girl, thank you for coming to help, I will send you back.”

Hearing this, Wen Renmei Qiao looked at Shen Qiang and gave a blank look.

After meticulously concealing the inner surprise, the mermaid 1000 Ning, after hesitating a little, said in a weird tone: “I can go back myself.”

“Let’s go, I just want to go to you, drink a cup of pressure and surprise.” Shen Qiang smiled.

Hearing this, 1000 Ning is not stubborn.

But he said nothing.

But body language and expression seemed to tacit Shen Qiang’s proposal.

Shen Qiang wants to be with her.

But it’s weird.

After 2 people turned around and left the abandoned factory, 1000 Ning subconsciously stepped behind Shen Qiang and followed behind Shen Qiang.

This makes Shen Qiang a little funny.

Because this is a follow-up attitude, generally speaking, the person who walked in that position in the past was Ke Bizhu.

In the soft drizzle, after leaving the street where the abandoned factory is located, under the dim street lights, the koi 1000 has a pretty white face like jade, beautiful eyes like stars, and small cherry lips. It is too thin, with long legs, and her quiet look, it is really a quiet big beauty.

And almost at this time, Shen Qiang suddenly noticed that although he did not all use True Yuan to disperse the drizzle, but at this time, no drop fell on himself and 1000 Ning. .

This reminded Shen Qiang of the first time he heard 1000 Ning’s name.

At that time, 1000 Shanxue was still around Shen Qiang. During the Doushi Temple incident, the elder of the beautiful demon fox Chuqing, now Elder Fubo of Heshenghe, found that Shen Qiang was in the rain screen, and his speed and power have been greatly improved. Before Shen Qiang came to Beijing, he mentioned Tingtao Bar and 1000 Ning.

But Shen Qiang didn’t go to it at all.

Later, because of the big sea monster, Shen Qiang went to her.

Of course, getting along is not very pleasant.

Although Shen Qiang threatened the Koi 1000 Ning, but finally did not pull the knife, so it can not be said that it is an evil.

Well, Shen Qiang thinks so.

When at the medicine pill conference, I finally negotiated with the big sea monster and could help to get the divine corpse, the big sea monster mentioned 1000 condensate again.

So this time when she returned to Beijing, Shen Qiang had already planned to meet 1000 Ning and talk to her about helping herself get the divine corpse.

But I haven’t figured out what to say.

didn’t expect, Wenren Meiqiao asked for help and Zhai Zhijie, Liam, but the situation between him and her became a little more subtle.

Moreover, all this seems to start from the hero saving the beauty of Shen Qiang.

However, Shen Qiang at this time cannot mention what happened in the bar, because there will be a feeling of doing good things and asking for remuneration.

Not only that, because 1000 Ning was too quiet, Shen Qiang didn’t know what to say for a while, so this time, the instinct of wisdom told Shen Qiang that it was time to pull the calf.

“The weather today is good.” Shen Qiang said.

Koi 1000 is expressionless.

“Especially this rain is also extremely beautiful.” Shen Qiang inspected and observed.

Koi 1000 Ning is still expressionless.

At first glance, he said that two nonsense words, Koi 2 Ning is turned off Bluetooth, not in a state of communication, Shen Qiang can’t help but secretly said in one’s heart, it’s a trick.

“Nah… big bald, no, big sea monster Yu Jiang, which is your father, do you know the behavior of deserves a beating?”

Shen Qiang, who carefully observed the Koi 1000, immediately saw that it had been pretending to be cold and cold. I was a proud fairy. I was a Koi 1000 who would never talk to you. He gave himself a curious look.

This reaction made Shen Qiang laugh.

Because 1000 condenses to open a bar in the capital to maintain a livelihood, without returning to the Hai nationality, and without seeing Yujiang, it is clear that it has a bad relationship with Yujiang.

Otherwise, why should Yu Jiang let Shen Qiang come to her?

Was he making a phone call directly or sending a letter and saying to help Shen Qiang get the divine corpse?

And the relationship between their father and daughter is not good, what can they do?

There are so many women in Yujiang, who were fighting against Shen Qiang for Nalan Tianyu, and according to what Shen Qiang knows, Koi 1000 Ning and her other brother sisters are the same father A half-mother, so in this case, praise of Yu Jiang will definitely disgust her, but if Yu Jiang deserves a beating, then she will naturally instinctively agree.

So at the moment seeing 1000 curiosity, Shen Qiang instinctively continued: “He has too many women, and he can’t walk when he sees beautiful women.”

“Isn’t it a good woman who is king, shouldn’t it belong to him?”

1000 Looking at Shen Qiang in amazement, the eyes of as it should be by rights and a certain tone made Shen Qiang stunned and stunned.

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