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Just when Shen Qiang threw down the beautiful mermaid, koi 1000, a black glow’pu’ sound shot through the bar.

Although Divine Consciousness has clearly noticed, the koi 1000 at this time not only looks beautifully at Shen Qiang who has fallen down, but also feels Shen Qiang’s body. The breath of the dragon is not only beautifully sakura-like, but the lips are lightly open, and the red lips reveal snow-white crystal teeth, a heart, like the engine of the throttle in the end, and the peng peng jumped wildly. .

“Are you okay?” Suddenly felt that her soft, fragrant body suddenly stiff, heartbeat is about to explode in place, not only the blushing face, the eyes are demented, but also Shen Qiang whose body temperature rises like the little sun Stunned.

The Koi 1000 is stunned and completely nervous and speechless.


It was undoubtedly the most appropriate to describe it with the spirit of not keeping the house.

“Have you never made a boyfriend?” Shen Qiang asked, seemingly understanding.

In an instant, her pretty noodles, like boiled crabs, were so red that they could hang on the cross streets to direct traffic.

The pink and small mouth opened slightly, but couldn’t say a word.

The whole person is as if his intelligence has suddenly reset to zero.

This situation made Shen Qiang frown.

And almost at the same time, Shen Qiang saw at a glance, at this moment, just beside the staff behind the bar, a silhouette of a man flashed.

Although he didn’t see his face clearly, the killing intent’s revealing eyes and the technique of Micro Observation that Shen Qiang instinctively opened all told Shen Qiang immediately.

Vampire bat demon.

Time of existence, 300 50 years.

Cultivation base is between the late Primordial Chaos Realm and the Daogu period.

Ability to swallow the blood and get extremely quick recovery ability, will Avatar.

Remarks: The long-lasting combat capability is extremely strong, and the degree of danger is extremely high. When the cultivation base is not higher than its two great realm, it is not easy to fight.

These messages appeared only for a moment.

Koi 1000 Ning is still in a daze.

But Shen Qiang, who knows well that don’t let slip an opportunity is lost, still popped up in an instant and said, “Tell Meiqiao that the person we are looking for has appeared.”

Almost as soon as the Koi 1000 Ning heard this, Shen Qiang’s figure had already been disappeared.

Although I heard the words of Shen Qiang.

But at this time, the koi 1000 lying on the ground was condensed, but her eyes looked blankly at the ceiling. Her heartbeat almost made her dizzy.

“He knocked me down? What a shame! How could this be!”

“No, he is here to save me!”

“That’s okay, so shameful!”

“His breath is very powerful, so domineering, so charming, warm, and as warm as the sun, ah, thinking about something, so shameful!”

“My heartbeat is so powerful, why don’t I hate him? Suddenly, I like him? Ah, what a shame! How can I think so! 1000 You must remember, he is a bad person, he is a bastard, he framed you , He base and shameless!”

“But… why do I like the feeling of being held by him…”

Koi 1000 lay on the ground in a daze.

At this time, the crowd in the bar was already messed up.

“Oh, this little singing fairy fainted!”

“It’s strange, I saw a flash of light, and then it seemed that two people fell down, but I realized in a blink that she was fainted.”

“Quick 110 call an ambulance!”

“120 seems to be outside!”

Under their astonishment, Mei Qiao, who had a pretty face and frost, rushed in.

Squatting beside the Koi 1000 Ning, looking at the strange and daze Koi 1000 Ning, Wen Renmei Qiao anxiously said: “Shen Qiang?”

The Koi 1000 froze, and then said: “Back door, he said, people like you appeared.”

In an instant, the terrifying True Yuan rose into the sky instantly, and the ignorant Wenqiao Meiqiao disappeared like electricity, leaving only one sentence.

“Group A, Group B, search for Advisor Shen, Group C will be cleared!”

The moment the words didn’t fall, the people in the entire bar, like the puppets turned off, were instantly comatose.

At the same time, the shadows of several dragon group officers have also appeared in front of the bar.

“Don’t damage things.”

It seems to have regained the state of best effort 1000 Ning, got up, and after saying a sentence, the figure also disappeared.

Hong long!

There should have been a clear night sky, and suddenly a thunder sounded, and immediately, fine raindrops floated in the sky.

Crazy chasing the breath left by Shen Qiang, beside the renren Meiqiao, who was advancing at a rapid pace, abruptly appeared, and the Koi 1000 coagulated.

“What are you doing?” Wenren Meiqiao frowned, without slowing down at all.

The koi 1000’s face was inexplicably red, and then icily said: “The person chased by Shen Qiang has just secretly calculated me. I want to find out if he is arranged by Shen Qiang.”

Hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao looked at her in surprise, and then sternly warned her: “You better not mess up, otherwise, I will kill you.”

Among the fine raindrops, Koi 1000 condensed calmly said: “Threat me, it is against 100000000 10000 Hai clan, so you better not do stupid things.”

“So hanging?” Wen Renmei Qiao was stunned.

At the same time, in the drizzle, the koi carp 1000, which is like a stroll in the garden, is moving faster than Wenren Meiqiao.

Looking at her perfect peerless body, Wenmei Meiqiao coldly snorted, and then did not speak, but carefully discerned the breath of Shen Qiang, and followed, but soon, she discovered…

This Koi 1000 Ning, seems to be more good, always will first listen to the person and find the right way.

at the same time.

Straight line away from Tingtao Bar, a waste factory to be demolished 5 kilometers away.

Shen Qiang, who was almost like a star falling on the ground in the factory yard, saw at a glance that the man standing next to the rusty little water tower was staring at his own Blood Race.

“It’s really amazing, the woman I happened to rescue.”

Hear Liam’s words.

Shen Qiang faintly smiled and said standing on the spot: “All seemingly accidental things must be hidden behind some neglected necessity. Talk about you, Mr. Liam, I would rather believe that you are just thinking Kill me and join Zhai Zhijie, not willing to believe that you will join Zhai Zhijie for 10,000,000.”

Liam’s eyes standing beside the old water tower were red in the dark night.

“You are suggesting that you can save the singing Banshee, not luck?”

“Please answer my question directly.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow: “This is my respect for you. As a gentleman, I believe you know what social etiquette is.”

Hearing this, Liam with bloody eyes, after a moment of silence, said solemnly: “Your appearance is a huge threat, without the restraint of monsters, there are a lot of magic drugs, the dragon group is already strong enough Break the balance maintained by all parties.”

“And as long as you are killed, Heshenghe will disperse and everything will return to its original state, and then this continent will become the Holy Land of Blood Race.”

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