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Hearing the head of the Dragon Division鈥檚 capital department, the officers on the side froze for a while, and then surprisedly said: “Lieutenant General, what do you say? Shen Qiang’s most powerful place is strength? How is this possible? He is the drug king, he is good at Pill concocting, good at poisoning, able to control part of Demon, this is not a secret in the Dragon group.”

The Dragon Division鈥檚 Beijing Department was responsible for hearing this and smiled, then sighed: 鈥淵ou still don鈥檛 know War God too. He has been searching for 60 heirs who can inherit his Legacy 4 years ago. The only requirement at that time was Primordial Chaos Realm. , The strength is enough, and True Yuan has enough volume.”

“But the results are surprising. Many geniuses at that time, even many of the super powerhouses now, did not meet his requirements. No matter how talented that person was, his evaluation was only one sentence.”

Looking at the officer, the head of the Dragon Division鈥檚 capital department said with a smile: “The power is too far away to use my martial skill at all. But now, he suddenly declared that Martial Dao of Shen Qiang was taught by him, which means , He affirmed Shen Qiang’s Martial Dao ability.”

Hearing this, the officer of the Dragon group surprisedly said: “It is all cultivator, there is a difference in the strength of this force, but if it is bigger, where can it go? Is this Shen Qiang really so strong?”

“Ten months and five months, from the beginning of cultivation, to the end of Primordial Chaos Realm, compared with him, the Wushuang Jiansheng was just a fool.” The head of the Dragon Group Beijing City said with a smile: “So pull yourself together, catch We must not intervene in the handling of cases.”

“However, anything that may threaten the life of Shen Qiang, we all have to act immediately to ensure the absolute safety of Shen Qiang, the only successor that has been trained for 60 years. I don鈥檛 want our future team bearer In any jurisdiction.”


The officer was nodded, and then he looked at Shen Qiang’s eyes with inexplicable awe.

“Dragon Team War God, that is China’s immortal banner!”

At the same time, in the listening Tao bar, listening to the singing voice of Koi 1000, Shen Qiang is watching four places cautiously.

1000 Ning’s singing voice is as beautiful and pleasing as her people’s, but with vigilance in her heart, the singing voice can no longer affect Shen Qiang.

But with observation, Shen Qiang was secretly shocked.

Because at this time, the entire listening Tao bar, under the singing of 1000 Ning, is filled with a warm and happy emotion, everyone is intoxicated, everyone is watching the Koi 1000 Ning, showing a happy smile.

“This is almost equivalent to Illusion Technique! The singing completely manipulates the emotions.”

Shen Qiang is vigilant and at the same time looking for the traces of Blood Race.

But the weird thing is, Liam of Blood Race, not at all appears.

“Isn’t the product known to be exposed, will it already appear?” Shen Qiang frowned, thinking in his mind: “No, he is for Blood Race, or for Zhai Zhijie’s money. When I appeared here, It鈥檚 his best chance, and if you miss today, it will be more dangerous. If Liam is not too stupid, he should know to seize the opportunity.”

Shen Qiang thought repeatedly in his heart.

But the whole bar was peaceful.

1000 Ning, standing on the Little Wu stage, sang 5 songs in a row.

During this period, many guests will order wine and chat during the interval between songs, but the atmosphere in the whole bar is harmonious and warm, overflowing with a soothing sense of happiness.

The overall atmosphere is very good.

But only, Liam not at all appeared.

After taking a short break at 1000 Ning and coming off the stage of Little Wu and replacing it with a male singer on the stage, Wenren Meiqiao, who came back to his senses, couldn鈥檛 help but praise sincerely, saying: 鈥淚t鈥檚 a mermaid, Koi 1000 Ning. The sound of singing, like some kind of magic, makes me, a person who doesn’t listen to songs much, listen with keen interest pleasure.”

Shen Qiang smiled and declined to comment.

But after watching the watch, Wenren Meiqiao remarked and said: “But now the time is almost ten o’clock, according to the bar’s program list, after ten minutes, 1000 Ning will continue to sing 3 songs, and then It鈥檚 another person鈥檚 performance, 1000 Ning will no longer be on stage, so if Liam really wants to insinuate you here, he should almost show up.”

Shen Qiang smiled, looking thoughtful.

After all, it鈥檚 very reasonable to hear people鈥檚 words, because the singing voice of Koi 1000 is magical. When she sings, the whole person listening to Tao Bar will focus on her. At this time, if someone does Something else, other than Koi 1000 Ning, others will not notice, so this means that the next time Koi 1000 Ning is singing, it will be Liam鈥檚 best mobile phone meeting,

If it is Shen Qiang, if there is an assassination plan, it will choose to do it at that time. ,

But the problem is.

At that time, the band’s people will focus on music, customers will focus on 1000 Ning, but the only thing that 1000 Ning focuses on is the audience.

It is not difficult to do things that may damage her interests under the powerful mermaid of her cultivation base.

Even if she doesn’t need her shot, as long as she wakes up Shen Qiang and Wenren Meiqiao properly, all the arrangements made by Liam will become useless.

So, if Shen Qiang is Liam, what arrangements will be made in this situation?

Shen Qiang frowned deeply.

at the same time.

Wen Qian Mei Qiao around Shen Qiang suddenly lightly poked Shen Qiang with his hand and said softly, “Look over there.”

Hearing this Shen Qiang curiously, she looked down where she was looking, and immediately saw that there were three young men dressed up, who were already surrounded by Koi 3 Ning.

“Girl, I invite you to have a drink and hang out with the big brother. The hotel next door is very nice.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once. In this street little hooligan, she will not directly say that I want to sleep with you, but want to go with you to the dawn of the day. I hear such dialogue here. There is some sense of joy inexplicably.

Especially 1000 Ning is not an ordinary woman. She is the favorite daughter of the big sea monster king. The cultivation base is strong enough to make Superman spiral into the sky. In this case, to force her and force her out. Face, that is not something that even Shen Qiang has the courage to do.

“These guys really don’t know life and death, just a few of them ordinary people, 1000 snorting, they died.” Wenren Meiqiao on the side of full of smiles, one must look like a good show.

But the moment he heard this, Shen Qiang’s face changed instantly.

Not only that, but at the same time, the three young people surrounded by the Koi 1000 Ning with a calm expression without any expression, not only swearing, but also started to move their feet. Although they didn鈥檛 touch the 3 Ning at all, the rogue acted there , Has already caught everyone’s attention in the bar.

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