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In an instant, the officer of the dragon group blushed suddenly, and then embarrassedly said: “I’m sorry, Advisor Shen, I don’t know that you are here to deliver medicine to the patient. I thought that you would be like other doctors. then……”

“I don’t know, so I’m first.” Shen Qiang said with a slight smile: “I understand this, I just want to know, do you still have any questions.”

“No, I’m sorry, Advisor Shen, I shouldn’t be so polite to you,” the officer of the dragon group, whose face was red, was embarrassed.

Shen Qiang smiled, and then calmly said: “Well, very well, then next time, when you encounter similar things again, I hope you can figure out the situation and speak again, can you do it?”

“Please, Advisor Shen, rest assured, I will do it.” said the officer of the dragon group. ,

Shen Qiang smiled, and when he saw one side, he immediately saw, charmingly looking at himself, smiling Wenmei Meiqiao.

“Okay, since everyone has no doubt now, then General Wen and I will take a step first. If something happens, call us and see you later.” Shen Qiang said with a slight smile.

“Okay, goodbye, Advisor Shen, you walk slowly.”

Everyone present was smiling. ,

Congratulations to Shen Qiang and Wenren Meiqiao to leave.

Just before stepping a few steps away, we saw a group of rushing patients’ families.

“Which doctor saved my son’s life?”

“Hua Tuo reincarnated, I have already prepared for my family’s later life, didn’t expect, and I can still get back to life.”

“Da Renren!”

Seeing these people rushing over, Shen Qiang inwardly shouted is not good, because this person, Qian Qiang, is soft-hearted and listens to too many words of appreciation, but will be embarrassed, so Shen Qiang quick witted in an emergency, finger pointing the experts , Said: “Yes, it’s those Divine Doctors!”

Hearing this, the families of many patients who rushed over went straight to those people,

Shen Qiang took the opportunity to hold Wenren Meiqiao’s hand and walked away quickly. ,

“You’re such a man, really.” Wen Qian Mei Qiao, who was dragged and run by Shen Qiang, was as charming as the river of March.

The smiling Qian Qiang took her directly out of the hospital, and then said: “No, I can’t stand being thankful for being surrounded by the patient’s family. It’s too nauseous. After all, for me, it was only unremarkable hours, and they cried again. Laughing again, Hua Tuo, and benefactor, I am embarrassed.”

Wenren Meiqiao smiled and bent her eyes, said while playfully pouting: “Really, how can there be someone like you, people are praised, they are all happy and flirtatious, you are good, you have escaped, I have never seen you like this of.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Don’t you just like me?”

“Well, the face is not ashamed.” Shen Qiang gave a charming white look to Wenqiao Meiqiao, and her pink lips raised her coquettish smile. For a time, more than sexy bearing and charming temperament, she made Shen Qiang I have to admire that Wenren 2 Qiao, who put down the double sword, is really beautiful as a flower.

Smiling, Ye Guyun, who followed behind, and Wen Renmei Qiao’s female assistant came out.

Jiao Ye Ye Guyun smiled and showed 2 tiger teeth: “Master, you ran well in time, the family members of the patients, wiped on the experts with a snot and tears, and they won’t spread.”

Shen Qiang smiled and bent his eyes.

At this time, the assistant of Wenren Meiqiao, said with a smile: “General, if you go out for dinner, can I get off work first? I haven’t seen my husband for several days.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang just wanted to say yes, and heard Wenren Meiqiao suddenly stopped laughing, but said very solemnly: “No, the secret mastermind has not been found yet, so I can’t rest now, let’s go , Go to the Great Appetite King barbecue, we will eat while discussing the case.”

In an instant, Ye Guyun’s eyes light up: “Okay, the barbecue is good.”

Wen Renmei Qiao’s female assistant sighed.

Shen Qiang is helpless.

“Girl, shouldn’t you eat more vegetables?”

Half an hour later, in the private room of the Great Appetite King barbecue restaurant.

Looking at renge Meiqiao and Ye Guyun of gorge oneself, Shen Qiang helplessly said: “It’s not delicious at all, because they use quick-frozen beef.”

Wen Renmei Qiao glanced at Shen Qiang and said, “As long as you have a lot of things, you will be hungry if you don’t eat. Besides, come here, not just for dinner, but also to talk about the case.”

Shen Qiang was helpless and looked at Wenren Meiqiao and said: “In this kind of thing, the people in the Dragon group will be responsible. There is still something in my family.”

“He he he.” Sneered Wenren Meiqiao raised an eyebrow: “Why, want to go back to accompany Qin Yuren and soften Pan Meiqing?”

“You just understand.” Shen Qiang smiled.

“Dream!” Wen Renmei Qiao raised an eyebrow: “Before the matter is resolved, don’t even think about the things in Hesheng Heshanzhuang, no way!”

Shen Qiang reluctantly said, “Well, then you talk about the situation, I can help you find out that guy?”

“This is almost the same.”

Wen Renmei Qiao turned his head to the female assistant: “You tell him the situation, if there is any need to add, I will say.”

Hearing this, the female assistant took out her small book and told Shen Qiang: “This is the case. Recently, some patients with pandemic influenza infection have appeared. We initially judged that it should be artificially distributed.”

“Say the key.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow.

The female assistant raised her eyebrows and said, “The point is, we tried to find the intersection between them according to our previous experience. It turned out that 90% of them came from different office buildings in the same business district.”

“Very good.” Shen Qiang said: “Then? What did you do?”

“Yes.” Wen Renmeiqiao’s female assistant said: “But the result is nothing, because there are hundreds of companies distributed in those office buildings, the number of floating population is huge, and no useful clues have been found.”

“Is this a provocation?” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow: “Is suggesting that he has the ability to let the infection break out on a large scale?”

After hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao said: “We have also considered this possibility, but we are a little puzzled, because if this person hidden in the dark really wants to provoke us, this kind of scene is not enough to see.”

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “interesting, I suddenly felt that the person hiding behind the scenes seemed to be trying to hide something.”

Wen Renmei Qiao frowned and said after a moment of silence: “We haven’t thought about this yet, but listening to you said, it seems that this is also possible.”

Shen Qiang laughed and said to the female assistant on the side: “What about the other 10%? What is the situation?”

“Cultivator, has died, a total of 3 people.” Wen Renmei Qiao’s female assistant said: “Not only that, but even more weird, these three people infected with the virus are more serious than others, and they are sick It’s also very strange to listen to the earth, is it listening to Tao Di?

“Koi 1000 Ning Di?” Shen Qiang’s eyes instantly became sharp.

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