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Observing the changes of Su Xiaonuan, the beautiful Fairy Qin Yurouxue white jade’s hand grabbed Shen Qiang’s arm, startled happily said: “Shen Qiang, your Foundation Establishment Pill is amazing, successful, she has succeeded Foundation Establishment!”

At the same time, Shen Qiang’s eyes looked at Su Xiaonuan excitedly, saying: “Tell me, what did you see in the Qihai when you were at Foundation Establishment?”

This remark makes the beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou stunned. In fact, generally speaking, the Foundation Establishment opens up a sea of ​​qi, and the bigger the scene, the greater the potential of the proof. So usually, the teacher will ask to see How big the scene is to make it easy to distinguish, but it is clear that what Shen Qiang cares about is not how big Su Xiaonuan’s air is, but what he sees.

This is weird,

“I saw the basketball court.” Su Xiaonuan said with a smile happily: “Then I keep pitching inside, just like dreaming, I can do it, like 100 shots and 100 shots like you.”

“Handsome!” Shen Qiang was surprised, took the paper and pen, and quickly wrote Su Xiaonuan’s name on it, and then marked and threw it at the back.

“Really?” Su Xiaonuan was a little curious and looked at Shen Qiang with a long-awaited gaze, but Mei Mu inadvertently saw Shen Qiang’s beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou. The disappointed look immediately realized that her The Foundation Establishment situation does not seem to be as good as expected.

“A basketball court-sized sea of ​​air, aptitude is too common, not only not rare at all, if it is the recipe of Yaowanggu, let alone excellent, it can be regarded as an ordinary pass at most, and its future development is probably the most , That’s the kind of ordinary cultivator, it’s hard to be amazing.”

The beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou thought about it, and his expression naturally showed disappointment.

And Su Xiaonuan is Dean’s assistant, the best thing is to deal with people, so naturally see it.

“Am I bad?” Su Xiaonuan asked. ,

Hearing this, the beautiful Fairy Qin Yu smiled softly and said: “Of course it is not very bad, it can only be regarded as aptitude. It is not as amazing as I expected.”

Su Xiaonuan hearing this, oh loudly.

Seeing Su Xiaonuan was also a bit lost, Shen Qiang could not help but smiled and bent his eyes: “Xiao Nuan, don’t be disappointed, you are actually very good, extraordinary natural talent, as long as you work hard, you can definitely start the cultivation industry to fall to the peerless powerhouse of the chin.”

Su Xiaonuan was instantly stunned when the Qin language was soft. ,

“How is this possible?” Su Xiaonuan hesitated and stunned.

Shen Qiang laughed: “It must be. After they have completed the Foundation Establishment, I will immediately inform Bai Jiao and Xu Nan to help you find a magic weapon that suits you best.”

“Flying Sword!” Su Xiaonuan’s eyes lit up immediately after hearing the two words of magic weapon: “Be beautiful.”

At the moment when he heard this, Shen Qiang smiled and bent his eyes: “It’s not Flying Sword, that thing is not for you. Considering that you see the content when constructing Qihai, I think the Meteor Hammer that can be used for throwing is the most. The magic weapon for you.”

“I am a woman’s family, use Meteor Hammer?” Su Xiaonuan looked embarrassed, obviously disappointed, and his tone was inevitable.

Shen Qiang laughed: “Trust me, you can think of Meteor Hammer as a basketball. When you fight, you think you are shooting. If you can really make 100 shots and 100 shots, the whole cultivation world will tremble for you!”

Su Xiaonuan hearing this, his eyes lit up.

The sentence on the side was extremely beautiful. Fairy Qin Yurou, her eyes instantly horrified, then looked at Shen Qiang ecstatically: “Talent! extraordinary natural talent!”

Shen Qiang nodded with a smile.

Su Xiaonuan was confused, and he didn’t understand exactly what Qin Yurou was talking about, so hesitantly said: “I don’t quite understand what you are talking about…”

“Teach students according to their aptitude.” Shen Qiang said with a slight smile: “Heart method, just use 100 Hua Gong’s skills. You can refer to the throwing methods such as basketball, baseball, bowling, etc., and slowly figure out the direction of cultivation by yourself. One, that is, Meteor Hammer in your hand, throw it away, and you can achieve 100 shots in 100 shots in any situation. If you can really do it, you will find that no one in this world has dared to be proud in front of you. “

“I understand!” Su Xiaonuan was full of confidence in an instant.

The beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou also smiled and bent her eyes, looking at Shen Qiang with an admiring look.

Subsequently, the time was not big, and the women woke up one after another.

Shen Qiang asked one by one.

The first is Xin Xiaoting. When she built Qihai, she saw a small river. She was on the bank and was very hungry, so she kept using syringes to eat small fish in the river.

After hearing this, Shen Qiang directly threw her a box of acupuncture needles. The advice given was basically the same as Su Xiaonuan’s. That is, the direction of cultivation is to do everything possible to let the needle in her hand stab anything she wanted. Hit the place.

Then came the beautiful teacher Ju Yang.

When she was building the Qihai, she saw that she was sitting in a deserted sports center planting trees. The trees grew quickly, and then she turned the trees into building blocks of various shapes and sat there to fight , Very happy to fight.

This is weird and interesting.

Shen Qiang’s suggestion to her is to make her work hard to study the differences between various trees and flowers. With the various architectural drawings, the main direction is to use True Yuan to promote the growth of trees and quickly build buildings.

It’s hard.

But beautiful teacher Ju Yang is very interested.

Then, it is Spirit Qi that fluctuates the most and has the highest talent, Xiao Xia. While constructing Qihai, the scene she saw was actually that she was running on the cliff.

Shen Qiang laughed immediately after hearing it.

Because as the number one beauty in parkour world, Miao Xiao Xia’s talent is really too obvious. The quick and windy body is undoubtedly her best choice, so in this regard, almost simply does not need to use any brains.

Moreover, judging from the cliffs she described, her potential is undoubtedly the best.

After giving 4 people relevant suggestions to help them determine the direction of future cultivation.

In the basement, Shen Qiang, Qin Yurou, Su Xiaonuan, Xin Xiaoting, Miao Xiao Xia, Ju Yang, could not help but look at the beautiful young woman Gao Hui, because her Foundation Establishment is too weird, Spiritual Qi fluctuates Miao Xiao Xia is not as good, the breath is not very strong.

But it is always unwilling to come out of the Foundation Establishment state.

At first, Shen Qiang, everyone thought that she would only wake up a little later, just wait a moment.

But this time, I waited for a few hours, until the afternoon, the sun was west, Shen Qiang had waited for a Buddha to be born 2 Buddha ascended to heaven, and the other 4 women had already started cultivation before she woke up quietly. Come.

Waiting aside, Qin Yurou, who was full of curiosity, hurriedly asked: “Gao Hui elder sister, what did you see in the Qihai while you were at Foundation Establishment.”

Gao Hui, a beautiful young woman with beautiful skin and white eyes, gave Shen Qiang a soft look, and then said to Qin Yurou: “A city.”

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