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At the time when Shen Qiang and the shy and beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou, 4 eyes are opposite, the provincial city, the city center, Jinyuhuacheng, the old house of Shen Qiang, the sky garden on the top floor, the night wind is blocked because of, and Not very heavy, but still blowing Su Xiaonuan’s long hair.

“I thought you came back today and wanted to go to the mountain village.”

Hearing Su Xiaonuan’s words, sitting aside, looking quietly at the feet of Xin Xiaoting laughed in the brightly lit metropolis, then calmly said: “The original plan was to go back to the mountain village to help, but I think you are as clear as I am, now We can’t help Shen Qiang at all.”

Su Xiaonuan laughed, looking at the provincial capital at night, saying: “The most interesting thing in life is that you never know what will happen tomorrow.”

Xin Xiaoting laughed, said: “I remember when Shen Qiang and I were internships at Bikang, you are Assistant Dean.”

“I am also now.” Su Xiaonuan corrected.

Xin Xiaoting laughed, then sighed and said, “At that time, Shen Qiang was laughed at because he couldn’t afford good shoes, but less than 2 years later, he has become a person. We can’t catch up with people who can’t see clearly. “

Su Xiaonuan smiled and said, “Is it necessary to say something so sad?”

Xin Xiaoting sighed, looking at the brightly lit metropolis, and silenced for a long time, saying: “I have always worked hard and want to keep up with his pace, but I found that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep up because he was Divine Immortal, the people around him are all Divine Immortal.”

Su Xiaonuan laughed: “Do you want to leave?”

Xin Xiaoting turned his head and looked at her: “Don’t you want it? Reason tells me that we are now by his side, only his burden.”

Su Xiaonuan raised his eyebrows and filled some red wine into the wine glass in front of Xin Xiaoting, saying: “I will not, because I am the most different from you, because I understand that the reason why Shen Qiang is fearless now He wants to develop as much as he can because he wants to make us happy with his own efforts.”

“So even if I can’t help him, I will stay here because I know that many times, for men, they simply don’t expect women to bring him anything, but, because of our existence, he can become Very strong.”

Xin Xiaoting was silent for a moment and sighed: “You are right, Shen Qiang is such a person. He arranged everything for us. We can live happily even if we do nothing now, but every time, When I realize that they are Divine Immortal, I will feel inferior.”

“Inferiority complex will make you make a wrong judgment,” Su Xiaonuan said: “Actually, if you really go back to the mountain today, Shen Qiang will be very happy.”

Xin Xiaoting was silent for a moment, bitterly said with a smile: “Maybe, but after talking with you, my mood is much better, work hard, Shen Qiang is working for us, how can we drag him back What about legs?”

Su Xiaonuan said with a smile: “I would rather not keep up with his achievements in my life, because then I can be proud of him forever.”

Xin Xiaoting smiled, “Yes, he is really outstanding.”

And just when 2 women sitting on the top of Jinyu Huacheng Building smiled for Shen Qiang’s excellence.


Major General Long, the regional security director, Wenren Meiqiao, stood in the morgue with a somber face.

“This is the 3th person who has died in these 7 days,” said the middle-aged man in a white coat, and said with a cold expression: “We have conducted a careful comparison. This pathogen is not the first time It has also appeared before. At that time, the person in charge was Shen Qiang, a security consultant of Dragon Group.”

Wenren Meiqiao hearing this, willow eyebrows tightly knit, said: “Are you sure?”

“Yes, the comparison has been repeated. According to records, the infections of those patients at that time were intentionally spread by some people. Shen Qiang prepared special antibacterial drugs, but now, this bacteria has changed again.”

Wen Renmei Qiao said: “Then I will call Shen Qiang, he can be here in half an hour.”

“Small people, please calm down.” Middle-aged man said: “Regarding the germs, there are already people working on them. They think that the germs can be controlled soon, and, if really needed, They will directly ask Advisor Shen for help.”

Wen Renmei Qiao said: “You mean, shouldn’t I do more business?”

The middle-aged man smiled and said, “General Wenren, I hope you can understand that this is not a large-scale infection, but someone is using a small range and purposely using bacteria to infect these people, so now, the most critical The problem is to figure out whether there is a certain potential connection between these people is the top priority.”

Wenren Meiqiao laughed and said, “History is always repeating itself. Under the sun, there is nothing new at all. Shen Qiang and I have dealt with similar things before. According to previous experience, these infected people, There must be an intersection in some way.”

The middle-aged man frowned and said, “That’s your business, I don’t understand this aspect, and now the situation is that there is a special vaccine previously provided by Shen Qiang, and the spread of the disease is not a concern, but this Is there anything else behind the scenes that is still hard to say.”

Wen Renmei Qiao frowned and said, “There is only one cultivator among these people, so I can’t explain anything yet.”,

“But what’s wrong is interesting, isn’t it?” middle-aged man raised his eyebrows: “Listen to Tao Di, Boss’s identity doesn’t need me to say that you should know it too.”

Wenren Meiqiao frowned and said, “What are you suggesting?”

“A cultivator, go to listen to Tao Di, get sick, and rescue dead, there are only two possible conclusions, one is that he has a reason to go after the illness, and the other, he went there because For some reason, someone killed him with this virus.”

Wenren Meiqiao smiled: “You are suggesting that Shen Qiang is making trouble?”

“You are the regional security manager.” The middle-aged man smiled.

Wen Renmei Qiao’s face immediately cooled down and said, “Then you better shut your mouth.”

Say that’s all, ignore his renown Mei Qiao, and turned out of the morgue.

When she got outside and got into the car, her female assistant handed her a cup of milk tea and said, “General, how is it going? The Koi 1000 Ning came over, and she said to me, all this is the ghost of Shen Qiang, Otherwise, we will not close her shop and let her close for rectification.”

After hearing this, Wenren Meiqiao looked coldly and said: “believe oneself infallible, with Shen Qiang’s current influence, if she really wants to target her, there are 10000 reasons why she can’t drive it. How? Maybe in this way, he can easily think of his way.”

“Then shall we inform Shen Qiang?” the assistant asked.

Wen Renmei Qiao frowned: “No for now, this is the meaning of other departments. Perhaps, they also think that Shen Qiang is related to this matter.”

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