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The genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying made all the girls laugh, especially Pan Meiqing, surprised: “Did he also say this to you?”

Bai Jiao smiled and said: “Of course, Shen Qiang said in front of me that I was so beautiful, hum, never heard him say it the second time.”

“I thought it was just me.” Xu Nan laughed.

The laughter of the girls immediately made didn’t know whether to cry or laugh the beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou, shyly and anxiously exclaimed: “Shen Qiang, you bad person, you are not allowed to speak.”

“You are so beautiful.” Shen Qiang smiled: “I said to you twice, angry with them.”

Qin Yu’s face flicked to the root of her neck, and said anxiously: “No shame, you will be ashamed. Are you not a king of medicine? Are you not the head of Heshenghe? Such an important day, you don’t go Accompanying guests, sitting here with us, will be a joke.”

Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow and said, “I don’t care.”

“Shen Qiang, we will have time to be together later, please, go and accompany guests.” Smart and beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou, hearing Bai Jiao’s laughter and what they said, how could not guess Shen Qiang What are you thinking about?

I was afraid that Shen Qiang was in front of everyone, and the beautiful Fairy was chaotic and anxious. ,

“Go with the guests.” At this time, Xu Nan said with a smile: “This word is soft and younger sister is right. On this occasion, you stay here, no one on the surface says anything, but those cultivator will despise you. Yes, even more how, Yurou younger sister, Meiqing younger sister, since I’m here, I won’t go anymore, what are you busy with.”

Hearing this, looking at Bai Jiao’s smiling face, Shen Qiang stood up helplessly and said, “Well, I thought you would not get along well with each other, but it looks like I was thinking too much. I found that you are not only related Very good, and has formed a united front, what else can I do?”

The girls laughed.

“Look at you stupid, if we really fight, are you heirs of Heshenghe?”

“Just in the blessing without knowing the blessing.”

“Hehe, so handsome.” Abi, who is quite upright, is a wanderer.

At this time, many guests have been seated in Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s discipline. ,

According to the original plan, Yu Xinghuo, Pan Zheng, Qin Yongquan, 3 people, divided into 3 seats, do not meet to avoid trouble.

But with Shen Qiang’s convention management committee, this arrangement is obviously no longer.

Because impossible lets them sit apart, it will make the convention proposed by the convention management committee and Shen Qiang become discouraged by the cultivator.

apart from this.

More importantly, on such occasions, there was a person, Shen Qiang, who always wanted to call and have a meal together, that is, the monster who came out of the Scripture Pavilion of the Great Nolan Temple, Geng Jingyi.

“Praise you, my dear Boss, your glory is shrouded in the cultivation field, reviving 10000 things, making the spring breeze warm, making…”

“Stop!” When she came to the table, Shen Qiang directly interrupted the praise of Bian Yi who was in charge of accompanying guests.

This situation made Yu Xinghuo, Qin Yongquan, Pan Zheng, and Tang Huaqi all snicker.

But there is no doubt that although it is obvious that Bian Yi is playing the flattery exaggeratedly, none of them dare to underestimate Bian Yi. After all, he is the real business president of Heshenghe and he does not have enough ability to do it. This one.

“Boss!” Geng Jingyi, who had already arrived, respected Shili. ‘

Shen Qiang smiled: “Sit, sit, you’re welcome.”

“Patriarch.” Happiness Gate demon Fubo, Hesheng and Elder, on this occasion, he has enough weight.

“Fobo, you are welcome.”

“Owner!” Qingyun Sword Pavilion Second Elder bowed.

Although I was not used to this Second Elder before, on this occasion, face is still to be given. After all, Qingyun Sword Pavilion is now a subordinate of Shen Qiang. If the people of Sword Pavilion are here, they really don’t have any face at all. In the future, when he goes out to work for Shen Qiang, he will be despised by the cultivator.

“Second Elder, don’t be too polite, this is your home. Sit down, sit down.”

Shen Qiang full of smiles.

Ling Qingyun’s Second Elder in Sword Pavilion relaxed a lot, and at the same time, deep in one’s heart was also deeply grateful. After all, he was not a teenage young man. He couldn’t understand things. What identity does Shen Qiang have?

The most loved and respected king of medicine in history.

“Thank you, Lord, but the etiquette is not invalid, you first please.”

Hearing this, I noticed that although I kept talking about letting them sit, Geng Jingyi, Bian Yi, Great Elder Forber, Qingyun Sword Pavilion Second Elder, but they were always standing, obviously waiting for Shen Qiang, see In this situation, Shen Qiang smiled and naturally sat beside the guest of honor Tang Huaqi.

Then waved his hand: “Sit, sit.”

The crowd began to take a seat. ,

In a strict sense, no matter where you sit on the wine table, that is not a mess.

The guest of honor, refers to this table, the most important guests.

In a strict sense, today’s guest of honor should be Qin Yongquan, the owner of Yaowanggu Valley. ,

However, if it is really arranged that way, Pan Zheng’s face will be uncomfortable.

In this case, Tang Huaqi of the Dragon Group was very decisive as the savior General.

With the existence of the convention management committee, Tang Qihua was put on the top of the guest list. Both Master Yaowang and Pan Zheng had nothing to say, because the nature became a member of the management committee.

This made Pan Zheng, who originally thought Qin would be the gentle character of Pan Meiqing, and Qin Yongquan more or less disappointed, but she would never blame Shen Qiang. ,

From the perspective of the two of them, no matter whether it is the first guest of Pan Zheng or the first guest of Qin Yongquan, there is no way for two people to accept.

So it’s the situation now. When the two people look at each other, both sides move the other person’s eyes, full of them. You are so arrogant, why didn’t you sit on the first guest?

What they think about each other, Shen Qiang doesn’t care, at this time everyone has already sat down.

At this time, the master of ceremonies came over and asked Shen Qiang: “Mr. Shen, according to the process, you should come out and speak.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled, and then did not get up. He just sat there calmly and said with full energy: “Dear guests, thank you for your support. The master of ceremonies reminded me that it is time to speak, but speak frankly, nonsense. It doesn’t make much sense to say too much, and it’s really boring.”

“So it’s very simple. Today, I invite you to dinner, because Qin Yurou Qin Fairy and Pan Meiqing Pan Fairy joined Heshenghe, it was the happy day of Shen Qiang, I am happy.”

“Congratulations to Shen Yao Wang!” Many cultivators were present, congratulating He Xi in unison.

Shen Qiang smiled, and then said: “So nothing else, everyone let go, don’t be polite, eat, drink, you are responsible for this. And I, responsible for the drunkard’s intention not to drink, put a few of the Convention Management Committee The adults will accompany them and let them be nodded. Let’s get some cheap life-saving medicine.”

Many cultivator hearing this, laughing in unison.

“Drug King is hard!”

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