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At the same time as Yaowanggu’s sound transmission, in the studio, the beautiful film behind Song Weiyin not only looked beautifully at Shen Qiang who had smiled in the mobile phone broadcast room, but her eyes were more inexplicably coy, not only pink Sakura’s lips curled up in a beautiful arc, and he looked forward to him more mutteringly.

“Shen Qiang, you bad guy is the most powerful. I know that you must be able to understand what is going on. Come on, my man will be a great hero admired by 10000 people!”

At this time, Shen Qiang, who was standing on the podium, by the time of checking the joint letter, he had cleared his mind in an instant, not only a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth, but also glanced approvingly, looking at his smile. spark.

“This Yu Xinghuo is very difficult to deal with ah, no wonder it can make that many Medicine Refining Master join the Danmeng, this means, it is really cunning like a fox.” Pan Zheng smiled at the sound transmission to Wang Guzhu Qin Yongquan, said: “Shen Qiang is indeed Some are young and things are not well thought out.”

“People are greedy, and the benefits that Bai gave them, they will not appreciate it, but Yu Xinghuo stood up against it, and the whole thing changed. No one would watch the cooked ducks fly away, this way. Cultivator must stand up and support Shen Qiang. If they don’t, they won’t get any benefits.”

Qin Yongquan pu chi smiled, sound transmission said: “So from this point of view, this Yu Xinghuo is not simple, he is very clear, the more prestige Shen Qiang, the stronger Hesheng Hedan League, so he made it clear If you fight against thunder yourself, you have to help Shen Qiang pass this level and Transcending Tribulation becomes a fairy.”

A glance at Qin Yongquan’s Pan Zheng smiled: “Don’t worry, be stable, we can see this, do you think those cultivators can’t see through?”

Hearing this, Qin Yongquan said: “it’s up to you, Yaowanggu is noble, agrees with this matter, the dragon group is a guardian of China, and also impossible to oppose Shen Qiang’s proposal, so if this fire is not enough, it is up to you .”

Pan Zheng smiled and did not reply.

At the same time, it has been understood that Yu Xinghuo’s blatant objection was to force Shen Qiang, who expressed his support in the cultivation community, to put down the joint letter in his hand, calmly said: “The objection is invalid, and anything you do has to pay a price. Medicine Refining Master must be changed. Now many diseases can be solved by modern medicine, so the Medicine Refining Master, which is self-styled, is losing its brilliance and vitality.”

“If there is no cure for the disease, the existence of Medicine Refining Master is meaningless, so the convention must come into force.”

Hearing this, let’s see that many representatives of the Sect cultivator sitting in the Conference Hall did not pit, Yu Xinghuo’s eyes could not help but sink, secretly said in one’s heart is not good, after all, this kind of thing, for ordinary cultivator, You may not understand it. Even if you understand the meaning of Yu Xinghuo to let the cultivation circle come out, it is not that simple.

After all, the cultivation community seems to be scattered on the surface, but in the face of common interests, it is a whole. At this time, if you understand it, you choose to stay on the ground and let others come forward. Unfathomable mystery is just smirking Shen Qiang. He was opposed by his men.

So for a time, simply nobody spoke. ,

Seeing that the play couldn’t sing anymore, Pan Zheng, slightly smiled, suddenly said: “Shen Yaowang 3 thinking, I Pan Zheng, representing the wonderful two hands, also opposed to your convention, because medicine pill is Medicine Refining Master is refined, the materials are collected by Medicine Refining Master, the technology is also Medicine Refining Master, then naturally, the pricing power also belongs to Medicine Refining Master.”

Speaking of which, Pan Zheng slammed Yu Xinghuo with a wink.

The enlightened Yu Xinghuo immediately said resolutely: “Pan Kui first said well, so how much money this life-saving medicine pill sells should be what the Medicine Refining Master himself says, how much he wants to earn, it is the freedom of the Medicine Refining Master, wherever he says However, it is not related to Yaowang. You alone cannot represent the cultivation field.”

The moment I heard Yu Xinghuo’s words, the cultivator in the webcast room exploded in an instant.

“Damn, his uncle, how much do you want to earn? Isn’t it clear that you want to suck our blood? Those Medicine Refining Masters, who are lightning fast all day, we respect them, and the result is this? Wipe, Lao Tzu put the words here Now, I support Shen Qiang. Are the Medicine Refining Masters not convinced? Beat them!”

“Sure enough, this Medicine Refining Master is not a good thing, that is, Shen Qiang Shen Yaowang is a person who really intends to cultivate the community. He not only leads by example, but also proposes such a convention that is beneficial to us. It is definitely the most in history. Conscience Medicine King!”

“What about the bigwigs? Isn’t it your responsibility to maintain the cultivation world all day? Why are you going now? Have you stood up? Didn’t you see, Shen Qiang Shen Yaowang, are you under siege? So go ahead and say yes ‘S life-saving medicine pill will the price drop and fly?”

“What about Peak 2? The 12 gangsters are talking fast, and their eyes are blind? If you pretend to be deaf and dumb, this will blow up. I want to talk to the Medicine Refining Master in the future. Isn’t that just a dream?”

In the webcast room, many cultivators burst into rush.

After all, life-saving medicine pill may not be needed at ordinary times, but in the cultivation field, no one can guarantee what will happen tomorrow.

10000 When you need it, you can’t afford it and you have no place to reason. That is the most uncomfortable.

But now it’s different, as long as the Shen Qiang convention is promoted, even if the price of Medicine Refining Master medicine pill does not drop, there is at least one place to reason. If you watch the big good things that are to be done, you will end up like this, Medicine Refining The Master is unscathed, but this big black pot, but the peng sound is buckled on the top of Ten Great Sects’ head, and I can’t remove it if I want to pick it.

Because once this fails, the first thing the cultivator thinks is that Medicine Refining Master is too greedy. The second thing I think is that Peak has 2 people, 2 super first-class sects, 5 super first-class Aristocratic Family, What do they eat, usually show off one’s military strength, when they need them to contribute to the cultivation field, why did they go?

If they stand up, will this be impossible?

This matter.

Although Ten Great Sects Patriarch was not at the scene, he knew everything.

Almost instantly, the ringtone of the phone in the Great Conference Hall rang into a piece.

Afterwards, a middle-aged woman took the lead to stand up and said loudly: “100 Huagong disciple, receive the palace master’s order, speak for the palace master, Shen Yao Wang Renxin Rende, merit in 1000 autumn, 100 Hua Gong up and down, spare no Efforts to support Shen Yaowang’s convention.”

“Emei Sword Sect, fully support Shen Yaowang, this matter is related to the safety of several millions cultivator, Wang Yaowang 10000000 cannot be compromised!”

“Longchang expresses its unwavering support for Divine Medicine King!”

At the same time, the most ruthless is Wanxin Hesheng and integrity.

“Wanxin Hesheng fully supports Shen Yaowang, the Medicine Refining Master who does not respect the fate of the medicine king, and the goods consigned on Wanxin Hesheng will be removed.”

“Medicine Refining Master is not equal to deceiving masters, it is equivalent to deceiving masters extinguishing ancestors. Integrity and full support to Medicine King. If you need to manually clean up the scum in Medicine Refining Master, integrity and justice can do it for you, never give up!”

In an instant, not only Shen Qiang smiled, Yu Xinghuo and Pan Zheng also smiled.

Because Shen Qiang, who has publicly expressed their support for these sects, this is not only the completion of the convention, but its status in the cultivation world must also be detached from now on!

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