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After dealing with many things, when I got home, it was more than 9 o’clock in the evening. When I went upstairs to Shen Qiang, I saw at a glance that the door of my room was open. As soon as I entered the room, Shen Qiang saw a suit at a glance. Shallow purple Slim fit suit, slim figure, beautiful Bai Jiao, sitting on the chair in his room thoughtfully.

It looks as if he is on the sidelines, the mature and tall Xu Nan is talking about something.

“Why, you two miss me?” Shen Qiang full of smiles entered the house and raised his eyebrows with a smirk.

Looking at Shen Qiang, Bai Jiao’s subconsciously un’ed, but then, at a glance, Xu Nan was giving Shen Qiang a white eye, so he immediately changed his mouth and said: “No, we came to Xingshi for guilt.”

Shen Qiang smiled, took off his coat, put it in the storage box in the laundry room, took off the watch, put it in the watch box, and said with a smile: “I heard someone saying that I Shen Qiang took medicine Wang Gu, thirty two wonderful hands, are you going to build your own portal?”

Hearing this, Bai Jiao froze.

Xu Nan Zeyi said with a smile: “Did you not?”

Put Shen Qiang at hand, unbutton the shirt collar and cuffs, smile while sitting on the chair, calmly said: “I want to be really self-seeking, see the forgotten generation, you will not appear Don’t you understand it here? Someone is setting up an office for me. What I want to see is that my backyard is on fire and the people are betraying them.

“Someone is making a fuss?” Bai Jiao’s beautiful eyes light up instantly,

Shen Qiang smiled: “I haven’t been stupid to get home, it seems to be saved, listen well. First, you, the king of uncommon martial heroism, are lazy and have no interest in putting ready-made integrity and Wanxin Hesheng. You don’t need to be tired. , Starting a new idea.”

“Second, everyone knows that family and 2 are happy, so you don’t want to be provoked by the wind or the rain.”

“No. 3, there is indeed a major event to happen tomorrow, but it is still close to the door, so you can wait and see. In addition, tomorrow, I will have to stay at home tomorrow to accompany the girl no matter what your urgency is. guest.”

Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, Bai Jiao jumped up excitedly, happily said: “Shen Qiang, I know that you are not that short-sighted person.”

Shen Qiang smiled and flew his eyes: “I am, I am particularly greedy for money, but compared to you, the money is just some dung, so I only retire and be saved.”

While talking, Shen Qiang closed the door with a smile and locked it.

Bai Jiao smiled and bent his eyes, said: “Bad guys, if you can talk, I will not care about you, you have nothing to say to me.”

But at this time, Xu Nan gave Shen Qiang a charming look, and then said to Bai Jiao: “You just get used to him. We said yes before. Must have a contract with him. Chapter 3, let him have anything. Let us know, and he has 2 good words, and you will forget.”

Bai Jiaolang stunned, and sneered like “big cows, why are you so serious about family affairs?”

Xu Nan shook his head helplessly and said, “I understand, you are a guy with an unsteady position.” Xu Nan who said that’s all and looked at Shen Qiang said: “Shen Qiang, run the rivers and lakes in the cultivation world, you must keep in mind , Easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark, when in trouble, talk to your family more than once, 3 stupid tanners competed with Zhuge Liang.”

With that, Xu Nan, who opened the door, went out.

Shen Qiang hurried out and said, “Xu Nan.” Then, looking at her surprised look, Shen Qiang laughed at hehe: “I miss you, or tonight, will the three of us talk by candlelight?”

Hearing this, Xu Nan’s face turned red, and he said, “No, I have something to do.”

“Then the day after tomorrow?” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow.

She gave Shen Qiang a blushing face and said, “It won’t work within a week.”

Shen Qiang smiled in an instant: “Okay, then don’t go out, good night.”

Xu Nan gave Shen Qiang a white face, and then went back to her room.

With a smile on her face, when she returned to the house, Shen Qiang saw it at a glance. She was petite, with perfect proportions, and her beautiful white jade, looking at herself charmingly, could not help locking the door immediately, and then spread it out. Arms, said: “Come on, you little goblin, this king wants to let you know, what is infinite mana.”

Bai Jiao pu chi laughed out loud, but then, she was slightly ashamed, and fell directly into Shen Qiang’s arms, and then said charmingly and sheepishly: “hmph, you stinky monkey, here is Pansi Cave, Want to win me, then you come!”

Looking at her pink cherry lips and provocative and coquettish beauty, Shen Qiang smiled and bent her eyes.

At the same time, the person in charge of the Dragon Group Provincial City Branch had just bid farewell to Bian Yi, while in Shanghai, the conference hall of the Dragon Group headquarters was very dignified.

“The Medicine Refining Master convention proposed by Shen Qiang, I read, the content is no problem, and, if this thing can really be achieved, it is definitely a good thing for the cultivation industry.” An officer said.

“We have no choice for today’s plan. That Yi Bian said in the Long Zu Provincial Department that it was Shen Qiang’s temporary intention to prepare this convention, but he accidentally said his mouth, Shen Qiang, and Yao Wanggu, thirty two wonderful hands, Yu Xinghuo, reached a tacit agreement.” Another officer said with a smile: “I think this tacit agreement will never be just this convention.”

“Someone from the forum said that Shen Qiang and Yao Wanggu, thirty two of their wonderful hands, formed an alliance to monopolize the medicine pill business in the cultivation field.” An officer said: “The so-called tacit agreement may also refer to this.”

“What about this matter?”

After hearing this, all the people on the scene hesitated, and an officer said solemnly: “There is nothing to think about this. When I think of the Medicine Refining Master in the cultivation field, I start to feel chills in the back and we have no choice. , People must be arranged to Heshenghe to figure out Shen Qiang’s true intentions.”

Everyone was nodded, at this time an officer pu chi laughed at once, calmly said: “My opinion is somewhat different from yours, I think Shen Qiang now just wants to show his influence to the cultivation community, but if there is no dragon The nodded team supports him, and all the medicine kings and alliances are false.”

“But if we agree, then Shen Qiang will be like a tiger that has grown wings. After all, if someone violates the convention, someone has to sanction it? Believe me, Shen Qiang, this guy is definitely not that simple. We are really nodded. , He was put into his pocket.”

“It is possible that there is no binding convention and no value. If He Shenghe does not want courting death, the best way is to push our dragon group.” The officer sitting on the throne said: “But we risk I can’t afford that risk, and it’s important for internal stability, so even if I know Shen Qiang took us being used as a tool, we have to let this spear go! Let’s inform our people that we will fly to the provincial capital tomorrow morning.”

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