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Looking at the extremely beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou, who is very worried, Qin Yongquan, the master of the medicine king, sighed: “Folish child, there are many cultivators in the cultivation field, but the transcendent position is also the most arrogant cultivator. Of course it is the Medicine Refining Master. The thing to do is to set rules for all Medicine Refining Master. If it is so easy, I will have done it long ago.”

Qin Yu said softly: “Dad, then help him!”

Qin Yongquan, the master of Yaowanggu, said the head, “Can’t help, this matter can only be relied on by Shen Qiang himself. If he succeeds, he will become an unprecedented cultivation world, and even a great medicine king. The most important thing is that this is the path chosen by Shen Qiang. Then he can only go on his own. If he wants to help others when he is doing anything, then in the end, he can’t do anything.”

In the luxurious suite, the father and daughter of Qin Family of Yaowanggu had a secret conversation.

But at this time, after leaving Dinghao Hotel, I drove back to Bian Yi of Heshenghe Building. As soon as I went upstairs, an assistant came over and anxiously said: “General Shen, Dong Dong are waiting for you in the office and let you come back. After that, immediately go to his office.”

“I am understood.” Bian Yi said.

Then went to Shen Qiang’s office.

“Praise you, my dear Boss, I always thought that you are greedy for pleasure, not seeking progress, but I did not expect 10000 10000, it turns out that your ideals are so great, it is simply world shacking, weeping ghost…”

“Fine.” Shen Qiang frowned, interrupting: “Don’t act, tell me what the medicine king Gu said.”

Bian Yi smiled and said: “The Master of Medicine King thinks that I said that Pan Zheng agreed to your convention and was cheating him. He thought that Pan Zheng was playing the trick of playing football, so he took the matter as he should.”

Shen Qiang hearing this surprise, said: “That thing has been half done.”

“99% completion is not a success.” Bian Yi sitting on the sofa, slightly frowned: “Shen Qiang, our time together is not short, and it is also a life and death partner. I will talk to you now. Truth be told, you are not only brave, but you are so big in this step, are you really not afraid of getting an egg yourself?”

Shen Qiang hearing this smiled, dropped the pen in his hand, and leaned on the chair, looked at Bian Yi with a smile, and said after a moment of silence: “In fact, when I brought you in to join us, when I was doing the Heshenghe together with me, I told you that if you want to knock on the sect protecting treasure of Great prestigious families, it is a lie to you. Because there was only one serious problem I faced at that time, that is how to survive in the cultivation field.”

Bian Yi smiled: “Do you think I don’t know?”

Shen Qiang put his hands on the table and looked at Bian Yi seriously: “But now the situation is different from before. At that time, all we have to do is survive, and now, survival is no longer a problem for us. , What we have to do is to develop and make Heshenghe truly powerful.”

“Set rules for Medicine Refining Master, this sounds unreliable, but, Bian Yi, you should understand that Pan Zheng, Qin Yongquan, Yu Xinghuo, these three people, will not sit in other times. together.”

“Because Pan Zheng and Qin Yongquan fought for 20 years, and in these 20 years, they all stepped on Yu Xinghuo, and even the medicine pill conference, Yu Xinghuo was not eligible to participate.”

“So, Pan Zheng wants to suppress Qin Yongquan, Qin Yongquan wants to trip Pan Zheng, but what Yu Xinghuo wants most to see is that they both died.”

Bian Yi laughed and said: “Sure enough there are people where there are rivers and lakes, but Shen Qiang, you have to understand how they are not equal to each other, they will agree to use their interests to wish you success.”

Shen Qiang laughed and said after a moment of silence: “You are right, this is contradictory, but you have to understand that if you want to resolve a contradiction, you have to create a bigger contradiction and let others agree to damage his part. Interests, then give them greater benefits.”

Bian Yi laughed: “So you used the dragon group, Yu Xinghuo, Pan Zheng, Qin Yongquan, now you are the Medicine Refining Master 3 giant under your drug king, they are impossible, watching you drag the dragon group, put They kicked it away.”

Shen Qiang laughed, saying: “Yes, so I wrote the dragon group on the five-member list of the convention management committee in the trial text of the convention, otherwise, at this time, whether it is the king of medicine king Qin Yongquan, Pan Zheng , Or Yu Xinghuo, impossible such a calm and tranquil.”

Bian Yi smiled and bent his eyes, raising his eyebrows: “Pan Zheng Zheng said righteously that he agreed with you on this convention because of his daughter Pan Meiqing.”

Shen Qiang laughed: “If it’s really because of Pan Meiqing, do you think that those with two wonderful hands will not make trouble?”

Bian Yi smiled and raised his eyebrows: “You have used this well. After pulling out the dragon group, Yu Xinghuo, Pan Zheng, and Qin Yongquan didn’t want to be kicked out, so their daughter became the most they agreed to the matter. Good excuse.”

“I am the Alliance Leader in the name of Danmeng. Yu Xinghuo said that I am in charge of everything, so as the proposer, this mine, I have to carry it myself.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow and looked at Bian Yi said: “So now , To the most crucial part, because next, we have to go to the Dragon Squad, and they will not be nodded for this matter.

Looking at Shen Qiang, Bian Yi pu chi smiled at once, and then said: “My dear Boss, based on what I know about you, this dynamite bag, you must want to be tied to me, and you are in disrepair and crushing bones. I’m going to be successful, and 10000 people admire the achievements, you come.”

Shen Qiang smiled and bent his eyes, saying: “It’s comfortable to talk to smart people. Remember, you have to say this in person. I don’t worry about giving this to anyone else.”

Bian Yi smiled and said, “My dear Boss, you used the pressure brought by the Dragon Group to force Pan Zheng, Yu Xinghuo, and Qin Yongquan to agree to your proposal of the chairman of the Convention Management Committee. I know that next, you I will definitely send me to use your 4 people to join in this matter and go to the Dragon Squad.”

“After all, Yaowanggu, thirty two wonderful hands, Danmeng, and you, this force has been called one hand shrouding the heavens. In such a short time, it is difficult for them to think carefully before making a decision, so the only discount The way to do it is to put a person in the Medicine Refining Master Convention Management Committee and figure out your true intentions, then they can only choose to push the boat along the river.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Talking to smart people is a comfortable thing. Go do it. When you call me, I hope that as soon as you speak, you will tell me that it is done.”

Bian Yi smiled, raised her eyebrows and looked at Shen Qiang: “My dear Boss, your plan is not perfect at all, but fortunately, you have a perfect subordinate. When you arrive at the Dragon Group, I will tell the Dragon Group People, this matter is a tacit agreement reached after your long consultations. Under such circumstances, no one will believe that there is only one convention so simple.”

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