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Hearing the words of Shen Qiang, the beautiful demon fox on the side was anxious and said, “Shen Qiang, you are too doubtful. We Heshenghe have discovered very well now, but this means more money is needed, so good Don’t miss the chance to make big money.”

The beautiful girl Kang Luoying also said seriously: “Is the benefit? The person who posted this post may just want to show off, and his own vision, so you don’t want to make this matter complicated,”

Shen Qiang hearing this smiled, threw the tablet to Ke Bizhu, and then leaned back on the seat, squinting with half eyes: “This is a paradox. A person who really has a vision, has no full control, I will never tell others my perfect idea.”

“For example, if you find a way to get rich, will you tell others and let others get rich?”

Hearing this, the beautiful demon fox Chuqing and the beautiful girl Kang Luoying were both in amazement.

Ye Guyun boringly said: “Of course not, the things that make money, of course, do it yourself, and the things that need to resist thunder will be given to others, which is not the case?”

These words made the beautiful demon Fox Chuqing and the beautiful girl Kang Luoying lose their eyes, but their thoughts were faint for a while, but they couldn’t understand their thoughts at all.

“Shen Qiang, didn’t you also say that this is a perfect plan? Why did you hesitate before the opportunity?”

Looking at the astonishing Kang Luoying, Shen Qiang smiled: “Have you heard the story of 2 peach killing 3 sergeants? Everyone wants to put money in their own pockets. Fight.”

“Before, you said that sincerity, Wanxin Hesheng, and the Dragon Group all wanted to come to congratulate. I promise that their real purpose is to see the situation. The thing they care about is not Qin Yurou nor Pan Meiqing, but me. Shen Qiang, do you want to join hands with Yao Wanggu, thirty two wonderful hands and start a new battle.”

Looking at the surprised couple, Shen Qiang sneered: “If I really did this, the first person who turned our backs on me would have taken care of Wanxin Hesheng and honesty since I was anonymous.”

“And because of my abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal, all cultivators in the cultivation field will be wary of me. If there is no absolute necessity, they will choose to stay away from Heshenghe, never contact with each other, and may even hit a person when he’s down.”

“No way?” Kang Luoying was shocked: “Bai Jiao and Xu Nan are both in the mountain village, Cheng Yiyi and Wanxin Hesheng impossible turned our heads with us.”

Shen Qiang smiled and looked at the astonished Kang Luoying and said, “You don’t understand how Xu Nan and Bai Jiao got together. At that time, I hadn’t yet joined with He Sheng. My Shen Qiang just took a few An antique poor fellow, who can afford it, and tries their best to help, only Shen Qiang has it today.”

“If they treat me like this, I am a little more capable, so I kick them away, not to mention how people in the cultivation world think of me, I will look down on myself.”

“In addition.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow: “It’s very comfortable for someone to deliver water when they are thirsty, but the 100000000 10000 wealth that fell out of thin air is definitely a disaster. If I, Shen Qiang, really did according to the content of the plan , Within a short period of time, I have no prestige 2 and rich income.”

“However, I will lose my reputation, betray my relatives, be honest and honest, Wanxin Hesheng, help me like this, and end like this. Other cultivators will fear me like a viper, and even if he is rich, Heshenghe will never become a celebrity again.”

“These 2, the cultivation relationship was cut off is just the beginning, if I did that, Bai Jiao, Xu Nan, would be very sad, and they would treat me like that, I all abandon one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal, you will like Do you believe me now?”

The beautiful demon fox Chuqing and Kang Luoying looked down.

“Yes, I don’t care what you do.” Kang Luoying said.

The beautiful demon fox laughed and said, “No, if you betray other people, then you will betray me. Although I pretend to be beautiful, I know that in your heart, I and other people, in weight, do not have What’s different.”

“You lied.” Watching Kang Luoying Shen Qiang smiled.

Some embarrassed Kang Luoying said: “Isn’t people trying to make you happy!”

Shen Qiang laughed, and then said seriously: “This attempt, with this perfect plan, to lure me into a bad guy, I almost already guessed who he is.”

I heard this.

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu said: “Who?”

Shen Qiang smiled and said: “It is not important for me to think about it. The important thing is that his plan reminded me. If I missed the opportunity, wouldn’t it be that I was deliberate about this place and put me in Dead opponents are too disrespectful.”

All the girls were instantly ignorant. ,

“What do you mean? Shen Qiang, don’t you say that this plan is poisonous and will ruin your reputation and betray you? You still do it, are you stupid? If you don’t have any money, you can earn it again, with your word of mouth and connections in the cultivation world. If you want to make money easily, why take the risk?” The beautiful demon fox is in a hurry.

Kang Luoying was also surprised, saying: “Shen Qiang, don’t mess up, all the drowned people can swim, because people who can’t swim will avoid the water. If you don’t see through this plan, it’s pitting you, that’s all Now that you have seen the cliff in front of you and you are still walking forward, the one waiting for you will be crushed!”

Shen Qiang laughed, confident and sunny, said calmly: “Do you know why a mouse trap can kill a mouse? That’s because the mouse only saw food, but not danger, but I not only saw food, I also saw the danger, so now I want to get rid of the fire, that 10000 people respect, act wilfully I want to make it! This is respect for the opponent, otherwise, he will laugh at me!”

The women were shocked. ,

“Shen Qiang, don’t be impulsive.”

Shen Qiang said with a slight smile: “Don’t worry, without Vajra, I won’t live with that porcelain. Listen to me, Ke Bizhu, write down what I want to say next, go back and do it immediately.”

“Oh, okay.” Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu immediately prepared to take notes.

The smiling Shen Qiang stared out the window and said: “Notify all cultivators wishing to congratulate, He Shenghe welcomes you as guests. At the same time, an announcement will be posted on the official website, Shen Qiang, the drug king, hoping to be at tomorrow’s banquet , And reached agreement with Medicine Refining Master and other organizations such as Yao Wang Gu, thirty two wonderful hands.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon is astonished: “What agreement?”

“Do what I said, don’t ask for details.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow. ,

Ke Bizhu froze, saying, “Okay.”

“At that time, considering the rush of time, some friends in the cultivation community will not be able to get close, so the content and details of the agreement will be made public via webcast, and colleagues in the cultivation community are welcome to watch it.”

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