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Sitting next to Shen Qiang, slender legs, the pretty demon fox Chu Qing hearing this could not help but look at the charming night lonely cloud smile, said: “silly girl, your dim sum, all used to eat it, involve When you come to the dispute between your mother and Shen Qiang, do you think they will really speak directly?”

The charming and charming Ye Guyun pouted, and then she was unhappy and said: “Shen Qiang, Chu Qing elder sister bullied me, do you care?”

Shen Qiang gave her a helpless white look: “Go and eat your snacks. Adults and children don’t intervene.”

“I am more than 300 years old!” Jiao Ye Ye Guyun was unhappy and rolled her eyes to Shen Qiang.

Shen Qiang helpless.

Ye Guyun is actually very smart, but it is difficult for her to understand the ways in which people get along with each other, especially the kind of communication that can be understood only by guessing and by understanding.

And this kind of thing, to really teach her, no one can do it except time.

So Shen Qiang, looking at Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu said: “You continue to say, ignore her.”,

Hearing this, the Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu said with a smile: “In addition to integrity and Wanxin Hesheng, at the same time asking if you can come to congratulate others, there are other sects, of which the most noticeable is the dragon group.”

Shen Qiang was shocked, surprisedly said: “Dragon group?”

“Yes.” He glanced at the record in the tablet in his hand, and said Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu said: “It is a colonel of the dragon group, and it is the logistics department of the dragon group.

Shen Qiang smiled, looking thoughtful, and said: “It’s the drunkard’s intention not to drink.”

Hearing this, the beautiful demon fox Chu Qingyi said with a smile: “Immortal Realm forum, some people said in the past few days, so many Medicine Refining Master gathered together, it is easy to reach an alliance, there is enough financial resources to support, as long as The nodded parties, led by the medicine king medicine pill alliance, will completely monopolize all medicine pill in the cultivation field.”

“Not only that, the post even gave a complete monopoly operation plan and a complete structure for building a new sales channel. After analyzing the business geniuses of Heshenghe, they found it feasible and the probability of success was incredible. “

“Almost as long as you have this idea, you can succeed, but, very strangely, that post only appeared on the Immortal Realm forum for a few minutes, and then was deleted by the forum, and then many cultivators began to spray you. , Let you let go of Qin Yurou.”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once: “It is obvious that someone is taking rhythm, it seems that the dragon group is also worried about this matter.”

Hearing this, Ye Guyun, previously said by Shen Qiang, was unable to bear. He put the tablet in his hand aside and said, “Is there anything good to think about this? Just monopolize, what can I do?” Who would think that there is too much money, what is wrong with earning more, you can buy a lot of delicious food.”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu hearing this nodded, said: “I didn’t think much when there was no wind in the cultivation field before, but they gave me a wake-up call if they could really talk to other Medicine Refining Masters, It is agreed that this is absolutely 10000 RMB. As long as the channel is completed, He Shenghe and even the medicine pill do not need to be refined, they can make daily advances.”

Beautiful demon fox Chu Qing hearing this frowned, said: “It is indeed so, the feasibility is very high, if successful, He Shenghe can lie down and make money.”

Hearing these words, Kang Luoying’s eyes also lighted up and said, “Shen Qiang, do it. This is a rare opportunity. Heshenghe wants to develop, it needs a lot of money. The more money, the more heshenghe develops The sooner!”

Shen Qiang hearing this laughed, looking at the expectation of the girls around her, Shen Qiang did not immediately express her position, but slightly frowned, and then said solemnly: “This thing is not as simple as you think, life is alive, money is indeed It’s a good thing, but some of the money can’t be earned, so let me think about it.”

In an instant, the women were shocked.

And just as Shen Qiang was meditating.

After the beautiful film, Song Weiyin is in a luxury business car outside the studio.

Wearing a suit and looking out of the ordinary abyss fat Young Master Yi, he was shaking the wine glass in his hand with a smile. The clear red wine seemed to be sticky, like blood in the shaking.

“Human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food, so some people say that money is the devil. This is actually a good saying. The war is cruel, the smoke can be seen, and corpses everywhere across the field, so it is scary, but in In front of money, those brutal wars are simply not worth it.”

“Because from the ancient times to now, there are countless people who have fallen down in front of money, from as few as 100 civilians to as big as a talented person. Even if it is a celebrity with high power, which one is not enslaved by the interests of money?”

The old man on the side smiled and sighed: “Young Master said it well, the struggle for interests, invisible to smoke, but more brutal than war. For money, many people can ignore everything, so Young Master, you play beautifully in this hand Although our post was deleted by the dragon group, I believe that the people of Heshenghe must have seen the thoughtful plan we set for them, but it is silver with white flowers and flowers, a huge sum of money that can be long flowing, No one can refuse such a bait.”

Young Master Yi smiled and sighed calmly: “Shen Qiang very difficult to deal with, very strong, I wanted to fight him seriously, but since my grandfather asked me not to be positive with Shen Qiang If there is a conflict, then you can only save the country by curve and kill him with a soft knife.”

The old man smiled and said on the side: “Our medicine pill monopoly plan is very perfect, it is not difficult to implement, and no one will miss it. The wealth of 100 100000000, 1000 100000000, 10000 100000000, just slipped away from the eyes, and Once Shen Qiang really did, bite the hook, then the next thing could not help him.”

The young master who smiled and raised his eyebrows said: “Shen Qiang is very difficult to deal with, but he is still too young. Compared with us real aristocrats, he has not seen a real countryman, just to see If you don’t break it, money is the reality of the prosperous murder knife.”

old man laughs: “medicine pill has always been a material that all sects in the cultivation community are particularly concerned about. No one wants to see such an important resource in Shen Qiang’s hands. As long as he does it, there will be countless The cultivator will think about killing him, even the dragon team, I’m afraid I won’t let him go.”

Young Master Yi laughed: “Dragon group is China’s largest cultivator. Their shoulders are responsible for protecting China. Once they find out, Shen Qiang’s power has been swelled out of control, and can completely control the cultivation world. They will immediately, find ways to weaken Shen Qiang’s influence.”

“And with Shen Qiang’s character, he must be dissatisfied, and the contradiction cannot be reconciled. For the sake of overall consideration, the Dragon Team will definitely take a heavy hand. In that case, even if Shen Qiang is not dead, he will be beaten back to its original form. It’s as easy as asking him to die.”

“Young Master brilliant.” An old man said with a smile: “Shen Qiang has no reason to swallow such a fragrant bait, so he is dead.”

Young Master Yi smiled. At this time, the driver suddenly said: “Young Master, Song Weiyin Young Lady came out.”

Hearing this, the young master Yi who got out of the car got a mature smile when she got out of the car, and she shouted with a clear tone: “Wein, I am here.”

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