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“The door to humane reincarnation!”

Seeing this scene, Shen Qiang didn’t feel anything yet, but at this time the many Elders and many powerhouses of Qingyun Sword Pavilion were ashen-faced in an instant.

“Not wrong! Absolutely not wrong, this is the first generation of Sword Pavilion, the strongest fruit of overawes the world, 6 reincarnation doors!”

“A miracle! There are eyes in the sky, after 1600 years, 6 doors of rebirth, reappearing the Sword Pavilion of Qingyun, asking the heroes of the world, who is competing with each other!”

“Ancestral Master is spirited and has 6 doors of rebirth. Since then, who else in this world dares to despise our Qingyun Sword Pavilion!”,

They were ecstatic and excited at the same time.

Shen Qiang was slightly surprised.

This Dao fruit is interesting.

There are 6 Buddhist schools, Heaven Humanity, Asura Road, Humanity, Hungry Ghost Path, Animal Path, Hell Path.

The Taoist 6 are Heavenly Dao, demonic path, humane path, hunger path, Animal Path, Hell Path.

2 There are differences, but obviously the same.

From the perspective of Kang Luoying’s use of humanity and Hell Path, it should be through the door to get the corresponding ability.

Legend has it that people with 6 reincarnated doors will never die in battle.

It probably means that if you die, you will probably be reincarnated from other Daomen immediately, and Six Roads of Samsara will continue to live.

If this is the case, then this Dao fruit is really powerful and amazing.

One life is not enough, six, chanting, but you can also kill you, so if you can lose, it is a joke.

But obviously.

This result, for Qingyun Sword Pavilion holding swords in close combat, did indeed reach peak grade in Peak.

But for Shen Qiang, it cannot be said that it is useless, but even if it is, it is extremely limited.

The world is always talking about balanced development in all aspects. ,

But in fact, people’s energy is limited, no one can really do it, Omnipotent, omnipotent, so if you want to mix well, you must develop your strengths and avoid weaknesses.

Some people are good at playing electric games and become e-sports stars, some people can sing and become song kings, but if you let the song king, go to e-sports, let the e-sports star, go to song king, 2 people 99% They all flutter the street, so they can’t even eat rice.

What is the strongest Shen Qiang?

Medicine, medicine pill!

Looking seriously at the cultivation world, when it comes to refining medicine, no one can get out of Shen Qiang, and no one can match it.

Therefore, Shen Qiang is the king of medicine. Now everyone who sees Shen Qiang is respectful.

And the fruit of the end can be done once.

This time, if used in other aspects, even if Shen Qiang is a little stronger than it is now, it still cannot be the most powerful house in that field.

But if it is used, it is not on medical pill and medicine pill.

Alchemy Technique, which is already invincible in the world, coupled with the Tao fruit that can complement it, in this world, who can surpass Shen Qiang in terms of medicine and medicine pill?

If no one can surpass, then Shen Qiang will always be the irreplaceable drug king.

Want to fight, powerhouse as clouds.

If you want money, you can be rich.

It’s a smile to want to make a girl.

After all, martial arts are not strong enough to practice slowly.

Be stronger, icing on the cake, and temporarily forbear if you are not strong enough. As long as the medicine pill is there, Shen Qiang doesn’t have to worry about it at any time, and she will suddenly become positionless one day.

So these 6 reincarnation doors are indeed powerful, but they are not what Shen Qiang wants at all.

Not only that, even Zuo Lianghao, it is estimated that there will be no interest in this kind of Dao Guo.

After all, not everyone is a cultivator holding a giant sword and fighting hard.

But Shen Qiang didn’t care.

But at this time, everyone in Qingyun Sword Pavilion has already came back to his senses.

Not only did he fall to his knees in an instant.

An old man is full of tears: “Ancestral Master is spiritual, the 6 doors reappear, Qingyun Sword Pavilion will surely go to glory, there are eyes in the sky, and eyes in the sky!”

“It’s such a happy event, you should burn incense and pray to comfort the Sect Founder in the spirit of heaven!”

“Pavilion Lord’s talent is unparalleled, reviving Qingyun Sword Pavilion, just around the corner.”

Many Qingyun Sword Pavilion disciple, crying and laughing, fell to their knees.

Seeing that there was no one to do it, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Kang Luoying, took you Divine Ability.”

“Yes, Kang Luoying obeyed.”

Hearing this, the crowd of Qingyun Sword Pavilion was stunned, and a few people immediately said solemnly.

“Pavilion Lord, at this moment, at that moment, now you have entered the Daogu period, and you have obtained the invincible Daogu 6 reincarnation gates. Our Qingyun Sword Pavilion already has the capital of Aoshi, why should we submit to Hesheng again? “

“Yes, now we have you in Qingyun Sword Pavilion, and have no fear of any cultivator sect. It is no problem to cooperate with Heshenghe, but it is not necessary to continue to submit.”

“It makes sense that now, we can kick Heshenghe away, and with your strength, we no longer have to fear them!”,

Hearing these people, Shen Qiang smiled.

Then I could not help but sigh.

Human nature is really reality. Before, Qingyun Sword Pavilion did not work. Although they were merged into Heshenghe in name, these people obviously had an abacus in their hearts. The same for the first generation, they immediately swelled.

Even in front of Shen Qiang, he dare to say that he does not need this kind of remark.

This is more than supercilious. Abandoned one’s benefactor after achieving one’s goal is simply ruthless.

But at this time, Shen Qiang was not only angry, but also not dissatisfied. He just calmly looked at the idol-level genius beautiful girl Kang Luoying whose face was hard to see. ,

“Enough!” Kang Luoying, who was completely angry at this time, said angrily: “I am fed up with your selfishness. I will ask you now, who is the Pavilion Lord of Qingyun Sword Pavilion?”

Hearing this, Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s many disciplines immediately went in unison.

“Kang Luoying!”

“Very well, you also know that I am the Pavilion Lord!” Kang Luoying said angrily: “Then listen to me well, to cultivate, to be a human being, to be kind and honest, to be gentle and frugal, is the foundation of Qingyun Sword Pavilion, Our Qingyun Sword Pavilion, passed down from Ancestral Master is a kind of grace, should be reported.”

“If there is no Shen Qiang and no acceptance of Heshenghe, our Qingyun Sword Pavilion will no longer exist, so from today onwards, I will request as Qingyun Sword Pavilion, the 70th one Pavilion Lord, so Sword Pavilion disciple respects my order. “

The Qingyun Sword Pavilion disciple present was solemn. ,

At the same time, Kang Luoying, an idol-level beautiful girl genius who was very tall, walked straight to Shen Qiang, then knelt down and said in courtesy: “Since the 70s, Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s entire disciples have entered the Heshenghe Under the Shen family, the Sword Pavilion disciple must enter Shen Family to support it. In the future, if there is a betrayal, it will be destroyed by Five Thunderbolts!”

Listening to this, Shen Qiang’s mouth showed a light smile.

He then focused his attention on the many Qingyun Sword Pavilion disciple behind Kang Luoying and said indifferently: “Pavilion Lord has already said, then next, it is your position.”

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