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Following the direction pointed by the genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying’s long and white jade hand, Shen Qiang turned her head and saw at a glance that the obviously restored Cave Mansion was not only clean and tidy, but the three big characters of Tianji Cave were engraved. Be vigorous and powerful.

“It’s here?” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and looked at it with a little surprise. Shanquan and Cave Mansion found that the two places were not only close, but when they turned around and looked out, they had a wider view, like in the clouds.

This makes Shen Qiang eyes shined.

There is water here, surrounded by mountains, and wind and water. If you get this Cave Mansion cultivation, it is a wonderful and perfect residence for any cultivator.

“Go in and have a look.” Shen Qiang, who had a sharp eyesight, pulled away.

The five Qingyun Sword Pavilion disciple hesitated, but then chose silence.

“This place is not as good as where I lived. I have lakes, fish, animals. What do you want to eat?” Seeing Shen Qiang and Kang Luoying’s intimacy, I also love this Cave Mansion. Ye Guyun Somehow unhappy.

Shen Qiang glanced at her helplessly, didn’t speak, just smiled with La Kang Luoying, and went directly into Tianji Cave.

Beautiful demon fox Chu Qing, sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, and Ye Guyun, followed immediately.

Seeing Shen Qiang they all went in.

5 disciples guarding the spring water and Tianji Cave, relaxed.

“It was the Pavilion Lord who brought them in. Although it was not in compliance, it was not our fault.”

“Well, Shen Qiang is the proprietor, and with the Pavilion Lord, we can’t stop it.”

“Right, right, anyway, it’s not us.”

The Qingyun Sword Pavilion disciple led by Primordial Chaos Realm laughed: “You can find this reason very quickly, it’s okay, they are in the cave, and the sound outside can’t be heard at all, so don’t care, there is Just talk directly.”

“Pavilion Lord, this is a blatant violation of the ancestral teachings.” A Yang Shen realm discipline said with a lip: “Sword Pavilion ancestral training, which is not the disciple of the surname of Benmen Kang. It is forbidden to enter, at all costs to block.”

The Qingyun Sword Pavilion disciple of Primordial Chaos Realm laughed and said: “Block a wool, there is no fart in the machine hole this day, otherwise the picture is clean, the picture is worry-free, the picture can be lazy here, you really deserve it here. 5 day and night guards?”

The remaining 4 disciples also laughed.

“Nascent Soul Stage or above, enter the cave to enlighten the celestial machine, not the surname of Benmen Kang. It is forbidden to enter. I don’t know. When I hear this, I feel that there is a baby in it, but in fact, there is really nothing. I was there at that time. After wandering around for ten days, I didn’t find any treasure. Surnamed Shen’s must have been in and out.

“That is, if there is any real chance, it has been more than 1000 years, don’t we know?”

“Yeah, so sometimes pondering, this ancestor training is also very funny, there is nothing in it, but also have to work hard to protect, is the brain sick?”

“Haha, so I don’t believe you are watching. For a while, Shen Qiang, who has nothing to gain, will come out, and you have to pretend to brag about how beautiful the scenery is here.”

Several people smiled and bent their eyes, stunned.

“Of course, there are really good things, where to turn him the outsider Shen Qiang!”

While they snickered, Shen Qiang who entered Tianji Cave looked at everything inside Tianji Cave in surprise.

At this time, in Tianji Cave, not at all disciple.

4 Empty and empty.

Not only that, this Tianji Cave is not at all as huge as imagined. On the contrary, compared to the really good Cave Mansion in Shen Qiang’s impression, this Tianji Cave is rather shabby.

In the middle, there is a hall-like cave, there are probably more than 100 less than 2 100 spaces, and then, around it, there are 7 different small passages connecting 7 rooms.

Because the place is small, so many things are obvious at a glance.

Needless to say, there is no treasure. In the entire Tianji Cave, there is no shame even in the night sky.

not only.

Shen Qiang used Micro Observation technique, carefully checked, and even used True Yuan and Divine Consciousness.

But in the entire Tianji cave, no abnormalities were found, that is to say, the rock wall is real, there is no hidden door, except for the soundproof quiet talisman seal at the entrance, it can be said that in the entire cave, There is no artificial excavation, hiding traces of treasure.

This situation made Shen Qiang turn his head in disappointment, and said to the genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying who was curious, “Don’t doubt, you Sword Pavilion, you are really poor, simply there is no treasure, really even a steel rot If it doesn’t come out, it’s estimated that the mouse will come in a few circles and walk in tears.”

The beautiful girl Kang Luoying pu chi laughed out loud at first, but then felt inappropriate and raised her face, but still wanted to laugh, and made the beautiful demon Fox Chuqing smile and bend her eyes, said: “Maybe your Ancestral Master, just Just a joke with you, don’t take it seriously.”

Ye Guyun also pouted and gestured with exaggerated gestures: “My Master’s Cave Mansion, Ye Mingzhu is so big!”

Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu smiled and bent his eyes, said: “Yeah, so let Shen Qiang buckle down and take away.”

Shen Qiang laughs and does not speak. At this time, you must be humble.

But Kang Luoying was embarrassed said with a smile at this time: “But it’s a bit weird. When I closed here at that time, I didn’t think about looking for a baby, just cultivation, but at that time, I always had a very weird cultivation here. It feels like there is some kind of strange energy.”

Hearing this, Ye Guyun pouted, “You think too much.”

But Shen Qiang was surprised.

After all, as a cultivator, 6 consciousness, that is, Sixth Sense is very keen, especially Kang Luoying, only 19 years old, has reached the super genius beauty girl in the later period of Primordial Chaos Realm, True Yuan, breath, perception The acuity has reached an amazing level.

She said it felt weird, and it certainly would not be groundless,

“Then tell me, how did you feel weird when you cultivated?”

Seeing Shen Qiang suddenly asked, not only did Ye Guyun say nothing, the beautiful demon fox was early, and the sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu also looked seriously.

“Well, sometimes there are, sometimes not, I think, um, it’s when I meditate on Yun Gong, there is no weird feeling.” Putting the beauty in the hall, Kang Luoying said seriously: “But I am When practicing the sword tactics here, I always feel that there seems to be some kind of unspeakable feeling.”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled and said: “Then you will practice a sword tactic now, let me see it.”

Kang Luoying hesitated, but then walked to the middle of the hall.

jade hand waved.

“I have a sword that can cut the sun and the moon, break the stars, and break the green clouds!”

With Kang Luoying’s whispering sword tactics, the powerful True Yuan burst into an instant.

For a time, not only was the wind raging, Spirit Qi surging, but the windless hair fluttered, not only made Kang Luoying vigorous, but also in the hands of the snowy white jade, a giant sword condensed from True Yuan appeared.

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