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At the same time as the idol-level genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying in the cultivation field, she said with a blush that Shen Qiang was a bad person, Qingyun Sword Pavilion, the next floor of Qingyun Pavilion, in the Conference Hall, Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s 2 3 4 5 Sixth Elder, and many of Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s elites, all look deep.

“This Shen Qiang is simply intolerably!” a man angrily roared.

But the weird thing is that although everyone looked at him, no one said anything.

Not to mention that it should be together.

“7 Junior Brother, don’t be impatient!” After a long time, the white face was not necessary. The man who had been slapped before glanced at everyone present, and then said solemnly: “I can understand it, Shen Qiang. When I come here, I don’t mean to ask for help, but I come here to stand up.”

Hearing this, several cultivators immediately everyone talking at once.

“I have never seen such an unreasonable person in my life, oh, the money is amazing? Oh, can our proprietor act wilfully? The portrait of Ancestral Master on the Qingyun Pavilion, after several hundred years of wind and frost, has not been destroyed. The flames of war were destroyed in his hands, it was simply sinless!”

“Yes, it’s a barbarian of devour raw meat and fowl! Benevolence and justice? In this Shen Qiang, there is no such thing!”

“It’s so shameless that it is outrageous. Our Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s discipline is also a character with a face and a face in the cultivation field. As a result, what does Shen Qiang think of us?”

With the crowd’s clamor and emotional upsurge, for a time, Shen Qiang seemed to have become a sinful, wicked bastard.

But at this moment, Qingyun Sword Pavilion Second Elder, who had not made a noise, suddenly eyes opened and raised his eyebrows coldly: “Enough! You have endless end!”

Hearing what he was talking about, Shen Qiang’s numerous cultivators were silent immediately.

Seeing them all looking at themselves, Second Elder said solemnly: “If you are all hair, don’t say that Shen Qiang is a monkey. The root cause is not Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang, the debt to our Qingyun Sword Pavilion, no 2 words After signing the agreement, 2nd day, we helped Qingyun Sword Pavilion clear the accounts.”

“Trifling 2 billion, Shen Qiang is so rich, 20 billion is not a problem for him, he is rich, he spends it.” A Core Disciple said coolly.

Second Elder got angry and said angrily: “Shut up! Trifling 2 billion? If you have the ability to say this, help sect to deflate the debt, Sword Pavilion need to merge into Heshenghe? Leave sect, don’t say 2 billion , 200,000, where are you going to earn? Are you going to be a killer on the bounty hunter platform?”

In an instant, the discord of the rhetoric looked embarrassed: “Second Elder, I just said so casually, why are you angry? Now, I’m right, Shen Qiang helped us pay the bill, but we didn’t Bai took his money. Didn’t the Sword Pavilion belong to Shen Qiang?”

“Shut up!” Second Elder said angrily: “Is the Sword Pavilion worth it? Not to mention the Sword Pavilion between the mountains and mountains, even if you move it to the city center, is it worth 2 billion?”

In an instant, the discipline was silent.

“Answer me!” Second Elder was angry.

“Not worth it.” The discipline was not happy, but answered immediately.

Hearing this, Second Elder of Sword Pavilion of Qingyun, snorted, and then said, “Shen Qiang not only settled the account for us, but also immediately set aside money, and gave the allowance and pension owed to everyone by Sword Pavilion. , And then increased the allowance and tripled the allowance to us.”

The disciplinary hearing this is nodded, but the words are still not good.

“We were originally worth the price.”

“Hmph, just buy the sugar-coated shells of people’s hearts, he really respects = we dare to meet and hit people? Dare to tear our portrait of Ancestral Master, dare to drive us out of Qingyun Pavilion?”

“That’s right, we don’t get this feeling.”


Second Elder snapped the table: “What about Renyi Lizhixin? Have all been eaten by dogs? Look at what you are like now, how can you have the demeanor of a semi-disciplined disciplinary? Selfishness, self-interest, greed, not seeking progress, always thinking of finding superiority sense!”

“Shen Qiang, give us the accounts, send us the money, and give Qiqisan, let Kang Luoying return to Sword Pavilion with Qingyun Sword. He gave us everything we wanted. The result is, oh, Kang Luoying and You said that when Shen Qiang came to the guests, he asked some people who could get on the table to accompany the guests to dinner.”

“This is what Shen Qiang is giving us glory!” Second Elder trembles angrily: “Shen Qiang’s guests are who? Qin Yongquan, Master of the Medicine King Valley, one of the 2 people in the Peak Circle of cultivation, Pan Zheng, Medicine Refining Master Ten Great Grandmaster One, Yu Xinghuo, 4 Xiaodanqing, one of the founders of Hesheng Hedan League, such a great character, not to mention now, even in the Sword Pavilion most flourishing period, I want to invite them to have a cup of tea, we all It can’t be done because people are afraid of trouble, and they think we will beg for the right to meet them when we meet.

“As a result, each of you and everyone is clever and thinks that you have 5 people and 6 people. I want you to eat with your guests and give you glory. You are all crooked, just like this, and you are counting on you to give Shen Qiang the hardest time at the critical moment? “

Hearing this, many recipes are like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

“Second Elder, we discussed this with you at first, you didn’t say anything, hehe, now there’s a problem, you have fallen behind us, why did you go?”


Second Elder snapped the table and said angrily: “You are discussing with me? You refused Kang Luoying and only told me this matter. What can I say?”

Everyone said nothing.

Angry Second Elder, glanced at them in a circle, angrily said: “Scum!”

“Well, Second Elder, you are right about Shen Qiang.” A Core Disciple said.

“Fart!” Second Elder was so angry that he clapped the table, and said angrily: “I mean, you are a group of scum, no wonder Sword Pavilion is worse than the other day, with your group of bastards, it will never be better. “

Everyone frowned and looked disapproved.

Second Elder shivered with rage and said angrily: “Is Shen Qiang’s money blown by the wind? For us Qingyun Sword Pavilion, we need money for money, people for others, for Qingyun sword for Qingyun sword, medicine pill for medicine. Pill, the result is that when you really want to use you, you will drop the chain first. When you really use you, is it reliable?”

Public disciples don’t pit.

Second Elder continued: “Think about empathy in your place, and you are Shen Qiang, you have given money, people have given it, Immortal Grade has given it, medicine pill has given it, and I laughed when hehe wanted to give them face I found out that Qingyun Sword Pavilion turned him on the spot and changed you. What do you think? Assuming that I am 30 years old younger, I will definitely think of you as a group of thankless wretch who are not well-fed! “

Hearing this, all the people present were extremely embarrassed.

“Second Elder, don’t be angry, we know that we are wrong.” The white-faced man who didn’t need to say: “Originally, I just thought, taking advantage of the opportunity to get more points, we don’t really want to work against Shen Qiang. After all, you are right. This is indeed not to blame Shen Qiang for being arrogant, but we are too greedy, otherwise, you say something, I will apologize to Shen Qiang.”

“Apologize?” Second Elder said angrily: “It’s late! Do you think Shen Qiang will listen to your politeness?”

In an instant, everyone was sad.

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