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Seeing Shen Qiang with a cold face, it was clear who would not give his face, Elder of Qingyun Sword Pavilion sighed, pulled the white-faced man who still wanted to speak, bowed backwards and went out, everyone followed, and the others all went out , The door was closed, turned around, and looked at the embarrassed genius girl Kang Luoying, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Come and let me hug.”

In an instant, the idol-level genius and beautiful girl Kang Luoying in the cultivation world turned red with a pretty face, and she was ashamed and anxious: “Shen Qiang, what are you doing here, the office, Chuqing elder sister, Ke Bizhu elder sister, Ye Guyun elder sister is here, you are not ashamed!”

Shen Qiang laughed and gave Ke Bizhu a look.

Immediately fell asleep, Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu, immediately and very quickly installed 6 pieces of jade engraved with Formation array on the 4 walls, the ground and the ceiling, after confirming that no one could overhear the words in the room, Shen Qiang laughed and said: “Okay, I am really ashamed, but there is no way, your Uncle Uncle, obviously, I still don’t understand, I kept them at first, but I just wanted them to listen because I didn’t want to hurt you. In our intimate relationship, only then will they reconsider how to get along with you.”

Hearing this, the idol-level genius girl Kang Luoying turned red, but forcibly interrupted, saying: “Shen Qiang, I understand that you think they are not convinced of me and want them to change their attitude, but you are too It’s fierce. I’m so stiff now. I’m really afraid of fighting.”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once, and raised her eyebrows calmly: “silly girl, you are really too young, they dare to play tricks in front of me, and the only way not to put you in the eyes is to think of them There is no substitute for Heshenghe’s position, but in fact, I have just told them that my Shen Qiang has not only monsters but Hesheng Hedan League.”

The idol-level genius beautiful girl Kang Luoying didn’t understand, and she looked at Shen Qiang in amazement.

Seeing this situation, the beautiful demon fox Chu Qing smiled while washing the blood on his hand, while adding: “It means telling them that without them, we will be as good as Heshenghe.”

Kang Luoying, an idol-level genius and beautiful girl, stunned, and then said with some loss: “Shen Qiang, I’m sorry, I was too taken for granted. I always thought that as long as we treat them well, we will consider them more in all things and exchange our hearts for our hearts. They will definitely return to us, but now, they get the money, without the debt pressure, they start thinking again 3 thinking 4…”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Kang Luoying, don’t blame yourself, it’s not your fault, it’s just because you don’t understand human nature.”

“In the past, there were 2 good friends who would eat beef noodles in the noodle restaurant next to the school every noon, but one of them did not like meat, and the other loved meat. The beef in the bowl is given to friends who love meat.”

“For the first time, the friend who loves meat is very grateful, and for the second time, I am very grateful, but then, every day is like this, he became accustomed to it, even when the two people’s noodles just came up, he moved his chopsticks and went directly The person who doesn’t like meat eats in a bowl.”

Hearing this, the idol-level genius beautiful girl Kang Luoying frowns saying: “The guy who loves meat seems to have become a little annoying. It was bought by others. Even if they don’t like it, he can’t ask. Take it without asking.”

Shen Qiang pu chi laughed at once: “This is not the point. The point is that after getting used to it, he never said thanks to the friend who gave him meat. Not only that, but after a long time, suddenly one day, he loved meat. The person who is going to be late, at this time, the person who does not love meat has already distributed the meat in the bowl to others, then, the person who loves meat is furious, thinking that the person who does not love meat should not belong to him ‘S meat is given to others, so he turns his face, and since then has no contact with the person who does not like meat, and talks about his bad things everywhere.”

The idol-level beautiful girl Kang Luoying surprisedly said: “Is this person having a brain problem?”

Shen Qiang laughed and said after a moment of silence: “There are many such people, and this kind of inertial thinking is reflected in everyone. For example, no matter how good the parents are for us, we will not I’m touched, but if I change to a favorite boy or girl, even if it’s just a lunch box, I will be full of love. I’m not touched. I am amazed, ah, who is really good to me.”

In an instant, Kang Luoying blushed and said: “Nasty, you are laughing at others.”

“But this is the fact that giving up is a virtue, but it is not an obligation, but there are always guys who believe in oneself infallible. It feels sinful if others do not give themselves up.” Shen Qiang looked at Kang Luoying with a smile and said, “So Kang Luoying, Be clear, you are now the person who does not like meat, you think you should be good to the people of Qingyun Sword Pavilion, you should give them meat.”

“But in their eyes, you are just a puppet, a puppet, and Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s thing is still Second Elder. It’s a deal with those guys. You’re just a decoration. You listen to them. It’s reasonable that if you don’t listen to their mercy, in their eyes, you are a great sin.”

“As for your thoughts, your needs, your position, your interests, these are things that they will never consider at all.” Shen Qiang said with a smile: “Because if they really consider it for you, then When you tell them that you want them to go to dinner on behalf of Hesheng, they will think about how to help you earn enough face instead of using this fart to threaten me.”

Hearing this, Kang Luoying looked sad, and said, “I’m sorry, Shen Qiang. I used to think it was too simple. You should let Bian Yi come. I was still not good at handling these things.”

Looking at Kang Luoying’s sad and depressed mood, Shen Qiang smiled and said: “A person’s maturity has nothing to do with age. It’s only about experience. You are 19 years old. After you have experienced it, you know, others 85. He hasn’t experienced it yet, he still won’t understand it.”

“So, you just understand the relationship between them. If you don’t understand it, you can learn it. No one is born with 100 science books. You can now escape from Qingyun Sword Pavilion, and you can even escape from Heshenghe. But can you escape this World? “

“If you can’t, pull yourself together, pull out your green cloud sword, and beat the woman! He is fierce, you are fiercer, he is mad, you are more mad, he is selfish, you are more selfish than you, and then you will find , This World has become simple, they may say to the people behind you that you are not good here, but not there, but no one dares to move the meat in your bowl!”

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