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Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, everyone in the hall immediately buzzed quietly.

“Yeah, being a man should be reasonable. Previously, Jing Haotian felt that Shen Qiang couldn’t afford so much money, so his request, now the capital verification is over, Shen Qiang’s bid is already on the line of all Jing Haotian’s assets, so continue The auction is a bit disgusting.”

“That’s right, Jing Haotian can only use 150 million yuan. Shen Qiang’s bid has been reached, and logically speaking, there is no need to continue to bid.”

In the buzzing discussion of the crowd, Jing Haotian, who looked red, said angrily: “Shen Qiang, what do you mean? Do you think that Jing Haotian, I can’t afford more money?”

“Yes.” Shen Qiang was indifferently nodded.

Looking at Shen Qiang’s indifferent eyes, Jing Haotian was furious and said, “Surnamed Shen, you bully intolerably!”

With that said, he took off the storage ring in his hand and threw it on the table, angrily roared: “The high-grade storage ring of 3 cubic meters of space is at least 50 Million, and there are my personal magic weapons inside, all at half price, at least Also worth a 100000000!”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows indifferently: “Why don’t you take off your pants and put your pants on? Maybe that’s more valuable.”

Hearing this, several nympho cultivation among the crowd even said excitedly: “Okay! Okay!”

In this case, Xu Nan unable to bear sitting next to Shen Qiang covered his face with one hand. Even if he could bear it, he finally laughed out loud.

Compared with his restraint, the people in the hall are not polite.

Puchi, a capable middle-aged woman, laughed loudly: “Yeah, Jinghao Tianjing Young Master, this sounds a bit like a little child’s house, I only have one dollar, but I have a value of a few 100 100000000 million Paper plane.”

“Uh… King Young Master is a bit embarrassing to do this. For the sake of contention, he overwhelms all his net worth. This…”

“I absolutely have to say what Shen Qiang is right. If you have money, you can shoot. If you don’t have money, you can stop. If you don’t have money, you want to use what you used to pay for it. “

“But people really want to see how Jing Young Master put his pants on…”

Everyone’s argument.

Xu Nan stood up with a smile and said: “Okay, according to the request of Mr. Jing, the auction is over. The “Da Luo Tianhua Tribulation Heart Sutra” was filmed by Mr. Shen at a price of 150 million.”

I heard this.

Jing Hao was anxious: “Xu Young Lady, with my background and ability, as long as you give me a little time, I can buy it with financing. You are like this…”

Xu Nan calmly looked at Shen Qiang, who was excited, and included the “Da Luo Tianhua Tribulation Heart Sutra” in the storage ring, calmly said solemnly: “Mr. Jing should understand that if it is an ordinary auction, you can do it after the auction Settle the money.”

“But if you choose capital verification, everything will come in accordance with the rules. We are impossible because you may get the funds and let you come, so this is the case.”

“I lost?” Jing Nan heard the words of Xu Nan, Jing Haotian complexion pale. “Xuezhi Bone Replenishing Cream was not bought, “Daluo Tianhua Tribulation Heart Sutra” was not bought, and such a big person was lost in front of Xu Nan…”

At the same time, many cultivators that heard Xu Nan’s words, relaxed.

“I’ll just say that Wanxin Hesheng is an old signboard. How could it be possible that Jing Haotian is the Young Master of Aristocratic Family and he is allowed to come to him without financial resources, just accept the defeat and wait for the manager to speak. Isn’t it fun to ask yourself? “

“The most powerful thing is this Shen Qiang, which looks unimposing in appearance, didn’t expect, it is so powerful, Jing Haotian was kicked to the iron plate this time, not only was he repeatedly beaten, except for a dozen times The price he bought was not useful to him, and finally returned empty-handed.”

“Well, the cultivation world is really hidden dragons and crouching tigers. People like Jing Haotian are taught, and they are not unexpected at all.”

“It makes sense, but this time it was an eye-opener. It was enough to see the magical blood zhizhi Bone Replenishing Cream. It was enough for me to go back and brag about several decades.”

“Well, more importantly, this Shen Qiang is really powerful, the poisoning method is too powerful, and there is a lot of money. After I go back, I have to remind the discipline of the door. Don’t provoke him.

“Yes, I will send them a message here, even Jing Family’s majors are not his opponents. Those little eyesless cubs don’t provoke people like Shen Qiang. Those of us who are small gangs are offended. I’m sorry.”

The crowd began to disperse, and Jing Haotian of complexion pale seemed to have something to say to Xu Nan.

At this time, the young man with no folds in his shirt had walked to Jing Haotian’s side and said politely: “Mr. Jing, please follow me to settle the Qi Qi.”

At the same time, Xu Nan said to Shen Qiang with a smile: “Mr. Shen came with me, we have some accounts that need to be settled.”

Looking at Shen Qiang happily following Xu Nan, Jing Haotian looked pale.

“I still have a chance. I am taller than Shen Qiang. I am handsomer than him. My family is better than him. I lose to him impossible.”

A few minutes later.

In Xu Nan’s office.

Xu Nan, who poured a cup of tea for Shen Qiang, sat back to his position and looked at Shen Qiang with full of smiles: “I think I seem to be a bit of a helper today. If it is really more financial, you seem not at all Jing Haotian Strong.”

Shen Qiang smiled and waved.

9 bottles of blood zhizhi Bone Replenishing Cream, neat and tidy lined up on the coffee table, then Shen Qiang said indifferently: “I heard that Jing Haotian’s overdraft limit at Wanxin Hesheng was only 10,000,000 before, and I had 50 Million before Overdraft limit.”

“The reason I think you know more clearly, because I can identify the length of the item, as long as I am alive, as long as antique jewelry and others play, making money is very simple for me.”

“So, even if my overdraft amount is a little too much, you don’t have to worry about not receiving the principal.”

“But Jing Haotian is different. He is the Aristocratic Family Young Master. It seems to be infinitely beautiful, but there are many people in the Aristocratic Family. Even if there are some industries, it is impossible that he came by.”

Looking at Xu Nan who smiled, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “So when it comes to the ability to make money, he is just a scum of battle strength -5 in front of my eyes.”

Xu Nan smiled, looked at Shen Qiang with great interest, and said: “You are very smart and look confident. Now “Da Luo Tianhua Tribulation Heart Sutra” has been completed, the price is 150 million.”

“Nalan Xingde’s trigger finger is 115010000, Xue Spirit Mushroom 210010000, Xuezhi Bone Replenishing Cream 300010000, a total of 625010000, deducting 3% of the handling fee 18710000 51000, 607210000 51000 left, that is to say, you still owe Wanxin Hesheng 892810000 51000 block .”

Shen Qiang slightly frowned, walked to the card swiping machine on the desk of Xu Nan, swiped the card, and then input the amount of 5,000,000 zero 5000, said: “It is 842810000, the interest thing, naturally, the less the better.”

Take a look at the 9 bottles of blood zhizhi Bone Replenishing Cream on the coffee table, Xu Nan said with a smile: “Although it is a bit excessive, but considering that you are a high-quality customer I personally unearthed, I decided that I did not need you to mortgage.”

Shen Qiang smiled and turned and said, “Blood Replenishing Cream stays here, more than 8,000 and 10000. After all, it’s not a small amount. I don’t want you to embarrass me. If you don’t want to use them as collateral, then Help me sell it, and use the money to pay off the debts. If you call me more, I will try to make up if it is not enough.

Looking at the back of Shen Qiang who confessed and left indifferently.

Sitting on the chair, Xu Nan’s mouth showed a smile.

“Such a valuable spiritual medicine, if you drop it, just drop it. Are you stupid? Or is it really bold?”

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