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When watching the lively crowd in the live broadcast room, they thought that all this was arranged before, and the many cultivators present were not at all as sure as everyone in the live broadcast room, because they were able to It is very clear to feel that the fierce Hesheng He monsters show the excitement and bloodthirsty in the eyes.

“Can this be arranged by Qingyun Sword Pavilion and Hesheng to show to the cultivation community? It’s not like that, it is really arranged, then the people sent by Qingyun Sword Pavilion should be Hundred Realm, and, those Elders The expression is also shocked like impossible.”

“Unlike acting, one or two cultivators may also be able to perform one performance. With so many cultivators, it is impossible to perform well.”

“Hmph, although it’s not like acting, but Shen Qiang is probably just doing it. After all, when using Primordial Chaos Realm, there is no need for a knife. Those who are in the fruit period must be sure that there is no fart.”

Everyone present exchanged their eyes.

At the same time, Kang Youcheng, who stood up with his sword, stared at Shen Qiang, the wild True Yuan of the cultivation base in the Daogu period, beside him, solidified like a mountain.

“This Kang Youcheng is Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s long-established fame. As early as more than 20 years ago, he has become famous in the cultivation field. He is courageous, a bit rude, confessing to death, acting like acting, he will definitely not do it. Yes, now looking at him as True Yuan, apparently already cultivate base Great Accomplishment, maybe ten years later, it is expected to become the Peak powerhouse in the joint period.”

“Good Motionless As Mountains, such a solid body True Yuan, Mo said Primordial Chaos Realm, even if it is the same fruit period, it is also impossible to hurt him.”

Not only did they think that beauty eyes looked at Shen Qiang’s idol-level genius beauty girl Kang Luoying, they were not worried at all.

“2 Master Uncultivation base is so powerful, not to say it is a punch, even 5 6 punches also impossible hurt him, very good, hatred, everyone can be happy together.”

Qingyun Sword Pavilion’s Second Elder mood is also unparalleled relaxation.

“It’s okay, Shen Qiang cultivation base is okay, but only Primordial Chaos Realm, impossible hurt Kang Youcheng, let him take a punch, understand that grudge is also a good choice.”

Although everyone’s goals are different, their views are inexplicable.

That is, Shen Qiang impossible hurt Kang Youcheng.

“Are you ready?” Shen Qiang just raised her eyebrows.

Kang Youcheng coldly said: “Come here, I will do my best!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled.

Then, in the calm eyes of everyone, Shen Qiang suddenly threw a punch.

“It was expected that this would be the case. There is no boxing, no whistling wind. True Yuan is solid, but the formidable power looks mediocre. If it can hurt Kang Youcheng, Lao Tzu would have unrivaled beneath the heavens.”

“This Shen Qiang refining medicine is indeed a personal talent, this boxing method, it makes people hehe.”

“Hehe, this boxing technique looks better than my ancestors. I really don’t know how such a weak person can do 10000 demon kings.”

The crowd onlookers looked contemptuously. After all, the cultivator, a punch, the discoloration of the world is a very common situation. This kind of punch that seems to have no bright spots really makes them uninterested.

However, Kang Youcheng, who was facing Shen Qiang’s fist style, bounced and panicked, inexplicably flustered, and inexplicably he felt a sense of having one’s hair stand on end.

“Impossible! The boxing style did not overflow at all, and I could not feel the True Yuan flowing out at all. If it was not before, I saw the power of Shen Qiang, I would also think that he was just doing something, what is this technique I don’t I know, but it feels so dangerous. You must do your best!”

Kang Youcheng, who suddenly burst cold glow in his eyes, immediately crossed the sword in front of him, and the True Yuan, which was solid like a mountain, was like a thick steel door, and was suddenly established.

“It’s okay. In this case, even the attack type Daoguo can be defended, not to mention the fist of the Primordial Chaos Realm cultivator, hum, I want to make me careless, and then hurt me, you Shen Qiang also It’s too tender!”

And almost at the moment when Kang Youcheng changed his mind, Shen Qiang’s calm expression opened his eyes suddenly.

Not only instantly opened the strength and precision in Medicine Sage Inheritance, but also quietly used the Heavenly Palace jade lock.

“Additional weight, 40000 kg!”


A seemingly plain punch suddenly accelerated.

Not only did they crush the space for 2 people in an instant, but they also smashed Kang Youcheng’s giant sword in front of him at a speed so fast that it was impossible to see.


The moment when the muffled sound sounded.

The burly and tall Kang Youcheng not only broke the broad sword in his hand instantaneously, but the whole person was shot like an aircraft carrier catapult.

With a loud bang, the rockery in the courtyard beside the Heshenghe Building not only exploded directly, but the wall behind the rockery collapsed.

Everyone was stunned.

But when they didn’t respond, what happened and so on, everyone immediately saw that Kang Youcheng, who had collapsed the wall, had stood up in the rubble, but he just took a step in the direction of Shen Qiang .

But suddenly wa’ed, spits out mouthful of blood.

Subsequently, the whole person fell down like weightlessness.

“Second Senior Brother!” White faceless man body flashed, hugged him, then sniffed his nose, and instantly angered: “Shen Qiang, you are the killer!”

In an instant, the eyes of everyone watching were straight.

“How is this possible? Primordial Chaos Realm hits the road with a punch?”

“Did my eyes spend? Or, did I hit Illusion Technique?”

“I’m dreaming, am I sleepwalking? How is this possible? Shen Qiang punched Kang Youcheng, who has been famous for a long time, and such cranky thinking is probably due to my recent stress and dreaming.”

Onlookers were in a daze.

But the people of Qingyun Sword Pavilion have already rushed past.

Among the pinch people, the check of the check, the administration of the medicine, the busy one is called a mess.

Seeing this scene, the Hesheng Hezhong demon were excited and screamed.

“The king divine might be the world’s best!”

“Xie Wang Shang avenged his brethren!”

“Ao wu! My king is 10000 years old!”

In their cheers, Zuo Lianghao was completely stupid, and Bian Yi showed a look of to be wild with joy: “Oh, praise you, my dear Boss, so powerful, this brings us closer to our dreams. Minute!”

Hearing this, Shen Qiang smiled. Obviously, Bian Yi’s dream was to blackmail and protect the protection sect treasures of the major Sects. If this product is really free, it is estimated that the cultivation industry will definitely wailing everywhere.

At the same time, Kang Luoying, the idol-level genius and beautiful girl in the cultivation world, was shocked, looking at Shen Qiang with admiration, and her eyes turned out to be incredibly coy.

“My man, did you see that? My man, has such a powerful fist!”

At the same time, the white-faced cultivator, which was shocked and anxious at this time, looked at Shen Qiang and said anxiously: “The medicine king saves his life!”

Listening to his anxious voice, Shen Qiang laughed: “If I save him, what’s the point of this fist?”

Saying that’s all, Shen Qiang smiled sideways, waved to Second Elder of Qingyun Sword Pavilion, and said: “Several upstairs please, it is time for us to sit down and talk.”

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