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“Shen Qiang’s Master of Medicine is the Dragon War God? This is impossible!”

When the sky was just getting brighter, on the Immortal Realm forum, the eight-trigram news about Shen Qiang was already flying.

“Shen Qiang is the medicine king, will the dragon group War God do it? Shen Qiang will heal, will the dragon group War God do it? Shen Qiang is the 10000 demon king, and the 300 monsters will cover the sky, will the dragon group War God do it? Can it be reliable? Kill me, I don’t believe this is true!”

“No, the war God of the dragon group said that Shen Qiang’s combat skills were taught by him. In other respects, Shen Qiang has another famous teacher!”

“That’s impossible too! It’s really a master and disciple relationship, can the outside world know? Even if the outside world doesn’t know, are the people inside the dragon group still unclear? Why didn’t I hear the wind?”

“Hehe, it’s no wonder that when Shen Qiang was the safety advisor of the Dragon Group, the Sect Master of Kunlun Sword Sect was so excited, it turned out to be the case.”

“No wonder Shen Qiang, the 10000 demon king, has done so smoothly, it turns out that there are people on it.”

All kinds of 8-trigram news, saying the sky and covering the earth.

At the time when Shen Qiang’s reputation is rising, for a time, various versions of legends and analysis have appeared on the online forum.

Qingyun Sword Pavilion, mountainside house.

Although the sky has just brightened, many cultivators have already gathered.

“Second Elder, you see, this is the latest news, and now the whole cultivation community is coaxing. The dragon group War God is the teacher of Martial Dao of Shen Qiang. Not only that, these 8-trigram messages conceal 2 more important things. The thing is, first, Shen Qiang killed the original Sect Master of Kunlun Sword Sect. 2 Yes, Shen Qiang and the Abyssal Young Master had a fight. It seemed to have won. Both things happened last night.”

“Impossible!” The four-faced man suddenly interrupted the white face without cultivator, and said sharply: “The Young Master Yi is not an ordinary cultivator. His Daoguo is one of the strangest Daoguo in the cultivation field. Don’t say that Shen Qiang has only the cultivation base of Primordial Chaos Realm. Even if his cultivation base has a fruitful period, it will easily win the Young Master Yi.”

“Not only that, although Kunlun Sword Sect’s horse Sect Master is not a Sect Master anymore, but if he really died in the hands of Shen Qiang, Kunlun Sword Sect is also impossible and there is no movement at all, so these rumors are untrustworthy!”

Hearing this, all the cultivators present were also nodded.

“Amidst the abyss, the powerhouse gathers, this Young Master Yi, the identity is different, not only honorable, but his grandfather is…”

“All right, shut up!” Second Elder interrupted in a deep voice.

Second Elder then looked at the man who didn’t need white face and said, “Is the source reliable?”

“The bounty hunter’s high price news can’t be wrong.” White-faced man said without a need.

Hearing this, the crowd present immediately stopped talking.

Only the four-faced man still said: “Impossible, this is too weird.”

Hearing this, Second Elder glanced at him and sighed: “It’s a matter of urgency, all present are the core members of our Qingyun Sword Pavilion. They are all elites and smart people. Is the War Dragon God Shen? Qiang’s Master is not important. What’s important is that this kind of gossip can fly all over the sky, which means the dragon group not at all to contain these messages.”

“Why? If it is a rumor, although the Dragon Group may not stand up to clarify, it will definitely take some means to disintegrate the rumors. Believe me, it is not difficult for the Dragon Group. They have not acted yet. It can only be explained that this is true, even if it is not, this is the news that the dragon team War God agreed to release.”

“Otherwise, who dares to tie Shen Qiang and Dragon God War God together?”

In an instant, all the people present looked awkward.

“Just now you said that Shen Qiang killed the original Sect Master of Kunlun Sword Sect, and had a fight with Young Master Yi. These two messages were covered up by the 2 hexagrams of Shen Qiang and Dragon God War God. Those 8 things, It must be true.”

4 Fang face big man is anxious: “Second Elder, this impossible, our merger into Qingyun Sword Pavilion hasn’t been finalized yet, how can Shen Qiang have that strength, oh, kill Kunlun’s original Sect Master, beat Young Master Yi, he wants Isn’t it crazy? Isn’t it courting death?”

“Yeah, there are 4 masters under Young Master Yi, all of them are cultivation bases during the joint period, so the strength is more than an explosion!”

“Hmph, Young Master Yi’s grandfather, that is the master who can break the wrist with the Dragon God War God, Kunlun Sword Sect is the evergreen tree in the cultivation world…”

“Okay!” Second Elder interrupted sharply: “Can you have a bit of a brain? These messages appeared so suddenly and almost at the same time, but now, the ordinary cultivator only knows the relationship between Shen Qiang and the Dragon group using War God, that How simple is this question?”

“Shen Qiang, killed Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master, hit Young Master Yi, at this time, Dragon God War God sent Shen Qiang as his disciplinary message, which is equivalent to saying to Kunlun Sword Sect and Young Master Yi, Shen Qiang is My people, if you want to solve problems, come to me.”

“It is for this reason that the Dragon Group not only did not control the news about Shen Qiang and the Dragon Group War God, but consciously guided the attention of the cultivator, because people in the cultivation world often pay more attention to face, even to ignore everything for face. , But if no one knows the other two things, then their desperate thoughts will be a little lighter to facilitate good offices afterwards.”

In an instant, the expressions all light up.

“Second Elder is wise, if you think in this way, 80% of this matter is like this.”

“It’s not necessarily right, but this thing should probably mean something like, hitting people without hitting faces, scolding people without revealing shortcomings, some things, they have suffered a loss, and if no one knows, they can endure it. , But if it is preached everywhere by everyone, if you don’t get the scene back, there will be faces in the cultivation circle in the future.”

“Well, this is the reason. Whether the master and disciple is true or not, depending on the current situation, the dragon team War God is strong and wants to give Shen Qiang a peace.”

Seeing that everyone has understood it, Qingyun Sword Pavilion Second Elder said, “In a few more hours, it is when we and Shen Qiang showdown, it is also the key to whether we can enter the Heshenghehe, such a thing happens at this gate. , We must adjust the previous plan, that is to say, we must be prepared to give up some conditions.”

“Why?” The 4 square faced big man was anxious and said, “Second Elder, that Hesheng is a good deal, isn’t it a monster den? Without our Qingyun Sword Pavilion to join, he Shen Qiang can turn up 3 feet of spray? Cultivation Boundary, who can look at him?”

Hearing this, Second Elder sighed and said, “Come back on your superior prestigious families’ psychology, it’s all the same. The Shen Qiang medicine pill conference has already secured the position of the drug king, and the dragon group War God’s The relationship between master and disciple is solid, and the background is strong. Believe me. Now, our significance for Heshenghe is not so great, because if Shen Qiang wants it, more than half of the cultivator in this cultivation world is willing to make good friends with him, willing Join Heshenghe, or ally with it.”

“So Shen Qiang now has countless choices, but we only have one, that is to join Heshenghe. Otherwise, the first thing to be done by the powerful Heshenghe is to destroy Qingyun Sword Pavilion Liwei!”

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