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“Not good!”

“Young Master is careful!”

The black blade in Shen Qiang’s hands suddenly flashed the cold cold glow, not only the 2 cultivator complexion greatly changed behind the Young Master in the abyss, but also 3 people in the medicine king valley standing on the mountain beam in the distance , Cold glow suddenly broke out in the eyes.

“Good Shen Qiang! Although there is only Primordial Chaos Realm, but this might of a single blade, if you don’t discuss Dao Guo, from the perspective of formable power, you will definitely not lose to any Dao Guo cultivator!”

Almost at the same time their eyes were shocked.

Seeing the disappearance of Shen Qiang’s figure, there was only the flash of the glowing fat glow in front of me, and my heart was instantly horrified.

“What a terrible speed! What a powerful force! What a tricky angle. I used the old moment. Even if my body is stiff, it will never exceed 3 seconds. Is this Shen Qiang already predicted? The card launched an attack at this time!”


killing intent full blade glow, tearing the space for 2 people instantly, the press forward blade glow has already made the abyss Young Master cold all over the body,


At this time, Shen Qiang had already entered a violent state and turned on the power. The blade had been slammed on the blooming True Yuan barrier on the abyss Young Master. ,

“It is the top-level Immortal Grade defense magic weapon!” The old man on the mountain beam in the distance frowned.

During the battle, the petite girl with a slender figure like Feiyan looked at this scene nervously, and she lurched in her heart: “Oops, Shen Qiang’s judgment and battle strength are indeed amazingly powerful, but this fatty The body protection magic weapon is obviously not an ordinary product. Such a solid defensive ability, in terms of the cultivation base of Primordial Chaos Realm, is simply impossible to break!”

At the same time, the two Peak Powerhouses behind Fatty are also relaxed.

“Young Master’s body protection magic weapon is the top-level Immortal Grade. Mo said that it is a cultivator of trifling Primordial Chaos Realm. Even us, it is not easy to break his defense.”

“Hmph, trifling Primordial Chaos Realm, even if has several points of brute force want to hurt my Young Master, it is also a dream. After all, my young Master is a cultivator of the Dao Guo period, and the cultivator of Primordial Chaos Realm is nothing but garbage in front of him!”

The cultivator from the abyss looks calm. After all, in their view, the Abyss Young Master is far more powerful than Shen Qiang cultivation base, and with rare treasure, Shen Qiang is absolutely impossible to hurt him.

At the same time, the moment the blade glow collided with the body protection magic weapon, the abyss Young Master holding the heavy halberd couldn’t help but laugh with a cold voice: “Shen Qiang, you are really naive, even thought that this same knife could hurt me ?Are you dreaming? Even a cultivator with an unusually distinguished status will surely have no way of guessing the top magic weapon. Are you not a waste?”

At the moment of hearing this, Shen Qiang’s lips flashed a cold smile.

“Don’t you think it’s too early to say this?”

The Abyss Young Master was shocked.

Almost instantly.

Almost all the cultivators present at the scene saw a scene shocking them almost immediately.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Shen Qiang, who turned into an electric man, almost cut off dozens of knives in a dozen directions from the direction of the abyss Young Master. Not only that, but even more horrible, these ten knives have an angle. Different strengths are different, but its landing point, but surprisingly precise, completely falls on one point.

“Don’t worry, my top Immortal Grade is incapable of being shaken, and the scum of Shen Qiang will not work!” But at the same time as the Abyss Young Master shouted.


With the slight trembling of the black blade in Shen Qiang’s hand.

A dozen knives gathered together, rippling like ripples on the water surface, resonating, following a light sound of ka-cha.


The Abyss Young Master carrying the halberd flew out like a baseball with a bat.

“Young Master!”

Two peak powerhouses, body flashed during the joint period, were rescued in a hurry.

At the same time, the crowd of cultivators on the scene could not help but slow their movements, their eyes were shocked.

“Impossible! How could the cultivator of Primordial Chaos Realm be so cruel, not only exploded the defense of the Young Master’s Immortal Grade, but also the cultivation base has reached the Daogu period of his flying? What terrifying power is needed, absolutely impossible Primordial Chaos Realm cultivator can master it!”

“To break the Young Master’s body protection magic weapon, at least the strength of Peak Fruit is needed. How could this Shen Qiang have such ability? It is difficult to say that the Divine Item black blade in his hand is really like this. Is it fierce?”

; A glance at several of his opponents in shock, Shen Qiang’s mouth showed a light smile.

Because although it is a cultivator, Shen Qiang can no longer be measured by the standard of ordinary cultivator.

When the cultivation base was low, Shen Qiang was not far behind other cultivators. If there was no source of plague, then Shen Qiang did not have the ability to easily crush people with a higher cultivation base than himself.

But now it is different.

Fetal dragon spirit has been combined with Shen Qiang, Shen Qiang is fetal dragon, fetal dragon is Shen Qiang, not only that, Taiyin Youying is deep in the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Shen Qiang, with 5 Zuojian for Shen Qiang Constructed Divine Spark,

In this case, although it is too dark and quiet, Shen Qiang is still very weak, very very dish.

But in fact, for ordinary cultivators, Shen Qiang is already a god at this time.

This has nothing to do with the realm of cultivation.

For example, if the cultivator is a cat, then Shen Qiang is a tiger.

Although looking from a distance, it seems to be almost the same, but when I really started, the gap was still very obvious. ,

Needless to say, the control of True Yuan alone, Shen Qiang is more than ten times more powerful than the common realm cultivator.

Simply, this gap cannot be bridged by cultivation.

Just like the mobile phone processor, others are dual-core, Shen Qiang 6 1 core, simply not in a grade, how to compare?

Even more how, Shen Qiang itself is a god. After turning on rage, power, and precision, plus Divine Item black blade, if you can’t even break an Immortal Grade body protection magic weapon, what cultivation world is there, It’s better to go home and sell sweet potatoes.


Peak powerhouse, who took the Abyss Young Master’s joint stage, staggered and stepped back a few steps, until his feet had stepped under the ground, which stabilized his body,

This situation makes the figure pretty tall, petite and exquisite, and the beautiful girl with white ankles and exquisite anklets. She looks at Shen Qiang in surprise and shock.

“It’s awesome. It’s a man chosen by Ancestor Master for me. Only the cultivation base of Primordial Chaos Realm, but he can play the cultivator of the fruit period. Without the strength to fight back, it is so handsome!”

And at this moment, the abyss Young Master rescued by the Peak Powerhouse in the joint period, pushed away, and saved his Peak Powerhouse in the joint period, boosted the long halberd in his hand, and took the momentum, but just rushed to Shen Qiang just took a few steps and suddenly wa’ed, spurt a mouthful of blood.

Although he tried his best to put the long halberd on the ground in hopes of supporting his body, he was exhausted after all, puffed, and fell to his knees.

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