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At the same time as Pan Zheng was calculating, the Sect Masters of several other Sects who were with him also coldly said.

“Pan Kui Shou, you should understand that we sect in order to cooperate with you, everything is based on your opinion, and the result is now better, for you, we have also had a relationship with Shen Qiang, now he like the sun at high noon, next, Our sufferings are indispensable, so don’t expect this to be perfunctory without sound.”

“Hmph, this decision-making error has caused everyone’s interests to be damaged, and now the consequences are so serious, Pan Kuishou, even if he committed suicide, he can’t blame him.”

“Inflated, Pan Kuishou, we believe you so much, respect you, and give everything to you, but in the end you lose our face. If there is no reasonable solution, this will never be the case. of.”

Hearing the words of everyone in the audience, the eyes of thirty two panhandle, Pan Zheng, became cold, and said, “Oh, what you said is so ruthless, and came so fast that it was somewhat beyond my expectations.”

“Don’t forget, at the beginning, if it wasn’t for me Pan Zheng stood up and took you, thirty two wonderful hands, where will there be today? Now, with a little setback, you don’t want to surpass Hesheng Hedan League on medicine pill On the contrary, it puts on a look like a teacher who asks for guilt and pushes all the questions on me. Is this your solution?”

This remark made all the people who were with him look a little ugly.

“You are the leader, something happened, and of course you are responsible. Our thirty two masters account for more than half of the medicine pill sales in the cultivation industry, but now, we are less than 100 per 40. Looking at the current situation, it will soon land. At 30%, can you afford this loss?”

Hearing this, Pan Zheng smiled: “You really are still real. When you made a profit, you all respected me. Now that there are just a few problems, you just turn your face to me all day long. What about the sentimental love?”

“Love is sentiment, and interest is benefit. These two points are different.” One person said: “Now, there are more than 2 talent two disciples who lost to Shen Qiang, and these elite disciple are missing. Danmeng likes the sun at high noon again, thirty two wonderful hands are over, dropped a thousand zhang in one fall in the status of cultivator in mind.”

Pan Zheng smiled and said: “It’s useless to say, I’m just asking what do you want to do now?”

Everyone at the table with Pan Zheng glanced at each other, and then there seemed to be a tacit understanding, Tao.

“Hesheng Hedan League has robbed a lot of business, under normal circumstances, those businesses should be ours, so you leader resign, and then you pay us to block the loss, this matter, or else, Don’t blame us for being decisive, you’re welcome!”

Hearing this, Pan Zheng laughed very coldly and said very calmly: “Very good, very good, your reality makes me very satisfied, and since that is the case, then I can tell you clearly, first, I am a will not to you, 2nd, this leader, you also invite brilliant.”

In an instant, everyone who was seated with Pan Zheng immediately opened his eyes, each of which was a pair. If you don’t compensate us for the loss, don’t think about the good look.

But at this time, Pan Zheng stood up indifferently, completely ignoring them, but slightly smiled, looking at the medicine king Gu Qin Yongquan, who was about to announce the start of the celebration, and said loudly, “Qin Gu Master, slow, disturb, I also have a good News, I want to hurry up before the celebration and announce in public. I don’t know if Lord Qin Gu can enjoy a thin noodle, give me one minute time, let me say a few words.”

Hearing this, Qin Yongquan, the master of the medicine king, smiled. After all, Pan Zheng was not only the leader of thirty two great hands, but also one of the ten Great Grandmasters in the Medicine Refining Master circle. His posture was already very low. At this time, Qin Yongquan How could it be refused.

“Okay, Pan Kui, I will hand it over to you first.”

With that said, Qin Yongquan stepped back a few steps.

Pan Zheng stood at the center of the rostrum unscrupulously, clearing his throat, and said loudly: “You, I am the thirty two wonderful hand leader Pan Zheng, sorry, because there are happy events in the family, I need to delay everyone for some time, hope to forgive me.”

Hearing this, many cultivators have stated that they are fine, please feel free to.

After all, who can’t give the face of Ten Great Grandmaster?

Seeing that everyone agreed to speak, he glanced sideways and sat coyly not far away from Shen Qiang, only across the 100 flower palace master Weisheng Zhimei’s purple, he laughed, and then turned his head and looked at the many people under the stage cultivator, speak loudly.

“My name is Pan Zheng, many people may not know me well, then I will introduce myself first, I am one of Medicine Refining Master ten Great Grandmaster, thirty two wonderful hands Pan family Patriarch, also the leader of thirty two wonderful hands, I am now delaying everyone The only time I have is to introduce my daughter, Pan Meiqing, to my colleagues in the cultivation field.”

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. Especially the people with thirty two wonderful hands, looked at each other in blank dismay.

“Daughter? Isn’t Pan Kui’s daughter lost for almost 20 years?”

“Yes, yeah, I remember such a thing, but didn’t I say that I couldn’t find it?”

At the same time as everyone was amazed, Pan Zhengyi said with a smile: “She is my pride. I used to think that I will not meet her again in my life, but God has mercy on me. Not only have I found her, I have also found out, She is far better than I thought.”

Many cultivators who heard these words were shocked to see that Pan Zheng set his eyes on the table of Shen Qiang.

Afterwards, everyone was shocked to see that the purple girl, who was as sexy and beautiful as a war chariot, had stood up.

Pan Zheng smiled: “Mi Qing, you are my pride. As a member of the Pan family, use your cultivation base to say hello to all of you who are present.”

hearing this is just a moment.

True Yuan, a terrifying thing, leaps into the sky like a thunderous and crisp sound, swaying in the ears of every cultivator present.

“Pan Meiqing, have met you all.”

In an instant, everyone present was startled.

“Very powerful! It turned out to be the Daogu period!”

“My God, her age seems to be 20 years old, and there is such a cultivation base. This is not just a genius, it is simply a devil!”

“My God, the girl who usually serves water for Shen Qiang’s tea has the strength of the fruit period! And it is Pan Zheng’s daughter! Is there any reason? Such a beauty, if it is placed in the cultivation field, the person who mentions it, All around the equator 5 times!”

At the same time they were shocked, Pan Zhengyi said with a smile: “Like Qin Yu Rou Qin Fairy, the girl and the medicine king Shen Qiang, 2 love each other, 2 Xiao Wu guess, already on the road of Shen Qiang cultivation, Companionship, companion of the public avenue.”

In an instant, the thousands of cultivators present were ignorant.

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