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“This medicine pill has already become a Small World?”

Everyone present, Mo said that it was an ordinary cultivator, and even the major Sect Sect Masters at the scene immediately sat in danger and listened.

“Dao of Heaven and Earth, lies in Yin and Yang!” Qin Yongquan, the master of the medicine king valley, seriously said seriously: “Immortal Pill refined by Shen Qiang not only contains Heaven and Earth Spirit Qi, but also alternates between Yin and Yang, like our world. In general, morning dew rises and stars fall into the stars.”

“It can be said that this is already the Spirit of Heaven and Earth Qi, the rule of 10000 things is in the Great Accomplishment medicine pill, not to say it is taken, just to understand the operation of its Spirit Qi, for us cultivators, it is Supreme’s Fuyuan!”

Hearing this, the ordinary cultivator and the ordinary Medicine Refining Master haven’t responded yet.

But at this time, the Sect Masters of various sects and those super powerhouses were all stunned.

“So medicine pill, it’s not already a fruit!”

Hearing this, Master Qin Gu, the king of medicine, sighed and said, “Yes, what is the result of Immortal Pill, ultimate dao, and it is also good to summarize in this way, but this Immortal Pill has only been in Medicine Refining for 1000 years. According to the legend in the Master circle, no one has ever really seen that didn’t expect, Shen Qiang genius, even at a young age, such a divine object was refined with the cultivation base of Primordial Chaos Realm, which can be called, unprecedented.”

In an instant, all the people present looked at Shen Qiang who was drinking tea indifferently. Not only did his eyes awe, but even his posture was a bit solemn.

“The Pill of Outcoming Fruit is of course called Immortal Pill. Sure enough, this Shen Qiang is not only amazing in medicine, but also a masterpiece in medicine pill. It is also a skill. This medicine king, he should do what he deserves. .”

“Well, at first, I still thought that Shen Qiang was too young, and he was a Department of Hetical Sect. He was just a generation of reputation, but now it seems otherwise. This Shen Qiang has such amazing ability, but it has never been revealed. This mind is also difficult for ordinary people.”

“Yes, Chu Xiaotian’s current, the name of Heaven’s Chosen Child, arrogant and domineering everywhere, but really practiced Dan, compared with Shen Qiang, the difference is not a little bit.”

Many cultivator, solemn expression.

At this time, Qin Yongquan, the king of the medicine king on the stage, said solemnly: “After all, this is the first time we have witnessed such an Immortal Pill, so we can’t reveal more details. In addition, if Shen Yaowang is nodded, I With many famous Medicine Refining Master, I really want to observe this Immortal Pill……”

Shen Qiang hearing this one said with a smile: “The owner of the valley is polite. When he comes here, he is in a hurry and has no time to prepare gifts for the owner of the valley. If the owner of the valley does not dislike it, the medicine pill will be given to the valley owner. Now.”

Hearing this, all the people present messed up.

“Great handwriting! Such an amazing Immortal Pill, just give it away?”

“Good Shen Qiang, such a kind gift, even looking at Immortal Pill’s face, he is also impossible to stop Qin Yu Rou Qin Fairy from being with him!”

“Scaring, Immortal Pill like this, if you give it away, it’s more than a hero, it’s almost dehumanizing!”

The vague gift came to make Qin Yurou standing on the second floor instantly blushing, not only looking at Shen Qiang with a beautiful eye, but also inexplicably shy.

“Shen Qiang, are you serious?” On the rostrum, Master Wanggu’s eyes were extremely nervous.

Seeing his serious expression, Shen Qiang smiled, because this thing, to refine this quality, it is easy to reassure Shen Qiang, if necessary, even Cultivating Yuan Pill, Shen Qiang can be refined into such.

“Yes, of course, seriously.”

Hearing this, Qin Yongquan, the owner of Yaowanggu, nodded, and said with a wide smile: “Okay, very good, then I will replace Wanggu, and thank the king of medicine first.”

Seeing that Immortal Pill is falling into the Valley of Medicine King, Yu Xinghuo was anxious at the time: “Alliance Leader, so treasured, how can you…”

“Don’t be impatient, I can refine one, and I can refine the second one, without saying much.” Shen Qiang waved. ,

Yu Xinghuo immediately said nothing, but his face was more than ugly. It was a gesture of stabbing with a knife. Compared with the happy smile of the drug king Gu, it was like a contrast between heaven and hell.

All the people present hearing this, their eyes were instantly clear.

“That’s right, when Shen Qiang can refine an Immortal Pill, it will inevitably produce the second one. It’s only this medicine pill of 2, which is only one Immortal Pill, so I think that this one try one’s luck The face is big.”

“Yes, Shen Qiang’s second Immortal Pill can certainly be refined, but when it will be refined, this is unknown.”

“Well, this Shen Qiang is too arrogant. Why is it that such a good Immortal Pill doesn’t keep her own research.”

Hearing everyone’s words, Yu Xinghuo’s complexion grew darker. After all, he couldn’t imagine it. In fact, refining Immortal Pill is not a thing for Shen Qiang.

“After the conference, if several reviewers are interested, you may wish to stay in Yaowanggu and study this Immortal Pill with me.” The proud owner of Yaowanggu, who is not an ordinary person, has seen Yu Xinghuo and Pan Zheng’s thoughts. In order to avoid the difficulty of Shen Qiang, he knew the general.

Hearing the invitation, Pan Zheng, Yu Xinghuo, and the other two judges immediately looked much better.

“Since the Valley Master invites me, then I’m welcome.”

Several people have expressed their opinions.

This result is also very happy.

But at this time, the Medicine Refining Master in the twenty-first Medicine Refining Master 100 list suddenly moved forward, and his eyes were very serious and said: “Under the eyes of all eyes, Shen Yaowang refined Immortal Pill, This accomplishment is indeed not what we can compare with you, and I am convinced of this point.”

“However, Doudan is Doudan. Since we have already initiated the challenge, and now the medicine pill has been refined, then let’s break it.”

Hearing this, everyone was stunned, and the many cultivation sects on the rostrum couldn’t help but frown.

“Actually, the outcome has already been determined. Mo said that it is this Immortal Pill. I am afraid that even the quality of Divine Grade medicine pill, these Medicine Refining Masters can’t be achieved through their lifetime energy, but at this moment they are still lucky.”

“Ai, people are really imperfect. In this case, they are obviously not Shen Qiang’s opponents, but they still expect a miracle.”

“Does this compare? The outcome is obvious.”

But while the Sect Masters of the major Sects were displeased, Shen Qiang, who was sitting on the side drinking tea, waved indifferently. 130 medicine pills fell into the plates opposite the various medicine pills that had been listed before. , Followed by a smile with a smile.

“I don’t actually want to crack down on your self-confidence, but in fact, it’s not me who boasted. If it’s better than anything else, I might not be strong enough, but if it’s better than pill concocting, I recognize the second, who dares to be the first? “

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