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Unlike the original Observation technique, Shen Qiang did his best to exhaust all True Qi at the time, but at most used 0.8 seconds, which is because of the existence of Micro Observation technique, Shen Qiang was in the old In the commodity market, the first pot of gold was earned.

And now, Shen Qiang’s cultivation base has entered Primordial Chaos Realm and became a powerhouse. After the Foundation Establishment of Fetal Dragon Spirit, it is not only extraordinary natural talent. Not only is the use time of Micro Observation’s technique almost ready not in, but this Micro Observation’s Surgery has already entered the high order.

Now at a glance, not only can you clearly see the composition and quality of the medicine pill, but even in your mind, you can get the evaluation of Medicine Sage Inheritance in a moment, and the improvement given by Medicine Sage Inheritance formula.

Not only that, as the cultivation base increases, and the skill of using Micro Observation improves, Shen Qiang believes that once his cultivation base has a qualitative leap, then perhaps, you can use Medicine Sage Inheritance pupil technique higher Order technique, Insight!

By then, there will be heaven-shaking, earth-shattering!

Seeing Shen Qiang’s smile on his face, Pan Zheng sitting on the podium sighed and said: “There is no doubt that Shen Qiang is indeed an extraordinary natural talent. It deserves the name of this medicine king. Unfortunately, he is too young to be crazy. I know that there are no fewer than a thousand thousand species of medicine in this world. With a slight change in combination, the traits are completely different. With the naked eye Divine Consciousness, it is not difficult to distinguish the quality of medicine pill. It is impossible to distinguish the recipe of medicine pill.”

Yu Xinghuo hearing this, could not help but nodded, helplessly said: “Yes, I am the person who has fought against Shen Yao Wang in person, I know his strength, but with the naked eye, I can distinguish the opponent medicine pill and copy, even It’s not even the God of Medicine.”

“Yes, Tianzong genius is too arrogant, so it is not necessarily a bad thing to plant a follower. If you learn to be a low-key person from then on, it may be of great benefit to his growth.” Qin Yongquan, the king of the medicine king, also nodded, agreeing with Pan Zhenghe Yu Xinghuo’s point of view.

At the same time, when she saw Shen Qiang, she not only did not feel ashamed, but instead smiled, Chu Xiaotianlang said: “Shen Qiang, where do you think you smirk, you can cover your own incompetence? If you have the ability, can you tell me this Dan’s recipe? You can’t tell, how can you fight me? It’s better to admit defeat directly?”

This made Shen Qiang frown. In fact, as a Medicine Refining Master, the quality of medicine pill is the key, but the core is the secret recipe of medicine pill.

Even if it is of low quality medicine pill, as long as it is symptomatic, it can also work wonders.

Therefore, Pill Recipe has always been the unspread secret of each sect Medicine Refining Master. Once the other person’s Pill Recipe is publicly disclosed, it is no different from smashing others’ rice bowls, because once this recipe is announced, other Medicine Refining Masters can all do it. Refining.

Because of this, Shen Qiang did not want to do this in his heart.

After all, it is better to kill a parent’s money than to kill a parent.

It will definitely be a hatred.

But when Shen Qiang wanted to warn Chu Xiaotian, other challengers around Chu Xiaotian also laughed.

“Hahaha, laugh to me, Shen Alchemy’s Alchemy Technique is powerful, but this IQ is obviously a flaw. It is not difficult to identify the quality of medicine pill, but if you want to take a look at medicine pill, you will recognize Pill Recipe, that is daydreaming. “

“You’re dumbfounded. You don’t even know the composition of medicine pill. What do you Qian Qiang fight against us!”

“Hahaha, yeah, give 1000 to 100000000 million in hand, this kind of thing, only you Shen Dasha can do it.”

In the laughter of everyone, Chu Xiaotian said proudly with a smile: “Shen Qiang, no one in this world can do 10000, and if you can’t do it, you can say, no one will laugh at you, don’t you just love boasting? Do you like to force yourself? Come and come and apologize to me, admit that you will only be boasting. I have a large number of adults and let you go immediately. What do you think?”

Everyone heard this laughing.

Each one is a pair, this Shen Qiang, the expression that does not work at all.

This situation not only made Weisheng Zhimei willow eyebrows tightly knit, but also made the purple under the Qin Yu soft podium on the second floor change the flower color.

“How can this be seen, no matter how powerful Medicine Refining Master, it can’t be done, just look at someone’s medicine pill to know the secret recipe!”,

“Shen Qiang is going to lose?”

But while they were worried, Shen Qiang, who had already chilled, calmly looked at the smug Chu Xiaotian and the many laughing challengers, and said coldly: “6 grams of Chaihu, 10 grams of Scutellaria, 6 grams of cicada clothes…”

In an instant, the people present were stunned, but then they saw at a glance that the proud Chu Xiaotian had turned pale and was looking at Shen Qiang in horror.

This made them instinctively aware that something might have happened.

So, the entire sports hall, in an instant, was absolute silence.

“White silkworm 10 grams, turmeric 6 grams, water safflower seeds 10 grams, sea turtle shell 20 grams, raw oysters 20 grams, raw rhubarb 10 grams, coke 3 cents each 10 grams.” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow: “Chu Xiao Tian, ​​is such a scum recipe your favorite?”

In an instant, everyone’s eyes turned to Chu Xiaotian’s body in unison, and everyone was shocked to see that Chu Xiaotian of the complexion pale, for two seconds, he suddenly stepped forward and said sharply. : “Impossible, it is impossible for you to look at the medicine pill to know the recipe. Someone must have ventilated you. No, you must have sent a monster to steal my secret recipe!”

Chu Xiaotian hissed loudly.

The people present at each other looked at each other in blank dismay and had no idea what was going on.

But at this time, Shen Qiang smiled: “Chu Xiaotian, this kind of Pill Recipe without any bright spots, even if you give it to me, I will not want it, because the treatment of liver disease, everyone’s symptoms are different, The medication also needs to be different.”

“It’s uncomfortable, sighs, and the pulse sinks and stagnates. Those with obvious depression are 10 grams of bergamot and 10 grams of incense. They are upset and irritated. The tongue is red and prickly. Those with evidence of fire depression add 6 grams of berberine and 3 grams of gall grass 10 grams of paeonol, anorexia, vomiting, and greasy white greasy skin. Those with moderate dampness should add 10 grams of patchouli, 10 grams of Perrin, and 10 grams of ginger pinellia.”

Looking at the shocked Chu Xiaotian, Shen Qiang said with a smile: “So your medicine pill is at most a basic pill, with effects, but no special effects, completely tasteless.”

Hearing this, many cultivators who watched lively didn’t understand it because they couldn’t understand it.

But at this time, Yu Xinghuo, Pan Zheng, Master of Medicine King, and two other judges sitting on the podium, their eyes light up instantly, and they are ecstatic.

“Miao, good formula, worthy of being the king of medicine, casually said, suddenly bright!”

“Great! With such improvements, the efficacy of this medicine pill has not increased by a little bit!”

“Shock, this is tasteless, but a little improvement is enough to be called special effects. Is this Shen Qiang true strength?”

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