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purple nervous, hesitant, that look, looked at Shen Qiang uncomfortably like the little girl who left home for the first time, his eyes were very attached, which made Shen Qiang a little funny, then calmly said: “Be calm , They can’t beat you again, what are you afraid of, play with the younger brother for a while, and wait for the test results to come out, the relationship between you will be clear.”

“I…” purple is nervous.

At this time, Yun Lan smiled and said: “Miss purple, don’t be nervous, it’s okay, my old Pan, always looking for the daughter, he is so careful, because he really cares about this matter, if you are really lost for many years The flesh and blood, then we are a family. Even if it is not, everyone can be a friend, so purple girl, you stay, let’s talk.”

Yun Lan spoke softly and had a kind attitude, which made the purple calm.

Shen Qiang, who had already walked outside the door, looked back, and Pan Zheng’s expression was complicated to a few points. He also said to purple one said with a smile: “Pan Kuishou is afraid that I will pit him, if I am not the drug king, not his Opponents, it is estimated that he is less suspicious.”

Hearing this, purple pu chi laughed at once, and then stayed with Yunlan at the door, while Pan Zheng, with a straight face, sent Shen Qiang out all the way.

As we approached the gate, Pan Zheng coldly transmitted: “Shen Qiang, you better not lie to me in this matter, you must understand that everyone has a bottom line, once someone has stepped on this Line, then no matter how crazy things are, I will do it.”

“The higher the expectation, the greater the disappointment.” Shen Qiang, who stood still, turned around and looked at Pan Zheng behind him, saying: “I know you are afraid of this, but don’t overestimate yourself and tell the truth, Thirty two of your wonderful hands, it’s not in my eyes at all. Because it’s too simple for me to defeat you, I don’t need it at all, and use some messy methods.”

“Youngster, you are too crazy.” Pan Zheng said.

Shen Qiang smiled: “Because I am the king of medicine, you are not.”

Pan Zheng was silent for a moment.

“Go back. Frankly speaking, purple doesn’t want to come. She told me that there will be too much time in the future, but I think you should understand that if she doesn’t recognize you now, she won’t do it in the future. After that, remember to thank me.”

After saying that’s all and giving Pan Zheng a cold eye, Shen Qiang walked away.

Pan Zheng, who was standing on the spot, looked at Shen Qiang’s back in a daze for a long time. After a long silence, he turned back, and just outside the door, through the floor-to-ceiling windows, he saw that the smiling purple was playing with his little son. Happy, for a moment, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“God bless! It’s her, it must be her!”

At the same time, Shen Qiang, who walked quietly all the way to his residence, came out of Pan Zheng’s residence and had just walked across the intersection.

On the face, I saw a beautiful and alluring 100 flower palace master in a red dress, just under the street lights beside the intersection, looking at myself full of smiles.

That graceful and enchanting body, with a charming smile, is really more beautiful than Hua Jiao, and far more beautiful than the three-corner plum on the roadside.

She didn’t speak, she just laughed.

Walking to her side, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “My Princess, waiting for me so blatantly here, are you not afraid of being told 3 to 4?”

Weisheng Zhimei pu chi smiled at once, looked at Shen Qiang slightly and said: “Of course I am afraid, but I am even more afraid of missing you.”

Shen Qiang smiled, took her into his arms, and said softly: “As long as you are not afraid, then of course we miss miss.”

Weisheng Zhimei smiled and gave Shen Qiang a cute look, charmingly said: “What are your sweet words? Have you talked to others?”

Shen Qiang smiled: “For others, I have sweet words, but for you, I only have the sincerity.”

In an instant, Wei Sheng Zhimei smiled and bent her eyes, saying: “It’s sweet.”

Shen Qiang sniffed the air, looked at her, raised her eyebrows and smiled, said: “Good fragrance.”

At this moment, faint footsteps came from afar.

Weisheng Zhimei pushed away Shen Qiang with a smile and said, “The room is waiting for you.”

Saying that’s all, her body flashed and disappeared.

After seeing her go, Shen Qiang sighed helplessly and shouted, “Ye Guyun, Ye Guyun! You come out to me.”


In the osmanthus forest not far away, Ye Guyun came out.

Looking at her faintly as a thief, Shen Qiang said: “Having received the benefits of the palace master? She came to me and didn’t tell me?”

“No!” Ye Guyun shook his head nervously.

Shen Qiang smiled: “You love this girl, she must have given it to you, just give it to me, otherwise you will be fined for 3 days after dinner.”

Ye Guyun’s eyes light up immediately.

“Okay, I will share it with you.”

Looking at elated Ye Guyun, Shen Qiang didn’t know whether to cry or laugh. Sure enough, Gong Military leader had a high wrist.

Everyone knows that bribing Ye Guyun is over.

After eating Kou Ye Gu Yun’s favorite pastry.

Shen Qiang shook his head and had nothing to say. After all, if the meat came to Ye Guyun’s hands, it would be a dream to let her hand it over again.

“Sooner or later you will become a fatty.”

Shen Qiang dropped the sentence, turned around and walked to the residence, and met many cultivators head-on.

“Shen Yaowang is good.”

“Good medicine king.”

Hello from many cultivator full of smiles, Shen Qiang smiled nodded.

Then passed by.

Back to the premises.

As soon as she entered the room, Shen Qiang saw that Ke Bizhu was applying a facial mask. Not only that, but the living room coffee table was filled with all kinds of cosmetics, all new. Upon looking at this posture, Shen Qiang said happily: “Weisheng Zhimei gave you?”

Ke Bizhu was also un’ed, saying: “She is all right.”

Shen Qiang shook his head helplessly.

Stay in Ke Bizhu and Ye Guyun to toss various cosmetics downstairs.

Straight upstairs.

When I pushed the door open, I just heard the sound of water in the bathroom.

Divine Consciousness was swept away, and Shen Qiang determined that it was the 100 master of the flower palace, Weisheng Zhimei.

Lock the door with your backhand.

Shen Qiang entered the room with a smile, and as a result, he just took off his jacket and turned around, and he saw beautiful and alluring Weisheng Zhimei, who had appeared in the doorway.

She is barefoot.

The snow-white jade foot is as white and tender as the light green that just peeled off the skin.

lithe and graceful to the ankle, beaded and rounded.

The round and slender legs, under the light, white frost like frost and snow, just like a fine jade carved by a white jade.

“You are so beautiful!”

Shen Qiang marveled.

At the same time, charmingly and humorously, the 100 Flower Palace Master Weisheng Zhimei walked over with her eyes shyly, pushed Shen Qiang down on the bed, and then came together, her eyes softly whispered: “This is the first time Dressed like this, if you dare to laugh, I will be very angry.”

Smelling the faint body scent from her body, feeling the hotness of her pretty face, Shen Qiang instantly smiled and bent her eyes.

“Don’t be afraid, you can wear it like this every day, and you don’t need to worry about my nutrition being unable to keep up.”

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