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Looking at the white skirt, under the sun, wrapped around Shen Qiang’s neck, tiptoe to kiss Shen Qiang’s beautiful Fairy Qin Yurou, everyone in the room could not help but hold their breath, because they can see At this time, Qin Yurou was in a very good mood, and his perfect profile was filled with happiness.

“Ai, although I am very jealous in my heart, talented and talented people are a perfect match.”

“She smiled so happy and so happy. In fact, it’s right to think about it. Such a perfect Fairy is probably that only a peerless king like Shen Qiang can give her happiness.”

“Well, the Pink Lady and the heroes of the world are together. This is a wonderful story in itself. For us, jealousy and jealousy will not come.”

Compared with the many cultivators present, everyone in the webcast room fell into a strange silence, not only the number of 10000 cultivators went offline, but a sparse barrage came out only a few seconds later.

“Alas… Shen Qiang and Qin Fairy sprinkled this dog food and I ate it. Bless them, apart from this, what else can we do?”

“I’m crying, my heart hurts, but seeing Qin Yurou Qin Fairy smiling so happy next to Shen Qiang, I suddenly thought, love can’t be too selfish, since she likes it, let her go.”

“Yeah, I just smashed the computer and came up with my mobile phone. Qin Fairy smiled beautifully and happily. We can’t be too selfish. Love is tolerant and love is blessing, so now, we just wish her well.”

“Well, it should be blessed.”

“Wish them to grow old together. But why did I still feel uncomfortable when I said this?”

Everyone was in a low mood, and there were instantly tens of thousands of people in the online live room, which became unhappy at all.

No one cares at all, Qingyun Sword Pavilion is merged into Heshenghe’s affairs.

After all, for many cultivators, seeing that Qin Yurou is so intimate with Shen Qiang, the impact is so great, simply not a few scenes, you can be comforted.

“What are you saying? The two of you are already together. If you really like Qin Fairy, bless her. If this asshole Shen Qiang dares to bully her in the future, we will kill him. How?”


The emotions in the live broadcast room boiled instantly.

“It’s enough for a day, if you dare to bully Qin Fairy, kill him, frustrate!”

“Well, if in the other day, Qin Fairy said he was not happy, we would kill Heshenghe!”

“That’s right, a good man, a real man, absolutely can’t let Qin Fairy get a little wronged!”

Many male cultivators still in the live broadcast room, hormones explode, wailing, making them seem like they are all maidens, and the barrage wave after wave, probably means the same.

But at the same time, more female cultivation was unhappy, and his temper unfathomable mystery exploded.

“Why, what! My Qiangbao is so handsome, and can be seen as Qin Yurou. That’s a great gift. Hem, really, I don’t understand. What’s so good about Qin Yurou? Except for being prettier than the old lady. Beyond the point, what’s so great?”

“Yes, yes! I’ve seen this Qin language for a long time. It’s too scheming to overwhelm my king. It’s a sin!”

“Hmph, cursing her face with acne, fell out of favor within 3 days, hum, that way, this Miss is happy!”

“Yeah, my king is so powerful and handsome, and Qin Yurou is not good enough for him.”

This wave, the appearance of the barrage, caused an instant explosion throughout the live broadcast room.

The male cultivator said that Shen Qiang is not good for Qin Yurou.

The female cultivator said that Qin language is not good enough for Shen Qiang.

The quarrel between the two parties was completely messed up, and some people even started to leave the phone to meet to “talk!”

And the various sects Sect Master in the sports hall was shocked by Qingyun Sword Pavilion. In the live broadcast room, they quarreled for the kiss of two people.

Smelling the faint fragrance on Qin Yurou’s body, feeling that Shen Qiang exudes a slight heat and body temperature, but could not help but slightly frowned.

Because I don’t know when, the bald sea monster king has appeared behind Qin Yurou. He is holding his arm and leaning on a large camphor tree diagonally. See Shen Qiang to see him. The big sea monster king sighed and said, “Shen Qiang, what you proud of one’s success looks like is really jealous.”

Hearing this, Qin Yu’s face flicked softly to her neck, and she was so shy that she didn’t know what to do.

“If you are congratulating me, I think I can accept it.” Shen Qiang smiled, holding Qin Yurou in one hand, while saying with a slight smile.

King Sea Monster raised his eyebrows and said helplessly: “I came here, I actually want to tell you 3 things.”

“If it is ruthless and threatening me, then there is no need to say it.”

Hearing the words of Shen Qiang, the big sea monster king smiled: “You are really a real guy. After becoming a drug king, it really becomes a little different.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows: “It has nothing to do with whether or not I am the king of medicine, it is my nature.”

The big sea monster king laughed, then raised his eyebrows and said, “The first thing I want to tell you is that I recognized your status as China’s demon king, and I also agree that you are an ally of my big sea monster Wang Yujiang. We are allied from now on. Start.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled and said, “Isn’t this usually a ceremony that is a bloody alliance?”

“If the ceremony is useful, what is the purpose of integrity?” The big sea monster king sneered, and then turned his head and said, “The second thing is that my brother must go back with me. The time is one month. You must give a holiday. This is what we said.”

Shen Qiang nodded smiled at Uncle Gui who was not far away and said, “Uncle Gui, I don’t know if you want to go back and see, but please remember that Heshenghe is your eternal home.”

Uncle Gui laughed and said, “I really should go back and see. After all, I haven’t been back in a long time, and there are some things that need to be cleaned up. 1 month later, I will go back to Shenghe, of course, if you are going to play in the sea, we may I want to see you sooner.”

“Sure.” Shen Qiang smiled.

Hearing this, Wang Yujiang, the big sea monster frowned, looked at Shen Qiang for a long time, and said: “The third thing I want to tell you is about the sea emperor family and the tomb of the gods. As an ally, I feel that I It’s my duty to help you teach the sea emperor.”

“Not to help me, but to help you build prestige in the sea monster!” Shen Qiang was afraid to accept this kind of love owed out of thin air.

Seeing that Shen Qiang didn’t fit in, the big sea monster Wang Yujiang smiled and said: “Whatever you say, the result is the same anyway. I want to go to Athena’s divine corpse. I can’t suppress the sea emperor, which is courting death.”

“So the meaning of my choice to make friends with you lies here.” Shen Qiang raised his eyebrows, neither humble nor overbearing.

The big sea monster is laughed by the king and knows what she knows. Shen Qiang means that if you can’t get the divine corpse of Athena, this alliance is nothing more than empty talk.

“To suppress the Haihuang family, my strength alone is not enough. Only my little daughter, Koi 1000, can suppress them, so you go talk to her, if she agrees to help you, let She takes you to me. If she refuses to help you, then this can only be done because I don’t want to die.”

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