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Chu Xiaotian’s words were not down. The first person to slam the table was Pan Zheng. He suddenly stood up, glaring at Chu Xiaotian, and said sharply: “impudent! Chu Xiaotian, where are you going to be? You have this qualification Come here to say such things? To test Dan, why not test your own Dan!”

The same face sank like water is also the master of the medicine king, he coldly said: “Chu Xiaotian, as a Medicine Refining Master, you should know that many medicine pill, the cost is expensive, it is beyond imagination! Dan, the price for every Medicine Refining Master who comes to participate is 1000000, 10000000, or even 100000000!”

“Good!” 4 Xiao Danqing’s Yu Xinghuo also said with a straight eyebrow: “If every medicine pill is required to test Dan, use it for patients to see the effect, which is not affordable than anyone can participate. One Time Pill drug conference may mean that a small sect is ruined!”

“Ordinary person mentioning this kind of request, can still cover it with a sentence of ignorance. You Chu Xiaotian is a Medicine Refining Master, don’t you understand?” Another reviewer of thirty two wonderful hands said angrily: “Shen Qiang medicine pill is Divine Grade, and it is not a Divine Grade medicine pill that can defying heaven changing fate to treat cancer, even if it is just a Cultivating Yuan Pill, the value is also about 100000000 yuan, you Chu Xiaotian want to test Dan, then you Pay for Shen Qiang medicine pill, and then you can test it!”

After seeing the five judges get angry, at first many cultivators who still don’t understand, after listening to their words, you explode instantly.

“Yeah, my God, think about it, really, after seeing so many medicine pill conferences, I have never seen anything happen on the spot, Shen Qiang medicine pill Divine Grade, plus the ability to define heaven Changing fate, the price must be above 100000000 million yuan, Chu Xiaotian, to be used to test Dan, unless you give money, otherwise you don鈥檛 have to think about it.”

“Damn, there is also a cost to doing business. Such a medicine pill costs only a few billion yuan at least. Is Chu Xiaotian’s brain sick?”

“Ah, this Chu Xiaotian should be renamed Tian Zhi Fool!”

In the drum noise of everyone, Chu Xiaotian, who had broken his heart, proudly coldly said: “I Chu Xiaotian broke the rules, I will make you guilty, but what is the medicine pill used for? What’s the use of this medicine pill?”

Everyone was stunned for a while, and then they were silent.

Pan Zhenghuo was angry and said: “The medicine doctor is not dead, Buddha is destined person, Chu Xiaotian! As a cultivator, do you not understand this? Birth, aging, sickness and death, is the norm in the world! Since you Chu Xiaotian So noble, so holy, why haven鈥檛 I seen that you are giving away the spiritual medicine on your body?”

Chu Xiaotian was silent, then turned his eyes and said bitterly: “I am a eliminated Medicine Refining Master, what qualification do I have to send medicine pill to others? Is it Shen Qiang, not Divine Grade Medicine Refining Master? He is not Divine Immortal? Then he came to save people! Seeing that he is not saved, what qualifications does he have? He is called Divine Grade Medicine Refining Master!”

“Enough!” Lord Yaogu Gu said angrily: “Come here, chase me Chu Xiaotian out!”

Hearing this, two cultivation base high-strength cultivators appeared at the side of Chu Xiaotian, and one of them, coldly said “Mr. Chu, please.”

Seeing this scene of many cultivators, he shook his head helplessly.

“The most shameless thing in the world is nothing more than moral kidnapping. In Chu Xiaotian, medicine pill is no better than Qin Yurou. That鈥檚 all, no one can say anything about him, but now, there are many Medicine Refining Masters present, who doesn鈥檛 Clearly, the value of Shen Qiang medicine pill.”

“If you know martial arts, you have to kill people? If you have money, you must donate? If you have medicine, you have to give it to someone else. If you have a car, you have to be on call. This idea is really naive and ridiculous.”

“I used to think that Chu Xiaotian was a good person and a promising person. Now, I suddenly feel that I used to be really… blind!”

But while many cultivations shook their heads, Shen Qiang sitting in front of the judging panel suddenly turned around and said quietly, “Wait a minute.”

Everyone has a glimpse.

But when everyone thought that Shen Qiang was going to humiliate Chu Xiaotian, he was shocked to hear it.

“The world pays attention to these two words of fate. If the patient you are talking about is in Yaowanggu, then you will bring him in.”

Hearing this to me, the crowd instantly fell into a daze.

“Shen Qiang! The rules are unbreakable!” Pan Zheng roared.

The Master of Medicine Wang Gu also said sharply: “Shen Qiang, you can’t mess with him!”

Hearing the words of the two big brothers, Shen Qiang; calm one said with a smile: “Don鈥檛 worry, I know, even if I am a doctor, I can鈥檛 cure everyone in the world, but I will do everything I can to be myself Things to do.”

Everyone has a glimpse.

Chu Xiaotian laughed wildly and said, “Shen Qiang, don’t pretend! You think the quality of medicine pill is everything? I tell you, wrong! Medicine pill has only one value in existence, which is cure! And the record about cancer , As long as 4000 years ago, no one has ever been able to produce medicine pill that can effectively treat me.”

Upon hearing this, everyone heart shivered with cold.

“Yes, this cancer is not a general symptom. Medicine pill is not 10000. Can it be treated well? 2 more!”

“It’s terrifying to think, if this Shen Qiang medicine pill can treat even cancer, then his powerful is not only the method of refining medicine, the fear of the cultivation base of this medical technique is also amazingly powerful!”

“Medicine Refining Master knows medicine, but it is more like a pharmacist. Generally speaking, unless it is a Senior expert, otherwise a single theory of medicine is not necessarily stronger than a doctor in a hospital.”

And when everyone was worried, Shen Qiang sat there raising his eyebrows coldly.

“Chu Xiaotian, what kind of bullshit are you talking about? You said Yan Dan, I said Laozi should save people, I didn鈥檛 say half a word, and now I let you bring the patient, and as a result, you talked and talked to me Can medicine pill be cured? Are you qualified to say this?”

Chu Xiaotian coldly snorted “Okay, then this is what you Qian Qiang voluntarily, but it is not my Chu Xiaotian who broke the rules.”

Everyone blinked in an instant.

Shen Qiang smiled: “Bring people up.”

Chu Xiaotian immediately waved outside.

Afterwards, everyone saw that two cultivators came in with a stretcher on the stretcher, a sick, skinny man.

Straight to the jury.

The five judges stood up and walked to the man on the stretcher. After a glance, Yu Xinghuo sighed: “It’s too late, this person is already ill, with jaundice. Obviously, it can’t last for more than 5 days.”

The Lord of the Medicine King Valley sighed and took the man’s hand on the stretcher and said, “I didn’t expect it, but I haven’t seen it for half a month. The Red Flame Dao in Mingzhen cultivation world has become so weak.”

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