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When I heard Shen Qiang’s words, not only did Pan Zheng’s complexion turn white, but many cultivators in the whole sports hall immediately felt his scalp numb and his hairs erected.

The reason is very simple. With the support of 300 Medicine Refining Master, now, the overall situation initiative is not in Pan Pan’s hands.

With these 300 Medicine Refining Masters, Shen Qiang can really engage in the yellow medicine pill conference as he said, and then open another medicine pill conference in Heshenghe. Not only that, even if the thirty two masters do not go, Medicine King Valley is not here. More than 300 Medicine Refining Master medicine pill exhibitions will still be attractive.

At that time, no one dared to go to the Desheng gathering to make trouble, but Shen Qiang dared to come to Yaowang Valley to stir.

The result will definitely be as Shen Qiang said.

Not only did they take the path of others, but they also left others nowhere to go!

Not only that, Pan Zheng knew very well that he was able to become the leader of the thirty two masters, because the thirty two masters at that time were suppressed by Yao Wanggu and had no choice but to hug them.

In the following eighteen years, Pan Zhengling Yao Wanggu had no choice but to endure.

If Shen Qiang is alone, if he comes here, the Lord of the Medicine King Valley will never dare to violate his will, because once the thirty two wonderful hands, unite, and leave all, then the Medicine King Valley will not only throw people away, status dropped a thousand zhang In one fall, the medicine pill conference is over.

But the situation is different now. With the Divine Grade Medicine Refining Master Shen Qiang, 4 Xiaodanqing, plus 300 Medicine Refining Masters, even if the thirty two masters leave, the medicine king valley medicine pill conference can be done with vividness Even though many cultivators will not be used to it, as long as several conferences have passed, among these Medicine Refining Masters, countless masters will surely be born.

By that time, the thirty two wonderful hands that faded out of sight will definitely become the yellow flowers of yesterday.

So after sighing, Pan Zheng sat back in his chair, sighed and said, “I think, if I say, I don’t want to hear anything from you now, Qin Guzhu will not agree.

Yao Wanggu smiled and said: “Pan Kui first sees.”

Pan Zheng nodded, said: “Well, since that is the case, Shen Qiang, you can say, as long as your requirements are not too excessive, I will seriously consider.”

Hearing this, everyone presents all stranges.

“Damn, sure enough, this person, the biggest supporter is always himself, and with whom is it useful? Bai Shiyi, Wei Sheng Zhimei, even if they have the heart to help Shen Qiang, they can’t help it, but now look at it, with 300 Medicine Refining Master backed up, Pan Zheng and Pan Kui, who was so flamboyant before, had to sit down and listen to Shen Qiang.”

“Sure enough, the situation is stronger than people, and it is also Shen Qiang. No one said anything before, but now, after standing behind 300 Medicine Refining Master behind him, Pan Zheng has dared not dare to arrogantly and banish him? Does not exist of.”

“Ai, Sure enough, the words of the lowly carry little weight, there is not enough strength, what you say will only make people laugh, and once you have enough strength, then someone will think seriously and say respect, so in the In the cultivation world, the only way to be respected is to become stronger. Apart from this, simply there is no other way.”

Seeing that Pan Zheng had sat down, Shen Qiang smiled calmly and said, “First of all, what I want to say is very simple. Since it is the medicine pill conference, it should be the grand meeting of all Medicine Refining Masters in the cultivation field. So, 3 The famous judges, two thirty two wonderful hands, and a medicine king valley, the structure itself is unreasonable.”

Pan Zheng hearing this, complexion turned cold, said sharply: “Shen Qiang, what do you mean? If you have something to say directly, why hide it.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows and said with a smile: “I mean very simple, medicine pill is better than medicine pill, then talk about medicine pill, don’t get involved with who products, sect and other messy things. So, 7 referee is a bit less, 8 referee seems to be better.”

Hearing this, Pan Zheng expression turned cold.

At this time, the always silent Lord of the Medicine King Gu laughed and agreed: “This is a good and very reasonable point, then add two more. This medicine pill conference, plus the two virtue of Hesheng Hedan League Old Mister will be a reviewer, and I believe that Medicine Refining Masters will not make sense.”

Hearing this, the 2 old men of the many Medicine Refining Masters in Danmeng looked very proud.

And at a glance at the two of them, even the numerous Medicine Refining Masters of thirty two masters are only slightly surprised, but not at all any complaints. After all, the two old Masters of Danmeng, but the strongest 2 under the ten Great Grandmaster People, the reputation is very good, in the circle of Medicine Refining Master is really a high reputation.

Although the fame is slightly worse than the Peak Ten of Medicine Refining Master, but because it is not Peak Ten, it often appears in the circle of Medicine Refining Master. That is a real fame and character. There is no doubt that the character is undoubted, so the voice of opposition is rooted. There is no.

Seeing this situation, Pan Zheng was helpless, because he knew very well that once two more reviewers joined, then he was thinking to act wilfully at the medicine pill conference, which was almost impossible.

“Shen Patriarch’s proposal is very good, but everything in this conference has already been decided, so you can discuss the feasibility after the conference, but this conference does not need to be changed.”

When she heard Pan Zheng’s words, Shen Qiang smiled and said calmly, “The Medicine Refining Master in the cultivation field is very small. Everyone is famous. Everyone knows who can do what they can’t. , 2 Old Mister of our Danmeng joined the jury, if Pan Kui is not assured, you can do the judging in person, the same is true of the drug king.”

The Master of the Medicine King Valley was laughing this way, and said, “Elder of the Valley, just right, no need to change.”

Pan Zhengdao: “After three years of preparation, how can the conference be changed at will.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Because I want him to change, I will set the rules. If you refuse, the current medicine pill conference will be cancelled.”

Chu Xiaotian fired and interjected: “Shen Qiang, who do you think you are? Are you qualified to say this?”

“Impudent!” Yu Xinghuo stepped forward and said sharply: “We, Hesheng Hedan League, 300 Medicine Refining Master Here, who dares to say that we are not Medicine Refining Master? Who dares to question what our Alliance Leader said? Do you dare? Come to fight Dan!”

In an instant, Chu Xiaotian froze.

4 Xiao Danqing’s Yu Xinghuo, although not on the top 100 list, is absolutely first-class in strength. With his fight against Dan, Chu Xiaotian has less than half the chance to win.

At the same time, another 4 Xiao Danqing also took a step forward, coldly said: “I have endured you for a long time, since you dare to refuse our Alliance Leader’s request, that is great disrespect, come here, thirty two wonderful hands Medicine Refining Master, let’s stand up and check with our Hesheng Hedan League to see who is the best!”

In an instant, Medicine Refining Master, thirty two wonderful hands, also became hot.

But at this moment, Pan Zheng sighed in his heart and said: “Shen Alliance Leader, you win, just do what you said, and 5 judges.”

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