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Pan Zheng’s words were calm and self-confident. Many of the cultivator hearing this present immediately agreed,

“The leader is right. Medicine pill until now in cultivation is in short supply. The most important core is because the magic medicine pill cannot be industrialized. The more the magic medicine pill is, the more difficult it is to obtain from the materials. It’s the harsh conditions that make up the high price for the recipe and the refining, and a person, even if the level of refining medicine is even higher, is impossible to meet the cultivation field.”

“It makes sense that in terms of status, Shen Qiang is also a big brother, but the big guy and the big guy are different. He Shenghe, well, the ability to kill is good, but when it comes to influence, compared to the two of the wonderful two Pan Chief political officer, as different as Heaven and Earth.”

“Yes, regarding the influence in the cultivation world, Pan Zheng and Pan Kui head, that is a great character standing proudly in the cloud, and Shen Qiang is also not a primitive person walking on the ground. The high judgement, simply does not have any comparability.”

Compared with many cultivators that are relatively rational, the words of others are not so polite.

Ji Liangyuan, who participated in the medicine pill conference on behalf of Longchang, proudly said with a sneer: “Today, I have seen Shen Qiang’s overestimate one’s capabilities, which is not terrifying in itself. After all, who doesn’t have several points of pride in his heart, But what is terrifying is that it is obviously overestimate one’s capabilities, but he still believes that he really has such capabilities.”

Hearing this, the numerous Medicine Refining Masters present sneered.

“Shen Qiang, do you understand the difference between you and our leader? Don’t think that our leader is polite to you, you feel that you are qualified to sit down with him, and it’s not good to say that our leader is not the Jade Emperor in the circle of Medicine Refining Master. The general existence is at least the Taibai Star Monarch, and you, at best, are a little old land.”

“Hahaha, who is laughing, who can refine a few medicine pill, there are so many cultivation circles, but it is rare for you like Shen Qiang to have no shame.”

“An old farmer who picks up manure thinks that the emperor’s life is to pick up manure with a gold manure fork, so this Shen Qiang probably thinks that everyone’s life is similar to him.”

In the ridicule of everyone, looking at Shen Qiang whose emotions are still calm, Chu Xiaotian proudly said with a sneer: “Shen Qiang, I’m really curious, how can you still sit still, aren’t you abandoning scorn? Our thirty two wonderful hands There are 2 100 30 Medicine Refining Masters. How about you? How many Medicine Refining Masters do you have in Heshenghe? Are there any other than you? If you have one, call it out and let me see what it is.”

“There is a fart. If Heshenghe really has other Medicine Refining Masters, the cultivation circle has long spread.”

“Hehe, when it comes to fighting, our thirty two masters may not really be He Shenghe’s opponents, but if we talk about pill concocting, He Sheng is a fart, and thirty two masters, which one does not have 3 or 5 Medicine Refining Masters?”

Listening to the agreement of everyone, Chu Xiaotian became more proud: “Shen Qiang, you are so thick-skinned, you can get out of your own hands? Go back to your Heshenghe, and hold a medicine pill conference, maybe, there may be someone go with.”

Shen Qiang smiled and looked at Chu Xiaotian contemptuously, then turned his head very indifferently and looked at Pan Zheng said with a smile: “Pan Kui Shou, I am a person who read love, I originally did not intend to give you Any chance, but considering the feelings of those around me, my heart is a little bit soft. I don’t think I should do things too well, so you may wish to think about whether we will start the medicine pill again, or everyone Don’t play.”

Hearing this, Pan Zheng pu chi laughed out loud.

The purple behind Shen Qiang is lovable body trembled, and her eyes are fixed on Shen Qiang firmly, and her mood is inexplicably complicated.

“Is Shen Qiang talking about me? Pan Zheng is my father. Is Shen Qiang afraid of me?”

The beautiful school on the second floor in the depths is beautiful with flowers of Qin Yurou, looking at Shen Qiang tenderly with beautiful eyes, and the delicate white jade hand clenched into a fist, and he said to himself: “The Lord of Medicine King Valley is my father, Shen Qiang, the reason why you Are you worried about my relationship with my family?”

And at this moment, Pan Zheng said with a laugh: “Shen Qiang, you are really an interesting guy. I thought you were a resourceful person, but after hearing this, I suddenly thought, are you Silly? Am I not clear? I have 2 100 30 Medicine Refining Masters under you, 0 under you, I have mastered the production of several thousand medicine pills, and you only have a few.”

“Sects that are related to me include almost all Sects in the cultivation field, whether they are on the surface or hidden in the dark, but how many are related to your harmony and prosperity? In such an unequal situation , I’m talking to you, it’s already giving face to Zulong group.”

Everyone heard this laughing.

Shen Qiang laughed, and then said indifferently: “Is the face given by someone else? This sounds very funny. Face is something that can only be earned by oneself. After enough laughter, seriously consider my words, If you Pan Zheng put away your rogue face and everything comes according to the rules, then this medicine pill conference can be held smoothly. If you really feel that after your foot stepped on my face, I can only bear it. Then you will regret it.”

Pan Zheng smiled: “The strength gap is so obvious, do you dare to say such words, threatening me?”

Shen Qiang smiled and looked at him calmly.

At this time, Chu Xiaotian had stood up proudly, coldly said: “Shen Qiang, you really are, the skin is extremely thick, Yu Gong, you have been eliminated by the conference, Yu private, the medicine pill conference is not threatened by anyone, so I propose , Immediately expel Shen Qiang and He Shenghe away, and permanently ban him from participating again!”

“Yes, such a small person violates many principles of the conference, and supercilious must permanently prohibit him from participating again in order to warn others from the following bad examples.”

“Yes, just expel it, if you dare to resist, it means that he is provoking the cultivation world, and even the cultivation world will be delisted!”

These words immediately made Bai Shiyi and Wei Shengzhimei face sank like water, but at this time, they really could not intervene. Not only that, the sexy purple, and the beautiful Qin Yurou looked nervous and anxious. Looking at Shen Qiang, there is no way.

After all, on this occasion, they simply have no choice.

“Do you mean that too? Pan Zheng?” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow.

Pan Zheng smiled and looked at Shen Qiang with a stern look. He looked at Master Gu Wang, and said: “Gu, you should give Mr. Shen an Expulsion Order. Otherwise, we will have two wonderful hands, but we will open another place. medicine pill.”

Hearing this, the Master of Medicine King Valley looked sad.

It is clear to me that the Master of Medicine King will give priority to keeping the medicine pill conference anyway, and give up my Shen Qiang hearing this with a smile and snatching the words: “It is not difficult to give me an Expulsion Order, but you better look at me Do the subordinates agree?”

Everyone has a glimpse.


The gate of the sports hall was pushed open, and then black crowds poured in.

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