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In an instant, Chu Xiaotian was stunned, and had previously ridiculed Shen Qiang who was not qualified to sit with them. Many Medicine Refining Masters were also dumbfounded and stupefied dumbfounded.

“Impossible, I must have heard it wrong!” In the snickers of everyone, Chu Xiaotian was anxious and stepped forward anxiously: “Guardian, you must be wrong, this Shen Qiang, even the Medicine Refining Master 100 The list has not entered, what qualifications does he have to be the chief?

“Yeah!” Several other Medicine Refining Masters who had previously ridiculed Shen Qiang also got up and questioned.

“Valley, we need an explanation!”

“If this Shen Qiang can crush us, then that’s all if you don’t eat this meal!”

“Everyone Sect Master sits on the chief, I don’t have 2 words, but Shen Qiang also sits on the chief, that is an insult to us!”

Seeing this situation, Lord Yao Wang Gu smiled slightly, saying: “Pan Zheng, Pan Kui, this matter, it seems that you have to explain to them.”

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes could not help but focus on Pan Zheng.

Thirty-two Pan Zheng, the leader of a wonderful hand ,

In the cultivation world, it is approximately equal to the invisible man.

As long as they are outside the circle of Medicine Refining Master, very few people know him.

But it is clear that except for Shen Qiang, the thirty two wonderful hands are all in the first place.

So at this moment, many Medicine Refining Master and Chu Xiaotian stared at Pan Zheng.

This situation makes Pan Zheng a little embarrassed. The real situation is that as one of the ten people in Medicine Refining Master Peak, whether it is Pan Zheng or Master Wang Gu is very clear, Shen Qiang refines medicine pill, whether it is Cultivating Yuan Pill, Jiazi Dan, or covering moon, shaming flowers Dan, each of which is Divine Grade.

On the quality of medicine pill.

Even they have no way to talk to Shen Qiang mention on equal terms.

Moreover, it’s not good to say, just from the perspective of Medicine Refining Master, with Shen Qiang, it is already that he and Master Wang Gu of medicine are climbing Shen Qiang.

But this can’t be said.

Because once said, not only the thirty two wonderful hands will be crushed by Shen Qiang, Yao Wanggu is also afraid of the status.

So after hesitating a little, Pan Zheng said solemnly: “What do you want to explain? Is the 700 100000000 million order not enough?”

Chu Xiaotian was surprised and said, “Those are just Qi Qi San and Yamato Rocanan…”

“If you have the ability to get an order of 700 100000000 million, don’t say it’s a gathering of energy, even if you are selling the sand, I will invite you to the table.” Pan Zheng said with a cold face: “So don’t talk, sit under!”

Hearing this, Chu Xiaotian was stunned, eyes full of dissatisfaction, but in a blink of an eye, he saw Qin Yurou, who was as beautiful as Celestial Immortal, and then his eyes lit up, coldly snorted said: “Good, since you think Money is everything, then the chief of Shen Qiang is the chief.”

Saying that’s all, ignoring Pan Zheng, Chu Xiao Heavenly Eye stared at Qin Yurou brightly, clearing his throat deliberately: “Qin Fairy, since all have come, then sit down, I just have Pill Recipe asks you questions.”

Upon hearing this, Master Yaogu frowned.

Just waiting for him to speak, Shen Qiang, who had been silent, smiled, not only proudly stepped in front of Qin Yurou, but also said calmly: “Forgot to tell you, Qin Yulu is soft, I am a classmate, and I, You won’t be able to sit with people like you, nor will Qin Yurou, so you can sit down.”

Chu Xiaotian was shocked.

At this moment, in everyone’s shocked eyes, Shen Qiang smiled at Qin Yurou, and then took Qin Yurou’s hand and went straight to the chief.

Qin Yurou’s pretty face instantly blushed to the root of the neck, and some were helpless, looking at Master Wang Gu with nervous eyes.

didn’t expect, at this time, the master of the medicine king was like a visual impairment, as if he had not seen it at all, but he was smiling and said with Bai Shiyi on the side: “Shen Qiang instrument out of the ordinary, White Patriarch is Divine. Vision recognizes heroes.”

Bai Shiyi pu chi laughed at once, and then sound transmission said: “Yes, I Divine Vision knows the hero, and then you take a slice of the soup.”

Master Yao Wanggu smiled and bent his eyes, not answering, but politely greeted other guests.

Chu Xiaotian was embarrassed and took the empty chair and said, “Qin Fairy, your seat…”

“Mine, this is mine!” A balding fat middle age person hurried over, sitting in a chair pulled by Chu Xiaotian.

Chu Xiaotian was shocked, and then his eyes were disgusted.

Such a scene not only made thousands of cultivator pu chi present laugh out loud, but also to bear discuss spiritedly.

“Hahaha, I laughed to death, Chu Xiaotian, acting as a perpetrator, felt that the first 8 seats were already amazing? He also forced Shen Qiang boasting and said that Shen Qiang was not qualified, hahaha, and Shen Qiang took the lead!”

“The most funny thing is this kid, who was obviously refused to raise his relatives to the medicine Wanggu, and also gave Qin Fairy a bite, as if how familiar he was.”

“It seems that I am embarrassed to have cancer. Qin Yurou is obviously interested in Shen Qiang. This is really Chu Xiaotian. Dignified Tian Zi Jiao Zi, in front of Shen Qiang, can be considered as a complete loss of people. Yes, that is Shen Qiang, who is more concerned about the overall situation and understanding the general situation, otherwise, in this case, what does Shen Qiang say, he can’t listen to Chu Xiaotian?”

“Well, it makes sense, but yes, although Chu Xiaotian is a genius, known as Heaven’s Chosen Child, he still can’t compare with the real great character. Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master is not good? Did not let Shen Qiang step on to death ?”

“That is, people Shen Qiang, that is a scrupulous identity, too lazy to see the general knowledge of Chu Xiaotian.”

The many cultivators present were perfectly clear.

At this time, compared to the more harmonious and harmonious banquet hall, the news in the online broadcast room has already exploded.

“Oh, before, I said that the king of my family couldn’t even sit in the first 8 tables. You stand up. The old lady promises not to kill you!”

“Hehe, people will know that Qiangbao is the most powerful, hum, Chu Xiaotian Niuqi? Heaven’s Chosen Child, what, isn’t it an Insect in front of my Qiangbao?”

“Otherwise, slut is hypocrisy? My strong man is so low-key, so elegant, so capable, but who of you have seen him take the initiative to bully others, but those who are dissatisfied with a bottle, half a bottle of shaking 2 goods, crying all day long How powerful he is, he wants to grab a woman with my strong man, he he he, that is a big joke!”

“Fine speaking of which, Chu Xiaotian is also very good. I actually liked him a little bit before, but since he dare to be arrogant with my family Brother Qiang, then I don’t like him anymore, hum.”

“Hehe, my king is mighty, my king is domineering, my king is the most handsome! Seeing that, even the beautiful Fairy like Qin Yurou likes him, it proves that our vision is not wrong!”

The speeches of the women made Shen Qiang praised before. Many male cultivators who wanted to nail Shen Qiang to the wall did not say anything. They just sent out emoticons with their faces swollen.

But when everyone thought that this thing passed smoothly, Chu Xiaotian, who heard everyone laughed, blushed, and suddenly stood up, fingered Shen Qiang, and roared loudly: “Shen Qiang! You want Being a man, let go of Qin Yurou and come to fight against me!”

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