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The dinner was held as scheduled.

At the end of April and early May in Yaowanggu, the temperature was around 4 degrees, and it had entered early summer. The temperature difference between day and night was not large, but it seemed that due to the regional climate characteristics, the sky was lightly rained, and the breeze was slightly cool.

In the banquet hall.

Many Medicine Refining Master, and cultivator have gathered together.

The number of people was several times greater than before, so that the entire banquet hall was overcrowded.

But even if there are many people.

But it is still cluttered and chaotic, because the layout of the entire banquet hall has already decided all this.

On the east side, the chief dining table.

The chief heads west, 8 tables.

Then there are ten 6 tables, thirty two tables, 64 tables, and 128 tables. Each area is clearly divided, and it can be said that it is clear and clear.

From the east to the west, in addition to the chief, 56 tables are for the colleagues of Medicine Refining Master and Medicine Refining Master.

The next 64 tables were all seated by celebrities and celebrities in the cultivation field.

The 128 tables on the west side are for individual guests. Anyone who comes to attend the medicine pill can eat here.

apart from this.

Although there is light rain in the sky, there are neat and tidy 3 large drainage seats under the tents erected on the open space outside the banquet hall. This is for some cultivation bases which are low-level and have a small portal, so they are not afraid to prepare with the powerhouse. Of course, some staff including Yaowanggu will also eat here.

So although there are 5,000-6,000 cultivators on the scene, they are still mixed.

In the banquet hall.

Ten minutes from the start of the banquet, many cultivators have already become economically viable.

No one has appeared except the chief.

The 8 tables closest to the chief are almost full of people, and they are naturally the focus of many cultivator talks.

“Sure enough, it’s true that Chu Xiaotian, the pride of the emperor, saw it. He was sitting on the second of the eight tables. He was accompanied by the powerhouse of the Medicine Refining Master 8, and Lin Fenghang was also there. “

“Of course, he is a genius! You see, there are many young people in this Medicine Refining Master, but there are really few who are qualified to enter the top 8 tables.”

“Well, Heaven’s Chosen Child Chu Xiaotian, plus Lin Fenghang, these 2 young people sitting in a group of old fogey, really a crane in a flock of chickens.”

Everyone is discussed spiritedly.

“Oh, but it seems that the 8 tables are already full of people. Why didn’t they find it in Shen Qiang.”

“Haha, there is fun now, Shen Qiang is so powerful, can’t he even get to the first 8 tables?”

“Jiqisan, Yamato Rocanan, this thing doesn’t go to the countertop, so this Shen Qiang, I guess, must have been arranged in the back sixteen tables.”

Hearing the conversation among the people in the hall, Chu Xiaotian’s expression was somewhat complacent, and glanced at Lin Fenghang, who was also at the table. Chu Xiaotian smiled and said, “Brother Old Lin, in this world, this Medicine Refining Master circle Here, only you can contend with me one 2, but forgive me to speak bluntly, you are simply my opponent.”

Lin Fenghang was silent for a moment, and said very seriously: “Indeed, Senior Brother Chu is right. I’m slightly inferior to Senior Brother Chu in terms of talent, perception, and ability.”

These words made Chu Xiaotian smile proudly, and his expression was proud again.

“But I think that our generation’s best Medicine Refining Master, simply not you and me, but Shen Qiang and Qin Yurou.” Lin Feng Channel.

Hearing this, Chu Xiaotian was stunned, and then snorted a little unhappy.

Those old men who were seated at the same time were secretly nodded, and looking at Lin Fenghang also had several points of appreciation.

“Youngster is not arrogant, not defeated, Little Friend Lin’s demeanor is out of the ordinary.”

“Although Qin Yurou’s medicine pill has very few works, his Alchemy Technique with brimming over with talent is indeed far superior to his peers.”

When I heard the old man praised Qin Yulin and Lin Fenghang instead of him, Chu Xiaotian looked displeased and turned to look at the seat that was full of people, leaving only a seat that was not yet seated in the chair. : “Unfortunately, Qin Yurou is just a woman. Once married and have children, how talented is it, and what use is it?”

Everyone looked at him strangely, and no one said anything.

Because Lin Fenghang and Chu Xiaotian, both of them raised their relatives to Yao Wang Gu, and wanted to become Dao Companion with Qin Yurou.

But it is clear that what they rejected by Yao Wanggu is not a secret.

So, how do you listen to it?

And at this moment, with the light footsteps, everyone here clearly heard that a Discipline of Yaowanggu said with respect, “Young Master, you are here!”

At almost an instant, everyone in the entire banquet hall, with a glance, turned away, and the men and women in the entire hall stayed for a while.

Under the light.

Qin Yurou, in a white dress, is like Fairy for 9 days.

The eyebrows are as distant as mountains and dais, and the eyes are as bright as stars.

The delicate and immaculate face, with a light and elegant smile, the small pink lips, accompanied by star-like beauty, so beautiful that everyone present, let alone talk, even held their breath, I dare not have the slightest impudent.

And not only the scene.

In the live broadcast room on the Internet, there was also a silence. Everyone was inexplicably immersed in the beauty of Qin Yurou as a fairy.

a long time. ,

Until Qin Yurou walked to the 8 tables closest to the chief.

An old man got up and gave a little salute, saying: “I have seen Qin Fairy.”

Hearing this, Qin Yurou smiled gracefully and said: “Uncle Li is polite, just call me Yurou.”

That old man hearing this, immediately raised his chest, raised his eyebrows and exhaled, his face proud.

Actually right.

Qin Yurou is the Young Master of Medicine King Valley, and he is willing to call him Uncle. That is really Supreme glory, which attracts countless envy.

“Yurou Little Junior Sister!” Chu Xiaotian, a bright-eyed light bulb, stood up and stared straight at Qin Yuju: “Come on my side.”

The soft eyes of Qin language in full of smiles were immediately cold, and the original elegant smile was also disappeared.

“Are you calling Little Junior Sister?” Abi, who followed Qin Yurou, was scolded unhappy: “I don’t look in the mirror.”

These words made Chu Xiaotian’s face a little ugly.

But after giving Abi a white eye, he pretended not to hear it, looking at Qin Yurou and said: “Yurou Little Junior Sister, I recently got a Supreme Pill Recipe, you take a look.”

Qin Yurou said helplessly: “I’m sorry, I’m out of company.”

Seeing that Qin Yurou was leaving, Chu Xiaotian was anxious and reached out to try to pull Qin Yurou and said, “Little Junior Sister, with me here, you can’t go anywhere!”


His tone barely fell, and the whole person ran out of True Yuan.

Chu Xiaotian was furious: “Who dares to touch me?” But when he turned around, he saw Shen Qiang with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing him looking at himself, Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow with a smile, and had not spoken yet.

Everyone present was shocked to see that Chu Xiaotian, whose face was instantly pale, seemed to be frightened. Deng deng deng stepped back a few steps and cried:

“Shen Qiang, you can’t beat me anymore!”

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