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Looking at the graceful lithe and graceful, sexy bearing and charming temperament, the 100 Flower Palace Lord laughed away enchantingly, possessing a sexy purple chaple of war chariot level, and looked at Shen Qiang with surprise. “You and Between her…”

Shen Qiang said with a smile: “At this time, you should pay attention to the Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master. If he is mad at me directly, then…too cool!”

Sexy purple hearing this oh pu chi smiled, could not help turning his head.

At this time, under the rescue of many Medicine Refining Masters and doctors, Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master has come to a halt, where he breathed heavily.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, don’t worry, Ma Sect Master is just in a hurry, the blood is retrograde, hurt the inner house, took my medicine, as long as a few hours of rest, it will be fine.” A Medicine Refining Master said .

“Well, little problem, it’s all right.”

“Why are you still stunned, send Ma Sect Master to rest!”

At the urging of many Medicine Refining Master doctors, the Kunlun Sword Sect’s disciples hurriedly lifted Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master out.

Persevere in gladness, the purple of full of smiles just started to say: “Relax, it’s okay, he can’t die, you didn’t make a big disaster.”

But then he was shocked to see that Shen Qiang, who had originally laughed at hehe and looked calmly on the side, stepped forward. ,

“And slow!”

Seeing Shen Qiang coming over to block, Kunlun Sword Sect disciple and a series of cultivator are both stunned, and then one person angered: “Shen Qiang, you don’t want to be unsatisfied! Our patience is limited, if you don’t know how to advance, Don’t blame us for being polite.”

Hearing this, everyone in the exhibition hall was alert.

Do you want to fight? Divine Immortal fight, don’t pit us!

Many cultivators are nervous.

But at this moment, they were shocked to see that Shen Qiang pu chi laughed out loud.

“Your Kunlun Sword Sect, really from top to bottom, you will only be boasting. I really have the ability to do it with me. Why do you talk nonsense with me?

Looking at them with raised eyebrows, Shen Qiang stepped forward: “Do it? Bright sword!”

The moment I heard this, not only the eyes of the cultivator of the Kunlun Sword Sect series, but also the tension of many people present, in a flash, they clearly saw Shen Qiang behind at least 5 more cultivations The cultivator whose base is above the Daogu period.

Honesty and integrity, Wanxin Hesheng, 100 Flower Palace, plus Shen Qiang’s horses, neat and tidy, more than 20 super powerhouses, not only disdainful eyes, but also released the horrific True Yuan, making them wear a straight suit and shirt Shen Qiang, with a white figure and a straight figure, with a sneer on the corner of her mouth, looks more powerful than terrifying!

It’s almost like Demon God is alive!

In this case, show the sword to Shen Qiang?


Before Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master took them to drive Shen Qiang to a dead end. Now, the situation is reversed, and the powerhouse around Shen Qiang, the demon king of 10000, gathers.

Under such circumstances, who dares to believe that Shen Qiang will not kill?

No matter who it is, whoever has the sword and who dies, this is inevitable!

“Bright sword!” Shen Qiang said sharply: “Can’t you hear what I said!”

The Kungu Sword Sect’s Daoguo period expert was stunned, and then he smiled embarrassingly, looking at Shen Qiang and said: “Shen Qiang, do you think I’m stupid? Do you think I don’t know, I’m sword you Is there an excuse to do it?”


Shen Qiang raised her hand and slapped in the face, making the super powerhouse of Kunlun Sword Sect staggered.

“Shen Qiang! You bully intolerably!” The super powerhouse was furious.


With a cold wind, Shen Qiang stepped forward, not only stood in front of him, but also looked at him coldly and condescendingly, pale-gold’s eyes were full of contempt: “I think I bully intolerably, then your sword!”

Kunlun Sword Sect’s super powerhouse was stunned.

“Isn’t it bright?”

That super powerhouse puts on a pair, you think I look at Shen Qiang with silly eyes.

Pa! pa! pa!

3 slaps in a row, hit the cultivator dumbfounded!

Looking at his blank eyes.

Shen Qiang said in a very calm mood: “tsk tsk, Kunlun Sword Sect, it really is from top to bottom, you know boasting force.”

“You think, move a chair and sit in front of my Shen Qiang’s door. After pretending to be forced, will it be okay?” Shen Qiang raised an eyebrow and said sharply: “No one can insult me ​​without paying a price! Kunlun Sword Sect is , Others too!”

Hearing Shen Qiang’s words, absolute silence in the entire pavilion.

But the webcast room exploded in an instant.

“Domineering! Let me just say, my Brother Qiang’s petite temper is absolutely impossible and has nothing.”

“Huh, who is Shen Qiang? He Sheng He Da, 10000 demon king! Bullying him can, but be prepared to be retaliated by him.”

“Hehe, when our strong man is a soft persimmon? Squeeze it, slam it, is there any fart? I’m hehe, look, this is just the beginning!”

In the pavilion, the Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master lying there sat up and looked at him angrily: “Shen Qiang, you really think we dare not move you?”

Shen Qiang smiled, coldly said: “Is it interesting to say this? I gave you a chance, but you can’t!” Shen Qiang coldly said: “Stop me, don’t let me do business? I The transaction amount is a few 100 100000000 million.”

“Fuck me?”

Shen Qiang sneered: “Don’t you dare to light the sword, even if you are obstructing it, my trading volume will fly up.”

“So what!” Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master is still cruel.

Shen Qiang smiled and said, “How? Don’t you understand? Your waste is already the stepping stone to Shen Qiang. You have nothing, no particles, no other sect disciple, eating Qiqi, burning Yamato. Roca Nanxiang, your disciple, there is nothing.”

“Other cultivator Sect, without your arrogance, but at least they are not ashamed.”

“It’s you, it’s not as good as waste. The prestige accumulated by Kunlun Sword Sect in 1000 is defeated by you. The disciple of disciple will lag far behind other Sects. Not only if you behave like this, it is also given to the Kunlun Sword Sect tree. An enemy.”

“If I were Kunlun disciple, I would be ashamed of you too!”

Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master growled angrily: “Shen Qiang, you are enough!”

“Not enough! Waste, garbage, even I can’t hold back, who can you hold down?” Shen Qiang raised her eyebrows said with a sneer: “The four enemies, ignore the interests of sect disciple, even the Direct Disciple is punished by me. Slap, tsk tsk, dare not fight back.”

“So your Ma Sect Master is just a joke, legendary Divine Grade.” Looking at the Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master’s angry eyes, Shen Qiang chuckled: “Don’t accept it? Then you sword, come and kill me, now!”

“I fight with you!” Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master growled.

At this time, a disciple beside him, looking at Shen Qiang behind everyone eye shows the ominous light, hugged him hurriedly, anxiously said: “Sect Master is calm, the green hills are here, I am not afraid of no firewood, this The matter is not over, let’s go back first and discuss for a long time…”


Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master, eyes whitened, blood spout from mouth, comatose in the arms of the discipline.

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