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“Threat me?” Jiao Mei’s 100 Hua Gong master Wei Sheng Zhi Mei smiled, coldly said: “Bai Shiyi, don’t look too high on yourself. If 100 Hua Gong is so weak, it can’t support today.”

Bai Shiyi seriously looked at the 100 flower palace master Wei Sheng Zhimei, saying: “Shen Qiang is my favorite youngster, he has the ability to become a real big brother, if you help him out now, it is useless, this It’s like a fight with a small child in the school. He was beaten and he can’t avenge himself, only parents.

“On the surface, all problems have been solved, but in fact, those classmates will only despise him, because that is not his own ability, understand? He Shenghe’s Jiangshan, Shen Qiang can only fight by himself, his face , He needs to earn it himself.”

“This time we can help him, who will come next time? Can you help him solve a Kunlun Sword Sect, can you help him solve all cultivators?”

100 Master Huasheng Zhimei was silent for a moment, and said seriously: “Yes, I understand what you mean, I want Shen Qiang to come out of this dilemma with his own ability, and I respect your ideas, However, my patience is limited.”

Say that’s all, 100 The main palace of the flower palace was slightly beautiful, and turned proudly, leaving here without any trace of mud.

Looking at her back.

Wanxin Hesheng, the person in charge of procurement, seriously looked at Bai Shiyi and said: “Bai Patriarch, then according to your intentions, shouldn’t Kunlun Sword Sect act so arbitrarily, shouldn’t we teach him a lesson?”

“The lesson is to be given.” Bai Shiyi coldly said: “But at least, Shen Qiang must understand that if he is not strong enough, it is no use praying for help.”

The person in charge of Wanxin Hesheng was nodded, and then looking at the fat out of the ordinary with a thoughtful look and brought 2 super powerhouses into the exhibition hall, frowns saying: “White Patriarch, have you ever seen an iceberg?”

Bai Shiyi’s eyes also stared at that one who didn’t even look at Bai Shiyi, and entered the exhibition’s fatty, a said with a smile: “The real iceberg has not been seen, but these sects of cultivation circles are not just tip of the iceberg?”

The purchasing person in charge of Wanxin Hesheng seriously looked at the back of fatty and said: “Yeah, and from the perspective of the iceberg, usually, the volume of the iceberg hidden under the water surface is often 9 times the size of the exposure.”

Bai Shiyi smiled and sorted out the cuffs, said with a slight smile: “But a businessman can see through everything.”

“Will they be the opportunity for Shen Qiang to make a comeback?” Wanxin Hesheng’s purchasing cultivator looked at fatty’s back and said: “The people who are hiding don’t care who they cause.”

Bai Shiyi was silent for a moment, and said: “It’s hard to say that unless they are sure that Shen Qiang medicine pill is better than others, they will not use money to flee.”

At this time, in the exhibition hall, as more and more cultivators poured in, it was gradually noisy.

Thirty two people gathered around the wonderful booth.

Only Shen Qiang still has no improvement. The ordinary cultivator basically heard the words of the Kunlun Sword Sect cultivator and turned away.

Only a handful of people will still walk over and look at Shen Qiang’s showcase. After all, the 7 brilliant star beads and the foggy orchid are very beautiful when paired together.

However, what came with it was thirty two brilliant hands, a more shameless method.

“Sir, you want to buy medicine pill, come to me, we are the head of Medicine Refining Master 100, Ranked 8th 9th 1 Medicine Refining Master, the quality is guaranteed.”

“Girl, look at medicine pill, come to our side, our family members, but on the top of the Medicine Refining Master 100 list, the Ranked 2nd 9th generation Grandmaster, the quality of medicine pill can not be selected, and the cultivation world has a reputation.”

Seeing the thirty two brilliant hands’ disciples being so excessive, Ye Guyun was anxious and walked to Shen Qiang and said, “I want to bite!”

“No,” Shen Qiang calmly said.

Ye Guyun stared at Shen Qiang for a long time and said, “Shen Qiang, you have changed.”

Shen Qiang raised her eyebrow helplessly, of course, she was saying that now, it is time to use direct hands to run those people away, but Shen Qiang has his own plans.

“Wait, I will solve these problems.”

Ye Guyun is not happy.

At this moment, with the footsteps, someone walked into the booth, Shen Qiang looked sideways, purple eyes were bright, walked over seriously, said with a slight smile: “Sir, what medicine pill do you need.”

“No need.” The man smiled.

In the surprised eyes of purple, Shen Qiang frowns saying: “Ji Liangyuan, I thought that Ji Family will come to the medicine pill conference to be Ji Liangchuan.”

Hearing this, behind Ji Liangyuan, the big face of Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master was revealed, said with a sneer: “tsk tsk, disappointed, you think Ji Family sent Ji Liangchuan, he can help you out. Now, place an order, hit my face? Then you think too much.”

Shen Qiang frowned.

At this time, Ji Liangyuan smiled and said: “Shen Qiang, our previous grudges have passed, but I know your relationship with my old 7 in the family, so before I came, I said to my father, the old 7 It’s too impulsive, too fancy to friendship, and may make a wrong judgment, so the original decision was that he came, but it was me.”

“You know, I like Jing Xiangwei, she was my fiancee, you took her away, not only that, but you also hit me, I don’t hate you, I don’t hate her, I am a very sensible person , So I specially inform you that Longchang will not place an order with you, at least temporarily.”

“Won’t you be surprised? Never desperate?” A cultivator who followed him laughed at Hehe, and looked at Shen Qiang with a wry face. “Do you know how powerful our Sect Master is?”

Shen Qiang laughed: “Yes, your original idea Ji Jiliang, after such a long time, finally stabbed me with a knife, but no matter how many knives you stabbed with me are useless, Jing Xiangwei is in Heshenghe instead of Longchang. “

Ji Liangyuan looked ugly.

At this moment, Shen Qiang saw at a glance, a fatty who was wearing a delicate shirt and a suit and was out of the ordinary. He walked to the door and looked at the 7 brilliant stars with surprise.

At the same time, Shen Qiang and everyone were more surprised.

The bald big sea monster king, holding his hand, walked in unintentionally, glanced at Ji Liangyuan, coldly said: “Shen Qiang, you have fallen, there is nothing to talk about with the villain hit a person when he’s down, this Wait for the ants to be cut with a knife.”

Hearing this, there are many cultivators around, expressions all is awe, after all, the big sea monster Wang Yujiang, although his identity has been exposed, but dare to jump in front of him called subdue monsters and defeat demons, that is none, so Since he appeared in the exhibition hall, many cultivators have followed him intentionally or unintentionally.

At this moment, it is not just the 100 flower palace master Weisheng Zhimei, the honest and honest lord Bai Shiyi, but any cultivator with a little curiosity has his ears peeping.

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