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The moment I saw the red line, the news in the live broadcast room was a tsunami,

“Wait and see? I’m going. This means that these Medicine Refining Masters have all gone to the medicine pill conference. Can we see them as long as we continue to watch the live broadcast?”

“Crazy! Medicine pill conference is thirty two wonderful hands and medicine king valley, so it is not among them, the Medicine Refining Master who really has the ability, never will not go.”

“I want to have an accident!”

In the city that is about 20 kilometers away from Yaowang Valley in a straight line, in the big Conference Hall of the luxurious 4-Star level business hotel, there was a smile of Yu Xinghuo at the corner of the mouth, said with a smile: “I know, cultivator These are smart people.”

Hearing this, a young cultivator nodded with a smile staring at the laptop.

And then, Yu Xinghuo, who was sitting on the main seat, turned his head and looked at the full meeting of Medicine Refining Master in the big meeting, calmly said: “The situation of the live broadcast, everyone has seen it, thirty two wonderful hands united to exclude Shen Qiang’s situation is roughly the same as we predicted before. The only thing that surprised us a little is Kunlun Sword Sect, and Shen Qiang actually has 7 brilliant stars.”

Everyone has nodded.

Yu Xinghuo took a deep breath and continued: “The Circle of Medicine Refining Master in the cultivation field is not big. Yao Wang Gu and thirty two wonderful hands occupy Peak. Their number is less than 20% of Medicine Refining Master, but they occupy In the entire cultivation world, 80% of medicine pill deals.”

“It is undeniable that among them, the overwhelming majority are very difficult to deal with, but there is still a considerable part of playing the yú to make up the numbers.” Yu Xinghuo raised his eyebrows: “We 4 Xiaodanqing is good, you guys It’s no matter if you are in the same industry, with the same medicine pill and the same quality, we are not even qualified to participate in the medicine pill conference.”

“Because here is the world of thirty two wonderful hands, they do not allow us to dye our fingers.” Yu Xinghuo coldly said: “However, the situation is different now, Shen Qiang is there!”

Looking at his many Medicine Refining Masters who were watching intently, Yu Xinghuo said seriously: “He is the only one who is not in the wonderful two, and is not in the medicine king valley, but has participated in the medicine pill conference.”

Slightly smiled, Yu Xinghuo said: “Such a change not only means the medicine king valley, but also wants to change the pattern of medicine pill conference, it is our only chance to turn over.”

With a little embarrassment, Yu Xinghuo said: “As you know, I once fought Dan Qiang with Shen Qiang. The end result was that I kissed his leather shoes, which really made me ashamed, but at the same time, it also made me I understand the difference between Shen Qiang and me.”

“If I am a qualified Medicine Refining Master, then Shen Qiang is the legendary medicine king. If I am a Grandmaster, then Shen Qiang is the god of medicine pill.”

Looking at the people present, Yu Xinghuo said: “So please believe me, as long as Shen Qiang this time can get support, help, and recognition, he definitely has the strength to become the king of medicine pill in the cultivation world!”

“No one can surpass him.” Yu Xinghuo smiled and raised his eyebrows: “Yao Wanggu can’t, so this medicine Wanggu medicine pill conference, maybe we can never participate, but as long as Shen Qiang can get recognition and support, we You can hold another medicine pill conference in Heshenghe.”

Hearing this, everyone’s eyes hesitated slightly and said: “Yu Xinghuo Senior, what you said, we are not unbelievable. However, the contest of Alchemist is not open to words. We can support Shen Qiang and can support him, but he Whether it will be recognized in the end does not depend on us, but his medicine pill.”

Yu Xinghuo laughed and said, “You are right. Whether Shen Qiang will be able to take off in the end, the quality of his medicine pill is the key, but more importantly, those who dare not go to Shen Qiang to buy medicine pill A considerable part of it is that after worrying about angering the thirty two, they cannot buy medicine pill.”

“And the Medicine Refining Master we are here is a total of 331 people. In terms of the number of Medicine Refining Masters, it has exceeded thirty two wonderful hands. If we stand up to support Shen Qiang, then everything will not be the subject.”

“Because by that time, everyone in the cultivation world will know that under the medicine king valley, there are thirty two wonderful hands, and under Shen Qiang, there are 4 Xiao Danqing and more than 300 Medicine Refining Master, I don’t believe that, by then, there are Who dares to despise us.”

Hearing this, everyone’s expressions all lit up.

“Feasible, let Shen Qiang be our Alliance Leader. With his level of refining medicine, he can definitely strive for high and low with Yao Wanggu.”

“Yes, I have read it carefully. Shen Qiang medicine pill is Divine Grade.”

But when everyone was fighting, an old man hesitated, said solemnly: “There is no problem in recognizing Shen Qiang, he is indeed outstanding. In the past, the medicine pill conference did not have our business, even if we are not used to it. Can’t say anything.”

“Now, looking at Shen Qiang is like seeing us back then, so everyone wants to support him, but the problem is, I just want to know, I can’t figure out what the two wonderful Qian Shengs are, what are they eligible to become us Alliance Leader?”

“Because we support him?” The old man raised his eyebrows and stared sharply at Yu Xinghuo said: “Or, because he is more incompetent than us?”

Everyone’s expression was complicated in an instant.

Medicine Refining Master is respected, even if they are not among the two wonderful hands, they are all respected people everywhere in the cultivation field, although 4 Xiao Danqing took the lead and said that they should unite and push Shen Qiang up to end thirty. Two people think that this is the only way out for the monopoly of the wonderful hands, but if Shen Qiang is not capable enough, they want to make them willing, which is obviously unrealistic.

“Elder Song is right. In the current situation, Shen Qiang is a crack in the airtight medicine pill conference. As long as we are united, it is not difficult to pry the medicine pill conference by this opportunity, but if he is not strong, He was elected to come out, and it was not you who Yu Xinghuo lost.”

“Reasonable!” another old man said eloquently: “Tianxingjian, the gentleman keeps on improving himself, the terrain is kun, and the gentleman carries on his virtue! If I wait for an alliance, in order to gain a foothold and be the leader, how can I be helpless? ?”

After hearing their words, Yu Xinghuo smiled: “I understand the thoughts of the two people. Nowadays, 2 Medicine Refining Masters are gathered together, and almost a Medicine Refining Master of the third one in the cultivation field is present, but everyone who feels a bit capable Thinking about being the leader of my own.”

“But forgive me to speak bluntly, if you want to wear its crown, you must bear its weight. The king is not alone, because his intention is what the people want!” Yu Xinghuo said with a smile: “Ability, courage, focus on the cultivation world, no People are opponents of Shen Qiang.”

The two old men looked at each other with some dissatisfaction, and then said in a human way: “We are just afraid that you have looked away, then Shen Qiang is now helpless and can only die, if you still think this is the king, then we There is nothing to say.”

Everyone took it for granted and looked at Yu Xinghuo with a solution.

But at this time, sitting close to Yu Xinghuo, Ji Liangchuan coldly said: “Since this, what else is there to say, just wait and see. The Shen Qiang I know, will definitely not be in In this case, we will surrender.”

Looking at the many Medicine Refining Masters staring at him, Ji Liangchuan smiled and proudly said: “Not only that, please believe me, he will use his way to let everyone know and provoke his end.”

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