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“Are you going to fight?” Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master’s eyes were fiercely staring at Shen Qiang. At the same time, many cultivators who had come to visit the medicine pill conference had been terrified.

Previously, it was only a slow, quiet retreat, now it is simply, and the people are gone.

“Longevity is a super powerhouse in the Daogu period. Hesheng Heda and Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master, they fight with Divine Immortal, don’t let us suffer.”

“Brother Qiang is mighty! But…I’ll run quickly. My strength is involved in their battle. That’s why I die when I wipe the edges!”

“Slip it, slip it! If you don’t slip again, they will be regarded as the other person, then it will be dead.”

At the same time that many cultivators were scattered, the purple, Ke Bizhu, and Ye Guyun in the booth had also come out. With the big swordsman and Ji Wei, their eyes stood coldly behind Shen Qiang.

“Winning less with less is not impossible. It takes another ten or five seconds. My Bacillus anthracis takes effect, and then immediately kills them.” Shen Qiang thought coldly.

Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master thought very calmly, “This is the territory of Yaowang Valley. Once you do it, it takes only about 5 seconds to kill Shen Qiang. Otherwise, Yaowang Valley will definitely intervene, so if you don’t move, you will move. It’s going to be a hit!”

But on both sides with swords drawn and bows bent, like a packed gunpowder barrel, it is possible to burst at any time.

Shen Qiang’s phone rang.

As soon as he heard the ringtone, Shen Qiang knew that it was Bian Yi.

Looking at Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master coldly, opening True Yuan Formation, so as not to hear the content of the conversation, Shen Qiang was answered by True Yuan.

“Oh! My dear Boss! You are so handsome when you get angry.” Bian Yi’s laughter was full of whimpers. ,

Shen Qiang coldly said: “It’s okay I hung up.”

“Wait, wait!” Bian Yi staring at the live computer screen in the office of the president of Heshenghe Group, straightened up and said: “I called, there are important things to remind you, I just saw Qingyun Sword yesterday Third Elder of Pavilion.”

“You know, after the last incident, the Pavilion Lord of Qingyun Sword Pavilion has abdicated, and the new Pavilion Lord has not been produced, so the things of Qingyun Sword Pavilion are basically the ones that Third Elder is in charge. He thinks that Qingyun Sword Pavilion and Qingyun Jiantang is very interested in the merger.”

“So if, if you can get a big order at the medicine pill this time and prove the financial strength and potential, then we can take the initiative in the matter of the merger.”

“After all, Kang Luoying is in Heshenghe, and Qingyunjian is also in Heshenghe, but if you go to the medicine pill conference this time, you get nothing, you fight, and you lose the soldiers, then even if this thing can be achieved, it is just that we arched Qingyun Jiantang Send it back to others.”

“You must understand that it is not just Qingyun Sword Pavilion and we can’t afford it, we and they can’t afford it either, don’t forget, those of you, under the monster who died in battle, what we should do now It’s not like being a shitman, seeing who fights with whom, but taking advantage of these bastards in the cultivation world, I haven’t realized how powerful time we will have to expand and develop rapidly.”

“So, don’t fight! You have to understand that you are making money, you are showing your talents in medicine, you need a lot of orders, sufficient financial resources to help Heshenghe go further, and then, with a strong Backing us, we can knock on their protection sect treasure.”


The phone hung up, and Bian Yi was anxious: “Hey, hey! Shen Qiang, you bastard!”

Just as Bian Yi shouted.

There was a hearty voice from the owner of Yaowanggu in the pavilion: “I have long heard that Kunlun Sword Sect and Hesheng are in sympathy with each other. See you today. Sure enough, everyone is a part of the cultivation industry. There is nothing to sit down and talk about. Let’s go and go to my study. I’m so good with Lingyun Baihao, don’t you just make a pot?”

Hearing this, Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master’s tense expression immediately relaxed, because he knew that Yaowanggu was not an idle sect, there was Yaowanggu here, if he forcibly shot, it would be a taboo .

So he laughed this and said, “Ling Yunbaihao, I naturally want to drink it, but this is once every three years. If you don’t look around, isn’t it white.”

I heard this.

The Master of Medicine Wang Gu looked at Shen Qiang and said, “What about Mr. Shen?”

With a slight sigh, Shen Qiang has quietly dispersed Bacillus anthracis.

“The owner of the valley has the best intentions and the event is rare. It is the only thing I should do to introduce fellow Shenghe medicine pill to my colleagues.”

Seeing that both of them gave him the face of the landlord, the Lord of the Medicine King Valley nodded with satisfaction, and then said: “It would be better to change to the night, then, if the two are free, come and drink tea.” I

Say that’s all, turn around.

The smile on the face of Master Yaowanggu not only disappeared in an instant, but also glanced coldly at the direction of Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master with the afterglow of the corner of the eye.

Seeing this situation, the many cultivators who were scared away before, finally let down their hearts.

“It’s dangerous, I’m sweating. If these powerhouses in the fruity season are shot, I’m afraid I won’t be able to run!”

“True terrifying, I have always been jealous of Shen Qiang’s good luck, an anonymous poor fellow, transformed into a big brother in the arrogant cultivation world, dreaming about it, if it is me, it will be OK, but depending on the situation now If you don’t have the guts to break through the sky, this guy can’t do it alone! Just now, my heart almost stopped beating.”

“Sure enough, the boss is not good. If you really fight, this medicine pill conference will not be opened.”

And just when everyone thought that this thing had passed.

I was shocked to see that Dao Child, who was following Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master, took a chair from the Heaven and Earth Bag and placed it next to the Shen Qiang booth.

Subsequently, Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master, sitting proudly on the chair, not only tilted 2 Lang legs, the little Dao Child on the side, but also handed him a thermos.

Kunlun Sect Master who took over the thermos, a said with a smile: “Shen Qiang, before you said that Heshenghe has blacklisted Kunlun Sword Sect. Without your nodded, you can not sell us medicine pill, so good, Now I announce that Heshenghe has also been blacklisted by me personally, and everyone who places an order at Heshenghe will be my enemy.”

In an instant, everyone present was stunned.

At this time, many small Sect cultivators who have been following the Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master to see this situation, how could miss this great opportunity to shoot flattery.

“Yes, those who placed orders in Hesheng are also enemies of our Liuyuan Jianzong!”

“Lu Bei Han Family is also here!”

“Jing Jiezong will not let him go!”

Seeing so many Sect statements, I was just about to confirm the order and wanted to buy some qiju cultivator. My hands shivered and I wrote off. Then he looked at the sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu with embarrassment and said nervously: “Sorry, I just remembered that I still have something to do.”

Saying that’s all, he didn’t dare to look at Shen Qiang, he didn’t dare to raise his head, and slipped along the root of the wall beside the booth.

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