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Hearing this, many of the Medicine Refining Master present, the expressions all light up.

“The leader said it makes sense. If we stop people, then if no one passes, what will happen even if Shen Qiang medicine pill?”

“good idea.”

“Feasible, as long as it is dragged to the end of the exhibition, Shen Qiang is powerless. Even if he can’t let him take a piece of cake, if only sell a few 10000000, then Shen Qiang is a joke.”

Seeing that everyone agreed, Pan Zheng smiled and said: “Since everyone agrees, then do it, hurry up.” Pan Zheng, who looked at the watch, said seriously: “After ten minutes, the museum will open. , Remember, hold people, even if they don’t place an order, they have to haunt them, and don’t give them the opportunity to get close to Shen Qiang.”

“Understood!” Many Medicine Refining Masters rubbed their hands.

“It’s time to let Shen Qiang know that we are great.”

“Come on, try to break Shen Qiang into a piecemeal, and as soon as the transaction amount comes out, if he is at the bottom, needless to say, the cultivation community knows that he is not equal to me.”

Many Medicine Refining Masters began to organize the booth excitedly.

At this time, in the study room behind the conference hall, the monitoring screen passed back through the computer screen. After seeing Pan Zheng waving, many Medicine Refining Masters were like stimulants, walking busy with wind and sitting on the chair The master of the medicine king, turned around, with a smile on his lips, said: “This Pan Zheng, it seems that he is still not giving up.”

Third Elder laughed aside: “thirty two wonderful hands, representing the first-class refining level in cultivation, normally arrogant and domineering, proud and arrogant, I originally thought that after he bought Shen Qiang medicine pill, there would be some convergence, but now It seems that he is in Final Struggle.”

The master of the medicine king valley laughed and said: “Shen Qiang medicine pill, on quality, focus on the cultivation field is undoubtedly the first, otherwise, Peak 1 people, some people have come forward to teach Shen Qiang, the only problem now is, Shen Qiang What can I get from this medicine pill conference.”

“I think that even if his medicine pill can’t be mass-produced, he can at least squeeze into the top 8.” Third Elder said.

Master Yaogugu laughed and said seriously: “Yu Rou, the foolish child, went to Wufeng to collect flowers and send Shen Qiang early in the morning. I feel that she is already determined and wants to be with Shen Qiang, so she came to you for ten. At booth 3, I agreed without thinking.”

“Because it happened to be killing two birds with one stone, on the one hand, she pulled Shen Qiang, on the other hand, she also gave Pan Zheng a warning, but this prince is filial…”

Looking at the frowned Medicine King Gu, Third Elder laughed, he said in courtesy: “People have no flaws to make, Zongzi Xiao is different from Zongzi Jin, Zijin has many lies, and he loves face in particular. He can ignore everything for his face. , Dark enough, good at playing rogue.”

“When he found out that Shen Qiang got the best booth, some thoughts and actions were actually normal. After seeing the flowers of Eldest Young Lady, he also tried to make up, so I don’t think it’s necessary for the sect master to embarrass him, after all, he This means that he is not clear, that is what the owner of the valley meant.”

The Master of Medicine King Valley was silent for a moment, sighed, and said: “Yes, if this Zong Zixiao has no idea and no action for Shen Qiang, it would be too humane, so rest assured, I won’t blame it. he.”

“The sect master is wise and open-minded.”

“You don’t need to shoot flattery.” The owner of Yaowanggu Valley laughed, and then looked tightly frowns at the monitoring screen uploaded by the monitor, said solemnly: “This Pan Zheng, until now, gives me the feeling that it is a guy with a strong desire to control , When Shen Qiang came, he also wanted to give him a warning. Don’t think that Yao Wanggu can’t take him.”

“But now, this Pan Zheng is really too vigilant. If Shen Qiang wants to rise from under his eyelids, the difficulty is really not that great.”

Third Elder hearing this is also a frowns saying: “This cultivation pill medicine pill transaction, in addition to our medicine Wang Gu Aoli Peak controlling 30%, the other 50% is done through thirty two masters.”

“That is to say, we have mastered 80% of the medicine pill transactions in the cultivation field with them, and the remaining 20% ​​is 4 Xiaodanqing, the market with other Medicine Refining Masters.”

“But last year and now, the gathering of Shen Qiang has formed a near monopoly, so this Pan Zheng will never allow Shen Qiang to rise at this medicine pill conference, he will do everything he can Press Shen Qiang in any way, so I think you should pull Shen Qiang again.”

Master Gu Wang smiled: “Because Qin Yurou?”

Third Elder nodded and said: “Yes, Eldest Young Lady is your only pearl in the palm. Now that she has a good view of Shen Qiang, then you…”

“2 is going on.” Yao Wanggu coldly said: “Qin Yurou is an adult. Her choice, I support, but I will not sacrifice the benefits of Yao Wanggu for her. As for Shen Qiang, if he is capable Man, he will naturally find a way to solve the current problem. If he has no ability to solve it, it can only show that Yurou’s eyesight is not good, and Shen Qiang is incompetent.”

Third Elder hesitated and said: “Valley…”

“You don’t need to talk any more!” Lord Gu Wanggu said seriously: “I am not a nanny. I can’t accompany Yurou all my life. Everyone, when facing life and making choices, must think of the consequences. Yurou chooses Shen Qiang , Whether it is high position and great wealth, or poverty, she is responsible for her choice.”

“Shen Qiang gave up staying in the provincial capital and made troubles, and came to the medicine pill conference, so naturally he had to be prepared to face his competitors. If he can, he has this ability, then he will fly into the sky, he can’t. If they can’t be fucked up, they’re bullied, and then they have a way to go, and if they don’t, they will endure. As for tears, that’s the most useless thing in the cultivation field.”

Hearing this, Third Elder hesitated, hesitantly said: “Sect master, what you said is reasonable, but Shen Qiang is not facing a certain of the two wonderful hands, but the leader Pan Zheng, which is for the current Shen Qiang is too reluctant.”

Master Yaowang Gu laughed: “You mean, remove thirty of two wonderful hands, find someone who is about the same age as Shen Qiang, and let them have a medicine pill meeting? Who will come?”

Third Elder was silent, and after a moment of hesitation, Third Elder said: “The meaning of sect master is I understand. Real men should really rely on themselves, but at this time medicine pill, Shen Qiang really has four faces, not just thirty two. Pan Zhengrong, the leader of China, cannot afford him. More importantly, I have heard some gossip which is not very friendly.”

Frowns saying: “Said.”

“Kunlun Sword Sect Sect Master not only came with powerhouse, but also seemed to have contacted some Sect, looking for the trouble of Shen Qiang, you see…”

The Master of Medicine King Gu smiled and said with cold eyes: “It is necessary to take advantage of it early. The cultivation industry has always been weak are prey to the strong. If Shen Qiang cannot see through this, he will count on others to help him when he goes there. It’s not a big weapon, so whether it’s Pan Zheng or Kunlun Sword Sect, we don’t care, let Shen Qiang solve the problem himself.”

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