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At the same time when thirty Medicine Refining Master with many wonderful hands was hit by Shen Qiang’s unintentional move, the pretty girl Abi was holding the beautifully foggy orchid and stood smiling in front of Shen Qiang: “Now, this Qin Yu asked me to hand it to you.”

Shen Qiang smiled and looked at the foggy orchid of Indigo blue with a bright eyes: “It’s so beautiful.” Then he looked at Abi and raised his eyebrows: “Like you.”

Abi smiled and elated and said, “Although I know it’s a lie, I’m still very happy. In addition, you should cherish this flower, but this is the Young Master who went to Wufeng to pick it for you. She said that this Putting it on your display case will help you solicit business.”

Shen Qiang looked at the flower in his hand, laughed, as a man, Shen Qiang didn’t like holding flowers everywhere, but Qin Yurou’s thoughts moved Shen Qiang a little, because in fact, this foggy orchid It is an exotic plant in itself, which can be used in Dan, it is very rare, so it must be attractive to Medicine Refining Master.

“For you, the Young Master has exhausted her thoughts, and she rarely asks for people, but this time, he specifically looked for Third Elder, coax and pester for a long time, and finally, Third Elder agreed to give you the best booth. Abi Jiao smiled and gave Shen Qiang the list of booth allocations: “The best location is No. 3 and the Young Master said that with these two, you can definitely sell many medicine pills.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Thank you, what about her? Will you go today?”

Abi shook her head and frowned: “When she went to the banquet hall to see you, she was discovered by the sect master. The sect master said that unless you squeeze the medicine pill into the top 8, you will not let the Young Master see you.”

Shen Qiang smiled: “Don’t you sect master know that I am here to win the championship?”

Abi smiled and bent his eyes: “Young Master also wants to win the championship, but it seems that he has not been successful.

Shen Qiang smiled: “What about you, do you want to accompany me?”

“No, it would be laughed by the same sect.” Abi glanced at the four places neatly, seeing no one around, and said scornfully: “Shen Qiang, I miss you, I’ve decided, if you have medicine pill If the conference loses, I will sneak to find you.”

Shen Qiang smiled and bent her eyes and said, “With the flowers from you and Yurou, and the best booth, how could I lose? Rest assured, I won the first prize at this medicine pill conference, not just It’s a medicine pill evaluation, and I’m going to be the first in terms of order quantity.”

“If someone said that I would not believe it.” Abi said delicately with a smile: “But what you say, I will believe it. Come on, I and the Young Master are looking forward to you, so that all Medicine Refining Masters Face your presence!”

“Relax, I will never let you down.” Shen Qiang said with a smile.


Nodded vigorously, and then watched as those Medicine Refining Master had already walked to the exhibition hall, Abi exquisitely stretched out his white and slender little fingers, elated and said, “Then we pull the hook, you must win.”

Shen Qiang smiled and hooked her finger and said, “Relax, I will say it.”

Abi, who tickled her finger, smiled charmingly: “Then I’m gone, come on!”

Saying that’s all, she flashed and left from the side.

It wasn’t until her pretty tall figure disappeared that Shen Qiang smiled and put the misty orchid into the storage ring, and then ordered Ji Wei aside: “Let’s go, go to the exhibition hall.”

After 5 minutes.

This side of the exhibition hall.

“You are too much, this gives us such a corner?” Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu chased Zongzi filial piety: “There is a dead corner, you can not even see the booth there from the outside, it is simply a natural warehouse, you We have to change places.”

Hearing this, Zongzi Xiao raised an eyebrow and said, “Ke Young Lady, don’t embarrass me. This is all public affairs. There are so many booths. Some people have good positions, some people have bad positions. This is no way. Everyone wants a good position, but only one good position.”

“You are targeting us at Heshenghe.” Ke Bizhu said: “Otherwise there is no reason why we will be the worst place for the first time.”

Zong Zixiao smiled and said: “Every newcomer will think so. If you are not satisfied, you can actually quit.”

“Is this your lord of the valley confessing your words?” Shen Qiang coldly said just now.

Zong Zi Xiao raised his eyebrows, turned around, looked at Shen Qiang, his eyes secretly complacent, and said happily: “It is just my personal suggestion. In addition, Mr. Shen, please allow me to introduce myself to you. My name is Zong Zijin. , The club manager, Zong Zijin is my close younger brother.”

The moment she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled: “So you are targeting me?”

Zong Zixiao shook his head with a smile: “Mr. Shen, please believe me, the target does not exist.”

“How many are our booths?” Shen Qiang frowned.

Ke Bizhu Road: “No. 29.”

When she heard this, Shen Qiang smiled, took out the distribution sheet that Abi gave to her booth, and handed him: “You made a mistake, ours is number 3”.

For a moment, Zong Zixiao’s smile froze. After hesitating for a while, he took the list with a sullen face, deliberately pretended not to have read it, and then folded it together, looking at Shen Qiang with a smile. And then tore the list.

While tearing the list, he said: “The booth arrangement has a strict process, and it can be decided not by a piece of printing paper. In addition, Mr. Shen, I want to know, have you graduated from kindergarten? Looking at your expression, I think You’re about to cry. If you’re going to complain to Aunt, please.”

“You!” Sleeping Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu was anxious.

At this moment, Shen Qiang pulled her behind, and then stepped forward, standing in front of Zong Zixiao, his eyes coldly said: “I am very happy to ridicule? Or, it is cool to defy the superior order? “

Zong Zixiao smiled: “If it doesn’t exist, I will act according to the rules.”

Shen Qiang smiled and looked into his eyes: “Do you know that your ingenuity will cause you a lot of trouble.”

Zongzi Xiao raised an eyebrow: “I don’t think so.”

Saying that’s all, seeing frowns and nobody paying attention, Zong Zixiao stared at Shen Qiang’s eyes, coldly said: “The trouble is you, that’s a garbage booth, there wouldn’t be who would go there, if you talk nonsense again, that The corners may not even have electricity, tsk tsk, dark corners, I’m afraid you can’t pull an order, so Mr. Shen, you’d better show enough respect to me.”

Shen Qiang laughed for a moment in silence: “Are you sure our booth is No. 29, not No. 3?”

“Yes, I’m pretty sure.” Zongzi’s expression of filial piety is indifferent. Even if it’s not, how can you bear me?

Shen Qiang smiled: “Very good, then No. 29.” She turned her head and smiled at the surprised Fire Lotus demon Ke Bizhu. Shen Qiang said, “Go and prepare.”

Hearing this, despite being very unhappy, Ke Bizhu had no choice but to do so.

“That’s right, Mr. Shen was so sensible, why so much nonsense.” Zong Zixiao raised an eyebrow with a sneer.

Shen Qiang also smiled, his wrists flicked, and took the vase with Wu Jinglan in his hand.

In an instant, Zongzi Xiaoyi looked at the glamorous misty orchid, and his face was instantly pale, because he knew that there were no more than 3 people who were qualified to pick this flower in the entire Yaowang Valley.

So in an instant, he wanted to change his tongue.

But at this moment, Shen Qiang blinked at him, and then said with a smile: “You’re in trouble, and neither the man who collected flowers nor me seems to be forgiving you.”

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